My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 103: Fengji loses everything and seeks everything!

The ability to connect the sea to the mountain

At first glance, this ability may seem insignificant, but if you think about it, you will find that this power is extraordinary in any way.

The so-called sea and mountains are simply the names of two different places.

Therefore, in a sense, this is a mobile ability to randomly connect two different locations.

Because it is a movement that only belongs to two different locations, it is completely irrelevant to the obstacles that may exist in these two different locations. Therefore, this kind of movement has a high priority.

If you combine the micro perspective, you can get the true meaning of this ability!

This is a force to observe movement!

Mengyue Fengji with this ability may not be powerful in single combat, but if it is in war, it is definitely a terrible killer.

With her ability, she can completely increase the mobility of her own army countless times.

By that time, her destructive power would be unimaginable.

To put it bluntly, if it were not lured here and trapped with a special enchantment, Mianyue Fengji had already led the core military power of the moon capital and directly wiped out the invading monsters.

Thinking of this, even the lazy Mianyue Fengji can't help but feel a little annoyed on weekdays. If she can be calmer, I'm afraid it won't fall to such a point.

"Sure enough, I'm still too impatient!"

Such words flashed in the brain, and Mianyue Fengji regained her spirit, and her eyes were scorching at the mysterious woman in front of her, and she said:

"Come on, in the name of the princess of the moon, you must definitely break your cage !!!"

"Oh, interesting!"

Hearing the words of Mianyue Fengji, Saya couldn't help but chuckled slightly.

This chuckle is not a ridicule like ridicule or scorn, but a chuckle similar to that of an elder who sees a younger dare to challenge himself.

In Saye's eyes, the moon princess in front of her was very similar to herself.

Because he had devoured Schrödinger's cat and got the essence of the other party, Saya's own existence was ambiguous, between existence and non-existence.

Therefore, Saya also has the ability to observe movement.

Of course, the movement of the two is still a little different, Saya is moving by itself, and Mianyue Fengji in front of him is to connect the location and then move.

But this little difference does not affect Saya's view of the girl in front of him.



Hearing Saya's chuckle, Mianyue Fengji couldn't help but sneer.

The girl can naturally feel the emotion contained in Saye's laughter, but for the extremely proud princess of the moon, this laughter is even more unbearable.

At the moment, the girl opened the folding fan in her hand and swept it out!


As the folding fan swept through, a large amount of air instantly turned into endless elementary particles, sweeping into a dark hurricane and blasting towards Saya.

"Oh, useless!"

Facing Mianyue Fengji's attack, Saya just shook his head and chuckled.

Then the whole black Gothic girl disappeared out of thin air, and at the same time, the girl's figure appeared directly behind Mengyue Fengji. Raised his left hand, and Saya directly pointed to the back of Mianyue Fengji.

However, at this moment-

"It's now!"

Suddenly, Mianyue Fengji made a sip.

The power of the girl's body was poured into the folding fan in her hand, and a strong blaze erupted from her, spreading in all directions.

Under this abrupt wave, Saya couldn't help but stop his movements.

Because at this moment, the originally dark hurricane spread to tens of hundreds of times in an instant, it looks like a dark hurricane dragon!

Afterwards, I saw the hurricane dragon roaring and impacted on the distant spiritual enchantment.


The huge enchantment was violently shaken under the impact.

Then the wind of the hurricane continued to roar, and the vibration of the entire enchantment did not stop, but for a moment, the large enchantment showed a little crack.

"Is this your purpose?"

Seeing this scene, Saya couldn't help but speak softly.


At this time, Mianyue Fengji turned her head and looked at Saya and said firmly, "Because I know very well, if I fight head-on, I have very few chances of defeating you."

"But, as you can see, as long as I leave here, I win!"

"Therefore, even if you face an attack from the front, I will break this enchantment. As long as the enchantment is broken, I will be able to leave here with my ability, even if I am seriously injured.


Hearing the words of Fengyue Mianyue, Saya couldn't help but stunned.

Then there was a helpless smile on the girl's face, and she said softly, "Girl, you are very reasonable, but there is a small problem in it."

"That's why do you think you can withstand a head-on attack from me!"

The voice just fell, and a terrifying sense of crisis appeared directly in Mengyue Fengji's consciousness, and the girl's body subconsciously showed a little rigidity.



The horrible beam of light burst out of Saya's body and instantly flooded the entire enchantment. The invisible mind particles directly wrapped the girl.

At this moment, Mianyue Fengji couldn't help but widen her eyes.

She was horrified to find that all her perceptions were blocked by this mysterious mind particle, and the whole person fell into endless darkness and could not be observed at all.

"how come!"

Only the thoughts flashed in my mind, and the girl knew nothing.

After a moment, the particles of the mind dissipated in the air, leaving only the Saya standing leisurely, and the Mengyue Fengji who fell on the heel of the Saya.


Looking at the comatose girl at his feet, Saya couldn't help but speechless, "The ability is very good, but this combat experience is too little, is it so whimsical"

"But that's fine, it saves me a lot of effort!"

During the talk, Saya stepped up a few steps and directly raised Mianyue Fengji, and then disappeared in place, and after she left, the huge enchantment suddenly disappeared ..

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