My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 111: The second trap of Yong Lin ’s trap!

Bayi Yonglin's laboratory building soon collapsed

But this is also normal. Ba Yi Yonglin's laboratory building is not a war fortress made of any precious materials, but just a common building.

Under such a blazing flame, the already destroyed buildings will be destroyed, completely for granted.

Looking at the scene in front of him, the long door under the guard of the holy demon two dragons slightly bowed his head.

Liu Hai hung down, covering the purple eyes of the red-haired boy.

"Hahaha !!!"

At this moment, the sea of ​​fire that was constantly oppressed in the sky echoed with a violent laugh, "Humble intruder, I do n’t know what you want to do in the laboratory."

"However, I have the ability not to let you in, but you are helpless!"

"Haha, this is the end of doing this right !!"

Along with such arrogant words, the vast sea of ​​fire has somehow drawn great power from it, and an unprecedented terror has erupted.

The Thunder Tornado, which could have barely supported its fiery sea, suddenly broke apart under this pressure.

Afterwards, a huge sea of ​​fire descended from the sky. The thunder and hurricane that raged around because the tornado collapsed obviously could not affect the landing of the sea of ​​fire, and was directly crushed.

Almost within a moment, the vast sea of ​​fire fell directly to the island in the middle of the Sea of ​​Sage.


In the deafening roar, the whole island seemed to sink a centimeter or two. The scorching flame instantly ignited the whole island, and a figure of two meters came out of the sea of ​​fire.

This is a fiery red man wearing black trousers and standing barefoot in the sea of ​​fire.

The naked upper body is even more muscular, as if it is an endorsement of strength. What is most novel is that the hair and eyebrows of the big man, and even the eyelashes are burning like flames.

The person who came was not someone else, it was the deity of the so-called Yan Sage!

"Boy, hand over Yiji and Fengji!"

After appearing in the sea of ​​flames, the sage of flame continuously exudes a horrible tyrannical murderous intention, "In this case, I can leave you a whole body!"

Along with the words of the Sage of Flame, the surrounding sea of ​​fire turned up, full of murderous opportunities!


In the words of the Sage of Flame, the red-haired boy with his head down could not help but chuckled, and he laughed directly, and the more he laughed, the louder, the more unhappy.


The murderous Yan Sage couldn't help but be surprised. He didn't know how many battles he had experienced in his life, and he hadn't really encountered the situation before him.

A terrible killing intention broke out in himself, and the other party laughed.

-Could it be that they have lost heart? !

Such thoughts flashed in his mind, and the Sage Yan immediately abandoned it, and then showed a terrible anger: "You guys, really angered this seat !!!"

With the tumult of anger, the sea of ​​flames around the long gate suddenly attacked the red-haired boy.

If it were not for the timely protection of the Sacred Double Dragons, Nagato might be hit.

Under such circumstances, the laughter of Nagato gradually subsided, and ignored the surrounding fire, the red-haired boy looked at the Yan Sage with the disdainful eyes that can be felt by idiots:

"I said, do you guys really know what stupid things you just did?"


Hearing the words of Nagato, Yan Zhiyan frowned.

It is taboo to be disturbed by the enemy's words in battle. The Sage of Yan who has experienced more than a hundred battles naturally understands this truth, and he originally did not intend to ignore it.

It was only at this moment that the sage of Yan Sage showed a sense of crisis that he could not ignore.

At the moment, even if he knew that this was a taboo, he could not ignore the words of Nagato.


"what did I do?"

Such doubts flashed in my mind, but the Sage Yan was a little unclear. Therefore, "not just manipulated his authority in the moon capital, and ruined the island and Yong Lin's laboratory !!!"

Thinking of this, Yan Zhiyan could not help but widen his eyes.

Because he thought of something he had forgotten.

That was a long time ago

At that time, the dusk of the gods was early, and the capital of the moon was not yet born. Seeing the moon night was still in the Yamato God Department as his own supreme god. Bayi Yonglin was just an ordinary human.

Of course, her ordinary human being even has the power to awe the gods.

At that time, the Yan Sage was still a flame **** who had just turned to Yueyuejian. In order to celebrate the joining of the Yan Sage, Yueyuejian held a banquet for the gods.

As a result, some of the gods drank too much and accidentally rejuvenated their strength, destroying Ba Yi Yonglin's room.

Then these guys were counterattacked by the formation set by Yongyi Yonglin and almost lost their lives.

At that time, Bayi Yonglin once said that because of some experiences, she has a strong sense of confidentiality, and her things will be protected by various formations.

Because it was not a personal experience, it turned out too long, and he forgot about it!

"not good!!!"

Speaking of such words in his mouth, Yan Zhixian was ready to evade, but it was clear that he, who did not respond at first, eventually missed the best opportunity to dodge.

"Boom !!!"

The mysterious waves echoed abruptly throughout the fire.

The sea of ​​flames, which had been burning with tremendous momentum, stopped the vigorous momentum under these fluctuations, and then continued to weaken at an even more alarming rate.

The Yan Sage showed a total of forty-nine chains around his body and bound them instantly.


Seeing that it was too late to avoid, Yan Zhixian not only forgot to erupt the power in his body, but also tried to break free from the chains in front of him.


"Boom !!!"

The mysterious wave echoed again, and the outbreak of the Sage of Flame was completely absorbed by the chain.

Not only that, after absorbing the power of the Sage of Flame, these mysterious chains seemed to touch some switches, exuding another wonderful wave.

At the moment, the eyes of the Sage Yan could not help but show a horrified look.

Because his connection with the Moon City was instantly blocked! ..

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