My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 104: Yi Ji's action is the first!

"What, my sister was caught !!"

Such a voice suddenly came from the command center of the lunar surface security team located in the northern part of the lunar capital.

I saw the purple-haired Taidao girl sitting here, or the younger sister of the leader of the security team, Mianyue Fengji, Mianyue Yiji, who was excited and said loudly to the guards in front of her.

The majestic power burst out sporadically from the girl's body.

The entire command center suddenly showed a little depression!

"Yes, Master Yi Ji!"

Faced with the excitement of his leader, the guards were calm and calm, as if it was only a small person who was captured, not the princess of the moon.

"According to the investigation by the intelligence department, Master Mianyue Fengji was indeed captured."

Soon after Saya disappeared with Mengyue Fengji, the battlefield of the two was discovered by the capital of the moon.

Through the unrevealed residual atmosphere on the battlefield, the Moon City quickly judged the bad news, that is, the first princess of the Moon City-Mianyue Fengji was defeated and captured.

"I know!"

After being silent for a while, Mianyue Yiji said so, and the girl didn't look surprised at the indifference of the people of the month.

Because this is the people of the moon who have been baptized for countless years after purification and enchantment!

Their feelings have long been indifferent, leaving only a little.

Not to mention that the princess of Mianyue Fengji was arrested this month, even if it was seen at night, the people of these months might not have too many ideas.

"Okay, go ahead!"

Just not surprised, not surprised, looking at the other person's indifferent face, Mianyue Yiji's mood can't get better, and let the other person retreat now.

When the time came, the girl did not forget to add a sentence: "If there is any new news, please tell me."


In the face of the boss's unhappiness, Yue Zhimin's face remained unchanged, and he retreated neatly, which made Mianyue Yiji, who was already unhappy, even more unhappy.

But she didn't say much, but focused her thoughts on her sister.

As there are few emotions in this month's capital, Mianyue Yiji has very few friends. If she is not accompanied by her own sister, she does not know what she will become.

Therefore, the status of Mianyue Fengji in Yi Ji's heart is extremely important and irreplaceable!

The girl must not care about and worry about her sister's current situation

"No! Staying here won't help!"

After thinking for a while, Mianyue Yiji's face changed, and she ignored the situation in the command room, opened the window directly, and the whole person jumped out.

The girl finally decided to go alone to find her sister.

As for the safety of the Moon City at this time, the girl didn't worry about it. Anyway, her teacher Ba Yi Yonglin, the Sage of the Moon, and the last Moon Night saw him.

And when the girl left the command center, in the dark palace in the center of the moon capital:

"Sure enough, the girl Yi Ji really set off!"

I saw a luminous group shimmering in the soft blue light and said, "Sisters are very affectionate, Yong Lin really did a lot of things."

"Well, don't say that!"

The answer to the soft light group was a flowing blue light group. "If it weren't that Ba Yi taught such a sister, where would we come from?"

"That **** invader must find out the other party!"

The yellowish light group said with unwavering, even hateful words, "Our moon capital, absolutely not allowed those small insects on the ground to get their fingers dirty."

"All right!"

At this moment, the cold voice echoed in the dark hall, but it was the moon night who had been sitting high above the sky, sitting and watching the words of the sages, finally opened his mouth:

"Before Feng Ji ’s disappearance was our mistake, it is helpless now to use Yi Ji as a bait, because fate shows that Yi Ji will have an intersection with the secret enemy, but she must not let Yi Ji fall into the enemy, after all, she But it ’s a very important piece, so "

"give it to me!"

The words I saw on the moon night had not been finished, and a fiery red light group underneath said, the words were full of tyranny, and the burning breath reverberated:

"Let me burn the invader completely!"

As soon as the words fell, the fiery red light group turned into a streamer and disappeared into the hall.


After the fiery red light group left, the atmosphere of the entire hall suddenly became quiet, revealing a little stagnation, but soon, seeing again at night and night:

"Since he is so interested, let it be him, let's talk about this war!"

"Very good!"

"Should be so!"


Mianyue Yiji naturally didn't know what happened in the central hall of the lunar capital.

With only a moment of enthusiasm, after walking out of the command center of the Moon City Security Team alone, the girl with purple hair suddenly discovered that she had no idea where to start.

After all, the disappearance of Mengyue Fengji is so sudden, there is no useful clue at all.

After little thought, the girl had to run to the battlefield where her sister was missing, ready to see if there were any clues.

However, after seeing the extremely damaged street battlefield, the girl suddenly felt a little dazed.

Because she suddenly realized that she did not have that investigative ability!

Although she is a disciple of Bayi Yonglin with her sister, Mianyue Yiji obviously does not have the wisdom of Fengji, and her development direction is pure fighter.

Of course, this is not to say that Mianyue Yiji has a simple mind.

In fact, girls do not lack wisdom, and they can fully absorb the wisdom and theological knowledge taught by Yong Lin in their daily studies, but the wisdom of the girl has a certain emphasis.

In the case where the detective looks for clues, the girl is really not very confident.


In the distress, the girl suddenly heard something, and smashed a rock around her, "I almost forgot, if I can't help it, then let the gods and adults come to help."

Saying so, Mianyue Yiji slowly pulled out the Taidao from her waist.

"In the name of My Mianyue, according to Ji, I will summon your coming here!"

The words of Ling Ling were spoken softly in the mouth, and the girl's face gradually showed a cold expression, and the faint dignity diffused from her body.

"Come on, it ’s both meaning and life !!!"

Along with the final words and spirits, a vague shadow of **** appeared in the void behind the girl, and instantly merged with Mianyue Yiji!

All of a sudden, a spark of wisdom in the eyes of the girl flashed through everything! ..

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