My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 105: Rely on the second with Mad Rabbit!

Endless chaos, thousands of planes, with countless life species!

If these countless species are arranged in a list based on the level of life essence, then the deity family is definitely the leader in the forefront.

The power and influence of gods are difficult to describe correctly in words.

Can only say so

Countless legends of creation and annihilation have explained the power of this group of gods, even in the earth of many Fa-eras, the legends of gods have never disappeared.

Named the existence of the world, the existence of the gods has long been completely imprinted in its own origin!

It is like this world. Although all the gods have fallen under the tide of the times after the changes of the gods in the times, the imprints of the gods have not completely disappeared.

In the place where the root is called, there are the imprints of all the gods of this world that have perished and have not yet perished!

If there is a Lord in this plane, and the Lord of the plane happens to be in a good mood, these imprints can be used to summon those deceased spirits from a long past.

As a disciple of Yongyi Lin, Mianyue Yiji's power is based on this principle.

Of course, Mianyue Yiji is not the lord of the plane. She can't do it at all to call back the disappearing gods, even her ability is just a simple god-dependent technique.

It's just that compared to the witch who called the possession of the gods by faith, Mianyue Yiji called the imprint of the gods!

The body of the princess of the moon is not only able to carry the will of the gods innately, but also acquired the special spiritual practice the day after tomorrow.

There is no need for any normal procedures at all, just simple words and firm will!

Although the process is simple, the strength that Mianyue Yiji can play is even stronger!

It's like now--

After summoning the imprint of Tian Ba's meaning and life, Mianyue Yiji seemed to have truly become the Yamato Wisdom God of the last era, and the spark of wisdom even appeared in the eyes.

At the moment, the girl's ability to think has shown a geometric multiple improvement, and countless information has poured into her mind.

The size of the battlefield in front of me, the traces of various battle destruction, the battlefield intelligence previously known from the report, and the information unique to the girl emerged and gathered. Under the spark of wisdom, the girl ’s eyes seemed to have passed through time and saw the The fight of her elder sister against the enemy.

Reminiscent of the war at the edge of the moon capital at this time, the girl realized that the purpose of the intruder was to weaken the moon capital from the inside, and her sister was the first to bear the brunt of her special ability.

If that is the case, then where will the other party's next destination be?

The thought flashed through my mind, and the girl's pupils shrank.

"not good!"

The Capital of the Moon said it was big but not small.

The rise of space technology makes this not-so-large city look bigger than it looks.

Especially in the south of the city, there is an icy Mediterranean Sea. The icy sea water without any breath of life wafts a little icy ripples from time to time.

At this time, the figure of Nagato appeared on the edge of this Mediterranean!

"According to Hui Ye's information, this is it!"

Looking at the sea, the red-haired boy can see a small island from afar. There seem to be many bamboo forests and buildings on the island. Obviously, there is the destination of the long gate.

This Mediterranean Sea is called the Sea of ​​Sage, which was created by Yonglin, the brain of the moon, with his own privileges.

And the building on the distant island is the laboratory of Bayi Yonglin!

Although there is its own temple in the Moon City, there are many experiments of Bayi Yonglin which are inconvenient to experiment in their own temple and can only be placed here.

If there is something hard to see in Bayi Yonglin, I am afraid it will be hidden there.

What Nagato wants, from the inside to disintegrate the boundary of the moon, is likely to get clues there, because Bayi Yonglin is a smart to extreme existence.

And the smarter people, the more they will leave behind for themselves anytime, anywhere.

Nagato can't believe that living under this month's enchantment, Bayi Yonglin will not study this enchantment and leave a backdoor or two in the enchantment.

Of course, in fact, Nagato is not without other options, such as facing the moonlit night.

In that case, there is no such thing as monsters, which is too boring.

"So, let's go!"

He said softly in his mouth that the long door's volley stepped forward at a fast speed of 100 meters. Within a moment, the red-haired boy came to an island in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea.

Shown in front of the long gate are bamboo forests scattered throughout the center of the island and buildings in the center of the bamboo forest.

Such a situation makes Nagato look very similar to his lost bamboo forest!


He whispered to himself, the red-haired boy was about to fall directly into the center of the bamboo forest from the sky.

But at this moment, invisible waves burst out from the buildings in the middle of the bamboo forest, instantly swept across the body of the long gate, and echoed across the island.


The red-haired boy subconsciously tweeted, his purple eyes narrowed slightly.

Because at the moment, half of the bamboo was gone in the vision of the red-haired boy, not just the bamboo forest, but even the islands and the entire Mediterranean.

Instead, the dark sky, the dry earth, and the hot magma!

The unpleasant odor of sulfur filled the surrounding air

It's just like real hell.


Looking at the scenery in front of him with interest, the red-haired teenager said with a little memory, "I have forgotten, how many years have no one dared to use illusion against me."

Speaking of which, Nagato closed his eyes and felt a little before he said, "Interesting, is it a fantasy created by changing the fluctuations of all things?"

"However, this illusion wants to deceive me, it's 10,000 years in the morning!"

Between words, the right eye of the red-haired boy flashed a deep blue light. In an instant, the surrounding **** dissipated like a picture scroll, and the once bamboo forest appeared again in front of the long gate.

Not only the bamboo forest, but also a moon rabbit coming from the charge in the sight of Nagato.

The rabbit's godless eyes are filled with shocking madness! ..

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