My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 110: The Sage of Fire is the first!

The holy dragon's impact was so strong that it penetrated the giant's body.

The giant transformed by Su Zhanmingzun's power could no longer sustain it, and broke apart directly. Mianyue Yiji was hit hard in a moment and fell down.

Nagato's eyes were fast, and he immediately appeared beside the girl, holding him in his arms.

"It seems that the outcome is set!"

Slowly falling from the sky to the top of the holy faucet turning back to his feet, the red-haired teenager looked at the weak girl in his arms and said ridiculously:

"This time, Her Royal Highness is about to follow your sister's footsteps."


Hearing the words of Nagato, Mianyue Yiji, who had just been relieved, couldn't help but cough. Fortunately, the girl's injury was caused by the shock of the soul, otherwise she might cough up the bleeding directly.

But although there was no coughing up and bleeding, the girl instantly felt dizzy and was about to faint.

It's just his stubbornness that made the girl hold on without coma.


Seeing such a situation as Mianyue Yiji, Nagato couldn't help but shook his head. The right arm of the right hand holding the girl's neck was slightly exerted, sending out a just right strength.

Affected by this shock, the stubborn girl suddenly stiffened, and then passed out.

"It's not time to play with you now."

With that said, the space around the Nagato was rippling. That was no other. It was the private space where the red-haired boy had previously received Bell Immortals.

And just at the moment when Nagato was about to take Mianyue Yiji into his space


Some violent and overbearing sounds came down from the sky, followed by an unspeakable scorching breath, and the surrounding temperature instantly rose by dozens of degrees.

The flame covering the whole sky is like a rainstorm, and it is coming down with amazing power.


Faced with this kind of change, the corner of the mouth of the long door showed a scornful arc.

Obviously, the red-haired boy had expected such a change for a long time. In fact, Nagato was more curious about what kind of mentality the person had before to hide himself.

The violent breath of the other party has long been destined that the other party is not a guy who can hide himself.

Therefore, Nagato was already prepared for the other party's raid.

There is no need for the red-haired boy to make an order. The hurricane dragon and the thunder dragon who have already set up the program immediately rushed into the sky and rushed towards the overwhelming fire.


"Oh !!!"

Coincidentally with each other as the axis, the wind and thunder Ssangyong spun wildly, hurricane roar, thunder roar, the power of the hurricane and the power of the thunder intertwined.

The two forces that belonged to the sky merged instantly, showing a violent explosion.

Almost at the same time, the vast Thunder Tornado appeared in the air.

The next moment, the Thunder Tornado stormed into Skyfire.


The tyrannical roar suddenly exploded, echoing throughout the month. All the presence near the Sage Sea has seen such a surprising phenomenon: the vast sky above the Sage Sea seems to burn up, pressing down towards the earth.

Taking the central island of the sea as the starting point, the Thunder Dragon with a height of 10,000 meters is like a pillar of heaven!

The violent conflict wave will alarm the security system of the entire moon capital. If there is no order from the moon sages, I am afraid that the army of the moon capital is ready to start.

The arrogance of the moon sages is most vividly displayed from this point

"Stupid enough!"

The quiet central area of ​​the Thunder Tornado said softly in the long doorway that always looked at the whole world, and slowly sent the girl in her arms into the ripples of the space.

"But I would also like to thank the idiots for making it a lot easier."

With such words, Nagato took his own steps and walked towards the crumbling laboratory building. The red-haired boy was not ready to waste time.

As if shocked by the action of the long gate, the sea of ​​fire in the sky gave a violent roar

The surging energy fluctuations that ordinary people can feel spread out of the sea of ​​fire.

The entire Thunder Dragon Roll was slightly curved at this moment.

It seemed to be overwhelmed by the vast sea of ​​fire.



With a slight chuckle, Nagato's footsteps didn't stop at all.

Judging from the experience of the red-haired boy, the vast sea of ​​flames is indeed not something that his own Thunder Tornado can handle, but the problem is that it is impossible to destroy the Tornado in an instant.

Based on the current situation, Nagato can completely get what he wants before the Thunder Tornado breaks down.

Time comes completely, you can even take it easy, don't worry!

"What a bold courage !!!"

And at this moment, angered by the action of the Nagato, a thunderous voice came from the sky, "The dirty invader, in the name of the sage of my fire, will definitely not spare you !!!"

Accompanied by the violent voice, the space around the long door actually showed a stagnation.


Stopped, the red-haired boy couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

Originally, for the so-called Moon Sage, Nagato didn't care much. In the eyes of the red-haired boy, these guys were just the escapers of the previous era.

But now it seems that they can be called sages, but they have two looks.

But Nagato is more concerned about another thing:

Why can the so-called Yan Sage in front of him be able to manipulate the space around himself, and according to the long door's understanding, can't this be done only by seeing the moonlight night that controls the enchantment of the moon?

In the end, Nagato can only draw one conclusion, that is, the authority of the Moon Enchantment is partly in the hands of the other party.

"Just like that, it seems interesting!"

The long door that always likes to use the worst malice to figure out others can't help but think of many interesting things, and now the face of the red-haired boy can't help but show a very evil smile.

At this time, the originally condensed space around the Nagato actually showed a distorted trend directly.

"Haha, **** guy, let me die!"

With the thunderous violent sound, the space around the long door twisted up, and endless flames burst out from the cracks in the twisted and broken space and bombarded towards the long door.

The laboratory building of Yongyi Yonglin burned wildly under this flame. ..

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