My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 109: Four dragons rounded up the first!

Sword Qi vertical and horizontal, Long Yin Jiu Xiao!

The earth-shattering sword energy collided head-on with the dragon head intertwined with the holy demon, and a sudden roar reverberated across the island or even the entire sage sea.

In the palace in the center of the moon capital, the moon sages all sensed this fluctuation.

At the moment, these high-ranking guys started talking about it.

"Really familiar power!"

Among them, the soft light group said with emotion, "It seems that the intruder is very strong, and the girl Yi Ji actually used the power of the adult."

"Indeed, one can't help but think back to the old days."

The elegant light group also echoed with emotion when hearing the words of their companions.

"In the past, it's unrecoverable. Don't mention it anymore. That adult no matter how strong he is, he is the only one who survives. In other words, shall we help?"

The calm light group did not have such emotions, but showed a touch of arrogance.

"Don't, that grumpy guy won't like us to intervene."

"Oh, that's true, but don't worry about it. In the capital of the moon, our power is invincible, even for the gods of the last era."

"Yes, that's right!"

On the throne of the dark palace, seeing the wise men quietly on the night of the moon, he did not speak.

It was just that the sages present did not find out that there was a slightly untraceable arc in the mouth of this month ’s leader, as if mocking something.

Especially when he heard the sages claiming to be invincible, the meaning of sarcasm became more obvious.

After a while, the waves on the Sage's Sea gradually subsided.

On the island in the middle of the Sage Sea, the tall and sacred **** giant and the fierce and fierce four dragons are facing each other, and the divine power and the dragon power are intertwined with madness.

The huge island has long been transformed into a battlefield, and it was destroyed to the fullest under the shock of previous battles.

If it were n’t for Nagato that he had noticed that his goal had been subconsciously protected, I am afraid that Yonglin ’s laboratory or something would have completely become a wreckage ruin.

It's just that although it hasn't become a ruin, the condition of the laboratory is still not very good, crumbling.

"It seems that it's really a matter of quick decision."

After glancing at the building behind him, Nagato made such a judgment in his heart that the substantive arrogance expanded again, and the Hurricane Dragon Head and Thunder Dragon Head raised again.

Not only the two dragon heads, but also the black and white dragon heads that had been fighting with Jianqi before.

The surrounding Longwei is rising at an alarming rate.


Feeling all this, Mianyue Yiji hiding in the giant's body frowned.

For the scene in front of her, the girl could not understand why the four dragons transformed by the invader in front of him received their sword spirit unscathed.

You know, the giant transformed by the young girl at this time can be manifested by the power of the legendary Suzhan Mingzun.

In mythology and legend, the strongest destructive **** of the Yamato Divine System has the characteristic of beheading the dragon snake. Logically speaking, the power of this **** is the natural enemy of the dragon snake.

Therefore, under his sword spirit, this four-headed dragon should not be so bad right now! To be honest, if Nagato knew Mianyue Yiji's thoughts, I am afraid that he would laugh involuntarily, and then feel endless comfort and triumph in his laughter.

Since rebirth, Nagato has been extremely cautious on his way forward.

Because of the vigilance of the stories of the villains in the street, the red-haired boy will never leave himself with a weakness, even if it takes a lot of time and energy.

In order to become a Protoss without any weakness, Nagato spent thousands of years.

And this result is: as a protoss, Nagato is a protoss without any weakness; as a deity, Nagato has the characteristics of killing the god; while as a dragon, he has the characteristics of eating dragons.

If you want to deal with the long door with the method of compromising the attributes, you can completely describe it as whimsical.

This is the case with Mianyue Yiji

"Humph, forget it!"

Simply, Mianyue Yiji is not a tangled person. After finding no reason, she will temporarily ignore it. "After all, no matter what, it is time for battle."

Such thoughts flashed in his mind, and Mianyue Yiji urged the giant to raise his giant blade again.

Obviously, the girl intends to confront Nagato once again.


"I'm not going to get entangled!"

Suddenly, the red-haired boy said such a sentence, the next moment, the four dragons collapsed in an instant, no, not so much as disintegration, but rather decomposition.

The four-headed dragon turned into four 100-meter dragons in an instant.


At the moment, the hurricane dragon opened his big mouth, and a violent strong wind erupted directly, and the large island land was directly blown up.

Under such circumstances, the actions of the God Giant were immediately hindered.


Perceiving such a situation, Mianyue Yiji suddenly snorted and madly poured out the power in her body without showing weakness. The giant of Gods was powerfully blessed and offset the hurricane.

Seeing the giant is about to raise the giant blade in his hand to the top of his head


Suddenly, the sound of Long Yin echoed in the ears of Mianyue Yiji, which surprised the girl.

Then the girl was horrified to find that the dark magic dragon rushed directly out of the shadow under the giant's feet. While hitting the giant, he directly bit the giant's right arm.

The strong shock made Mianyue Yiji, who was in the protection area of ​​the giant, feel slightly dizzy.

"not good!"

Forcibly suppressing the feeling of dizziness with her own will, the girl directly drives the giant's left hand in an attempt to blast the dark dragon.

Just when the giant's left hand was just raised, a thunder fell in the sky.

The giant's left hand was directly disintegrated under the thunder.

Seeing this scene, Mianyue Yiji's eyes suddenly widened.

However, it is clear that Nagato's attack is not over. At the next moment, he sees that the pure white holy dragon is descending from the sky and turned into a pure white meteor, slamming down the giant's heart directly!

"Boom !!!"

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