My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 107: Count, God and Dragon!

The purpose of the so-called war is to determine the outcome.

It is absolutely foolish to continue fighting and continually consume each other's vital forces when the two sides fighting each other are of equal strength and no one can defeat them.

The **** and fierce monsters are not afraid of death at all, and the people of Moon who lack personal feelings are also not afraid of death!

But as leaders of the two parties, Bayi Yonglin and Bayun Zi couldn't sit back and watch the army die.


"How about a temporary truce?"

"Just what I want!"

As if talking like a friend, two women who were clever in this plane tacitly issued an order to stop the war. In an instant, the entire battlefield calmed down!

Under the majesty of the two, the monster army and the moon army quietly separated

In the quiet moon sky, Bayi Yonglin stood in the sky, quietly watching the monster sage in the distance, leading a large number of monsters to camp at the end of the field of vision, not speaking.

After a moment, Bayi Yonglin seemed to sense something and raised her eyebrows slightly.

"Has it reached the Sea of ​​Sage?"

He murmured to himself that Bayi Yonglin had sensed the change of the Sage Sea, but her face was completely unchanged. It can even be said that this was the result of Bayi Yonglin's connivance!

Ba Yi Yong Lin knows, maybe other people don't know this story.

However, the leader of the moon, seeing the moon night, definitely knows, because that guy has reached a very amazing point, and there is not much that can hide from him throughout the month!

In other words, Bayi Yonglin at this time is already standing opposite Yuedu.

Of course, she was still the famous moon brain of the moon capital, and was in control of thousands of moon rabbits and moon people before making a decision and seeing it on the moon night.

At this time, the island in the middle of the Sage Sea, Shenwei and Longwei collided.

The coercion of the two supreme creatures on top of thousands of species collided with each other, and the consequences even affected the reality, rolled up a rather violent gust, and ravaged the entire bamboo forest.

As the releaser of Shenwei, Mianyue Yiji's expression at this moment is extremely cautious and cold.

Originally, the girl knew the strength of the intruder. If not, she could catch her sister who was haunted, but she did not expect that the other party was so powerful.

Even without hands, Mianyue Yiji can perceive the endless power contained in the other party.

"It is worthy of being synonymous with power-dragon!"

Opening her lips gently and saying such awe-inspiring words, the killing of Mianyue Yiji is getting deeper and deeper, "but you should not invade the moon capital !!!"

As soon as the words fell, the girl with purple hair directly inserted the sword in her hand directly on the ground!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

In an instant, continuous roaring sounds appeared, and countless blades broke out of the earth, turning the huge battlefield into a bladed hell, completely surrounding the long gate.

This is the power of Mianyue Yiji from God's imprint-the power of Lord Gion, the goddess of seals.

The girl tried to use this power to catch the long door.


"too naive!"

Facing this sudden blade hell, Nagato chuckled slightly. At the same time, the dragon-killing method in the red-haired boy started, and the power of the metal dragon emerged.

The result is that the teenager's body surface has been completely transformed into a metallic texture.

"Keng! Keng! Keng!"

Subsequently, a large number of blades bombarded the body of the red-haired boy, but there was a sound of metal collision, and the blades that could not penetrate the boy's body were broken.

Seeing this scene, the corner of the long door's mouth raised, its meaning is self-evident.


Faced with the silent taunts of Nagato, how could the arrogant Mianyue Yiji endure, and directly inject more power into the earth through the sword in his hand.

In the invisible wave, the blades that came out of the soil have been bombarded towards the long gate.

There seems to be a terror killer condensed between heaven and earth to lock it.


Faced with this terrible killing opportunity, the red-haired boy just whispered softly, the dragon extinguishing method in the body started, and the power of the magic dragon emerged from the hands of the red-haired boy.

"Magic Dragon's Infinite Slash!"

Suddenly waving his hands, the Nagato instantly released thousands of dragon blades in all directions, and collided positively with the attacking blade.

In an instant, roaring sounds followed one after another, and the bombardment wave ran wildly.

After doing all this, the red-haired boy opened his mouth, and with a deep inhalation, massive metallic energy gathered in his mouth!

"Take the trick, the roar of the metal dragon !!!"

The simulated dragon breath spewed out from the mouth of the red-haired young man, and the metallic energy turned into a horrible arrow, directly piercing the surrounding smoke and killing Yimie towards Mianyue.

The speed is fast, the power is fierce, and most of the normal moon people are probably unable to resist.

However, Mianyue Yiji must not be judged by the normal Yuemin!

After the age of the gods, she is the rare divine emissary in this world!

With the ability to control many immortal imprints, the girl is theoretically omnipotent. No matter how dangerous or difficult, she can always find the right divine power to solve it.

Just like now, the girl instantly switches the imprint of God in her body to Jinshan Yanming!


The sublime flame of God burst out of Mianyue Yiji's body, and after colliding with the incoming roaring wave frontally, the ferocious roaring wave seemed to meet the nemesis and directly decomposed into countless metal particles.

Not only that, Mianyue Yiji even gathered these particles and condensed them into a giant blade of more than ten meters to kill!

Under Jinshan Yanming's divine power, the attack of Nagato became part of the other party's help!

This made the face of Nagato's face a little interesting.

At the moment, the red-haired boy is not merciless!


With a sip, the Nagato seemed to exhale the turbid air inside him, and the four-colored dragon shadow appeared in the sky, and the already powerful Longwei increased tens of times in an instant.

The gray blaze burst from the red-haired boy and condensed a dragon with a height of more than 20 meters!

At the next moment, I saw four greasy dragons opening their heads and looking up to the sky!

Four raging dragons breathe out

Suddenly bombarded the giant blade!

"Boom !!!"

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