My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 112: The third death of the sage!

For the sages, the existence of the Moon City is extremely important.

The reason why the sages of the moon who used to be gods can survive the era of the era that even the main gods and gods cannot pass through is entirely due to the existence of the moon capital.

In a sense, the lunar capital can be used as a magic weapon to cross robbery.

Seeing the moon night and the moon sages occupy part of the magic weapon's authority.

Fighting the enemy on their own magic weapon, the odds are naturally greatly improved, which is why the moon sages are so confident in the flame sages.

In the long years, the sages have long been accustomed to the existence of the moon capital and rely on the power it brings!

It ’s just that it ’s not too good for everything, and it is not a good thing to rely too much on the moon capital.

Just like now

"how come?!"

After losing contact with the Moon City, Yan Zhixian's face could not help revealing a little panic, "Yinlin Bayi! What the **** did you do!"

Accompanying the sound of panic, Yan Zhiyan constantly struggled in the chain.

I just don't know if it was because of the panic, that his strength had not been fully concentrated, and it seemed to have some meaning of struggle.

"It's really ugly!"

Looking at the scene in front of him, the long door couldn't help secretly pouting.

Obviously, the so-called Sage of Flame has the breath of countless battlefields, and should have a hardened heart, but when faced with difficulties, he was so unbearable.

Thinking of this, Nagato couldn't help feeling the horror of years, and did not secretly wake himself up:

——You must not be corrupted by the years like the other party!

At the same time, the red-haired young man had to sigh the strength of Ba Yi Yong Lin, and was able to create such an amazing trap, trapping the sage with the authority to enchant the moon.

"This is no longer something that ordinary spells can do."

With such words spoken softly in his mouth, Nagato couldn't help but think of Bayi Yonglin.

According to Hui Ye, although as the tip of the original six-pointed star of the moon capital, Bayi Yonglin is different from other guys. She is neither a **** nor has authority to control the enchantment of the moon capital.

The designers of that month's capital completely awe the whole month with their own wisdom.


"Wisdom does not come out of thin air!"

Nagato is very clear that the so-called wisdom requires knowledge accumulation.

So, the question is coming. In the era of the myth of weak flesh and strong food, how did Yonglin, who is not a god, accumulate enough wisdom?

"Damn it !!"

Just as Nagato thought, a sudden roar echoed in his ear.

Looking up, it turned out that the so-called Yan Zhiyan finally returned to normal after the initial panic, and was constantly erupting his own power, trying to break free.

The large chain of nets like Tian Luo Di net, under his power, gradually appeared a little shake.

"Almost forgot, there is still a prey here!"

A smile suddenly appeared at the corner of the mouth, and the right hand of Nagato patted on the left palm, "Just, use you as a compensation for my inability to enter the laboratory."

"you!!" Although the voice of Nagato is not loud, the Sage of Flame is a **** after all.

He was far more than ordinary people's hearing, so he easily caught the words of the long door, and looked up to see the red-haired boy walking towards himself. At this moment, the Yan Sage is not calm.

Obviously, the red-haired intruder in front of him was going to drop himself.

Only at this time, he seemed helpless!


Walking to the Sage of Yan, the long gate said leisurely, "Yes, Sage of Yan, do you really call it a sage, stupidly stupid!"

"You bastard!"

Hearing the words of Nagato, the sage of flame suddenly froze.

"do you know?"

At this time, Nagato had walked in front of him, and said quietly, "In fact, when I feel that you guy is coming, I don't plan to enter Bayi Yonglin's laboratory very much."

"Because I found it very troublesome, it turned out that my thoughts seemed correct."

Speaking of which, the red-haired boy glanced deeply at the Sage of Flame, and suddenly made this big man's face show amazing anger, and his flames ignited wildly.

Only under the shackles of the chain, the flame could not reach the red-haired boy in close proximity.

"So, there is a problem here!"

Raising his right hand slowly, the red-haired boy looked at the sage of Yan in front of him, "My purpose is to destroy the boundary of the moon, even if I can't open a few more gaps on it."

"But the lab with possible clues is gone now, so what should I do?"

During the speech, the four forces of wind, thunder and light were gathered on the right hand of Nagato, which transformed the fluctuation of time. The terrible sense of passage made the wise man feel the ultimate crisis.

"No, you can't do this !!"

"I am the sage of the moon capital, you are the enemy of the moon capital!"

"Kill me, you will die !!"

Seeing this, if you still don't know what Nagato is going to do, the sage of Yan is a pig. Obviously, Nagato intends to seize the power of enchantment from him.

Only for Yan Sage, that authority is connected to his life!

Therefore, to seize authority, naturally kill him!

Right now, this sage is a little crazy.


"No? Will you die for the enemy? What a joke!"

Hearing the words of Sage Yan, a smile of disdain appeared on Nagato's face, "If you show even a trace of unyielding, I will give you a chance to fight!"

"For this kind of virtue, let's die early and be superborn, er, wrong, never be superborn!"

As soon as the words fell, Nagato waved his right hand and bombarded toward the heart of the Sage of the Flame, and at that moment, a shield filled the chain that bound the Sage.

Obviously, the chain that binds the sage is also a chain that protects the sage to some extent.

"There are some traces on this shield that are different from Heavenly Dao on this plane."

Such an idea flashed through the keen perception that the Nagato's attack did not show a half-delay due to the appearance of the shield, and directly hit the shield.

"Crack !!!"

Suddenly, the red-haired boy's right hand pierced through the shield, and then pierced the heart of the wise man! ..

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