My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 108: Ping Yi, Su Zhan Ming Zun! First!

Hurricane roar

Thunder Roar

Demon raging

Annihilation of the light

Four distinct dragon breaths bombarded the approaching giant blade at almost the same time, and the four forces of wind, thunder and light merged into a gray dragon breath of time.

In the sudden roar, the giant blade was directly decayed by the power of time!

At the next moment, the gray dragon's breath continues to move forward!

"not good!"

Seeing this scene, Mianyue Yiji's complexion suddenly changed.

With the imprint of the spirit in the body, the girl clearly perceives the horror of the gray dragon breath in front of her, as if everything in heaven and earth will die under its power.

At the moment, the girl directly launched the imprint of the gods in her body, and the power of Jinshan Yanming reappeared!

In an instant, the surrounding earth groaned, and countless iron elements burst from the ground, turning into a continuous barrier, blocking the girl's body.



In the sudden roar, the dragon breath of time directly rotted the barrier.

The defense made by Mianyue Yiji on the spot was only a slight obstruction of the advancement speed of Ha Long Xi, and it turned into the debris of time.

Fortunately, because of losing a lot of metal elements, the ground under the girl's feet suddenly collapsed.

Before the arrival of the Dragon's Breath, she had fallen into the ground!


After losing the target, the last time the dragon breath erupted directly, the gray light shone on the surrounding environment, and the bamboo forest that was originally destroyed by the aftermath of the battle was completely decaying.

Not only bamboo forests, but buildings not far away are showing signs of aging.

"Ah, some have gone too far!"

At this time, the red-haired boy standing inside the four dragons couldn't help but see a bit speechless. "It seems to pay attention to it, can you directly destroy the building."

As soon as the words fell, Nagato's eyes turned to the collapsed ground not far away.

And at this moment, the figure of Mianyue Yiji just broke out.


Standing on the ground again, the princess Moon, who looked a little embarrassed in appearance, coughed a few times, and the afterglow of the corners of her eyes swept all around, unable to bear the horrified look.

The girl could not imagine what would happen if she did not escape the dragon breath.

Therefore, her gaze to Nagato suddenly seemed extremely sinister!

"Invader, I must admit that you are really strong!"

Soon, the shock in his heart was suppressed, and Mianyue Yiji slowly raised her Taiji, "But, I will never lose, take the trick!"

As soon as the words fell, the supernatural power of the girl rose to a limit in an instant.

The strength of a girl who fights with the ability of a **** depends on the imprint of the spirit in her body to a great extent. None of the imprints of the gods summoned by the girl before are any powerful gods.

However, after understanding the power of the enemy, Mianyue Yiji is no longer ready to use the power of these little gods. The girl has decided to summon the strongest imprint of the gods she can summon!


Seeing the performance of Mianyue Yiji, the corner of Nagato's mouth slightly curled up, "But I don't want to continue playing anymore, after all, my goal has not been completed yet."

As soon as the words fell, the four dragons that shrouded the red-haired teenagers all looked up to the sky.

Along with the raging of Longwei, the four dragon heads stretched out wildly, opening up their fierce mouths one after another, and from different trajectories, headed towards Mianyue Yiji and killed.

The killing between heaven and earth seems to condense into substance at this moment, making the girl feel heartfelt!

But in the face of this situation, Mianyue Yiji's face remained unchanged.


Just before the first Thunder Dragon head bite, the girl quickly jumped back fiercely, causing the too fast Thunder Dragon head to collide with the ground.

"The land of Izumo, the country of reeds!"

In the process of jumping, the girl said softly in the mouth, mysterious power emerged from the void, and the sword directly attached to the girl's hands made it more sacred and noble.

"Although it is just the power of Yiyi, the sword in my hand at this time already has the power of one of the three great artifacts of the original Dahe God Race, Tiancong Yunjian!"

"It's a perfect match to fight the evil dragon with the power of the sky from Yunjian!"

In a few words, the girl waved the sword in her hand and directly chopped off a sword with a length of several meters. She bombarded fiercely on the head of the storm dragon who came after it.


The vast sword gas and the storm dragon head blasted violently.

The violent hurricane swept across the island in an instant, and Mianyue was headed by Ji Ji and flew straight out, but in this shock wave, the head of the magic dragon and the head of the Holy Dragon were not affected.

Rotating alternately with each other, the black and white dragon head seems to be turned into a drill bit and penetrated the hurricane!

In just a moment, the black and white dragon head caught up with Mianyue Yiji.

But the girl's face did not panic.


"I, Mianyue Yiji, beg here!"

"Great gods who have passed away in a long time, please listen to my call and come across the river of time, the supreme destructive **** of the Yamato Divine System-Lord Suzhan Mingzun!"

"I will exercise the power of adults here and show the great shore of the gods to the world again!"

Along with the call of the purple-haired girl, the supernatural imagination burst out of the void, and a ghost image up to about 30 meters appeared directly behind Mianyue Yiji.

The surging divine power permeated the girl's whole body, and huge experience and knowledge emerged in her mind.

"Roar! Roar !!!"

Faced with the changes in the girl, how did the black and white dragon head holding the will of the Nagato shrink back, and now roared and rushed up at a faster rate.


Faced with such a situation, the girl finally couldn't help but snorted, and the power in her body turned into a terrifying arrogance, condensing the phantom that manifested behind him into a solid.

Subsequently, Mianyue Yiji dumped directly back and directly integrated into the body of the giant!

"Go die to me, evil dragon !!!"

At the next moment, the giant raised up a giant blade nearly twenty meters high without any hesitation, and beheaded directly towards the black and white dragon head that had been hit.

Almost instantaneously, the horror sword spirit up to hundreds of meters directly bloomed!

"Boom !!!"

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