My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 113: Fourth as you wish!

The moment of death of the Sage of Flame

The dark palace in the center of the moon capital suddenly became silent.

The indescribable deepness and repression filled the hall, and they were still talking and laughing, and even talking about how to let the ground monsters know that the moon's majestic sages are all speechless.

The surrounding temperature is falling at an alarming rate, and the terrible killing is madly spreading.

For a long time, someone finally broke this terrible silence

"See you on moon night!"

It was the moon sage represented by the soft light group. He saw the other person's unusually calm opening, "Dare to ask, do you know how that guy Yan died?"

Although it is the identity of the subordinate to ask questions, there is not much respect in the sage's words.

Even because of this sudden change, some questions were asked.

Nothing else, because I can see a little bit of destiny at night.

It was before that he saw the fate that Mianyue Yiji would encounter with the invaders, and then the sages worked out a battle plan that used Mianyue Yiji as a bait.

"It's Yong Lin's trap."

After a short pause, Moonlight met with an incomparable attitude and answered, "The Sage of Fire destroyed Yong Lin's laboratory in the battle with the enemy and inspired the trap."

During the talk, when I saw Zun at night, there was a moment of deep hatred in my heart!

Obviously, the so-called moon sages in the past were just some guys who had surrendered to themselves in order to save their lives in the era of fighting between the gods.

At the beginning, in order to let them do their best when they were created in the lunar capital, Yueyue signed a contract with them.

In the contract, Moonlight promised that they would never harm each other in the future.

As a result, all of them are established, but these guys are becoming more and more excessive in front of them. At first, they still respect themselves, and now, they do n’t even look at themselves one by one.

This makes the original moon night see the respect how can not hate in my heart!

"It turned out to be Yong Lin's trap!"

"What is that guy Yan doing? He made such a mistake!"

"It's really unpleasant!"

I did n’t know what I thought of seeing the moon in the night, or I did n’t care if I knew it. The three-month sages immediately had a lot of discussions, and under such discussions, the surrounding killings did not increase.

Obviously, the death of the companion has completely inspired these sages to kill! !

If the original moon sages were only treating the invaders with a high play mentality, then now, although they are still somewhat high, they are no longer a play mentality.

Nowadays, they treat the invaders 100% with complete annihilation.

Only when the sages have n’t discussed the result yet


A violent roar erupted in the enchantment of the capital of the entire moon. Including the moonlit night, all the guys in the hall could no longer sit on the spot.

The figure of Seeing Moon on the moon suddenly disappeared and appeared over the palace!

The long black hair flutters in the wind, and the moon god, which is similar to Huiye in seven or eight points, is filled with unspeakable indifference, as if everything in the world is not worthy of her serious treatment.

Behind her, the three rays of light followed, and also revealed her own posture.

These are three figures with different behaviors: a blue girl in a soft temperament, a cold-faced warrior with golden armor, and a flirtatious young man in a green robe.

They are the Sage of Water, the Sage of the Earth and the Sage of the Wind in the name of the Sage of Fire and the Sage of Fire!

When the four people appeared above the palace, they suddenly attracted the attention of the people of the moon inside the palace, and the sound of kneeling and welcoming came one after another.

What's weird is that these greetings are extremely indifferent, with little emotion.

But now the four people don't have time to care about these. Their eyes are focused on the boundary covering the entire moon capital. After all, this is the foundation of the moon capital.

Then they saw it, and three large collapse points appeared slowly on the large junction.

Plus the notch on the back of the moon capital that is facing the enemy at this time

Four points, just across the southeast and northwest of the moon capital!

"not good!!"

On the ground Yingzhou, Suzaku

As a base camp for the war against the moon, there are a large number of monsters stationed here, and a thick demon spirit filled up, covering a lot of the falling moonlight.

On the altar of heaven and earth in the base camp, Hui Ye sat for a long time, but his face did not contain the slightest impatience.

If it is on weekdays, I am afraid the girl is already shouting pain.

"Moon Capital"

Looking up at the moon, which looked a little hazy under the shadow of the evil spirit, the once princess of the moon, and now the sinner of the moon, could not help feeling a little emotion.

Although the feelings are unusually cold on weekdays, she still cares a bit about the moon capital.

But this care does not stop her determination to destroy the moon city.

Because Hui Ye cares more about herself.

Although the moon is always the princess of the moon, but no one knows that Hui Ye is actually just a victim of the moon.

If it weren't for the purpose of Yonglin refining Penglai's medicine for her, her ending would definitely be better.

"Master Huiye!"

At this moment, a light voice came from Hui Ye's ear, and the girl looked up, but it was the nine-tailed strategist named Ba Yunlan who was standing in front of her.

"Here, this is Lord Nagato's communication!"

I saw Ya Yunlan took off a small earring from his earlobe and handed it to Huiye. "The Longmen people have something to say to you."

"Thank you!"

Nodding her head, Huiye took the eight cloud blue eardrops and put them on her earlobe, and then she heard the familiar voice of her man.

"Hui Ye, I have obtained the authority to partly enchant the Moon City, and it is time to start!"

"is it?"

There was a slight silence, and the girl looked up again. At this time, the demon in the sky seemed to be spiritual, and spread out slightly, revealing the bright moon.

"Then start!"

Soon, the girl's eyes flashed a stern, and said, "Crush all my mother's attempts, as the husband of her daughter who almost became her spare body!"

"As you wish, my dear!" ..

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