My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 114: Total War 【Part 1】

On the sage's sea, Nagato stood leisurely on the waves.

He listened to the sound of Hui Ye from the distant ground, but his eyes were staring at the fiery red crystal fragments that were constantly disintegrating in his right palm.

This is a fragment of the divinity that the red-haired boy took from the Sage of Flame.

It is precisely through this divine personality that has lost its owner that Nagato can use his will to forcefully intervene in the enchantment of the capital of the entire month, and to break three more gaps.

Only the red-haired boy can do this.

Because after the death of the Sage of Flame, Nagato clearly felt that everything about him, including the body and soul, was absorbed by the void under some kind of power.

If it were n’t for Nagato ’s will to be overbearing, he would n’t even be able to seize this fragment from the opponent ’s body.

However, after a single use, the debris of the personality will also dissipate!


"Enough is enough!"

There was a sentence flashing in his head, Nagato squeezed his right hand directly, and completely shattered the fragments of the dignity of the palm of his hand, and then the red-haired boy spoke leisurely:

"Look, Huiye, I will fulfill your wish!"

In words, Nagato's decisive battle will be sent through the monster combat headquarters on the ground Suzakuyama towards the troops that have already prepared for battle.

On the mountain of Suzaku, the endless murders boiled directly

Invisible, the whole month seemed to be covered with a layer of haze.

"Has it started?"

Feeling the haze in the air, Bayi Yonglin couldn't help but move her heart.

Reminiscent of the turbulence of the previous enchantment and the dissipation of the sage of the sage, even if no other gaps were seen, the girl really realized:

The war affecting the future of the lunar surface is coming

As if responding to Bayi Yonglin's guess, Bayunzi, standing at the end of her vision, smiled slightly at Bayi Yonglin and waved the folding fan in her hand.


As if the stones had fallen into the lake, the space on the entire moon surface rippled.

Afterwards, Bayi Yonglin saw it, and a long horizontal crack appeared behind Bayun Zi. A large number of monsters were coming out of the crack, all murderous.

Faced with this situation, Yuemin and Yuetu took up their weapons again.

Only Yong Lin's order will launch an attack.

At this time, Bayi Yonglin was hesitant.

Bayi Yonglin knows that Bayun Purple has made such a big movement, it is definitely more than just opening a gap.

I am afraid that in other parts of the moon, the monster sage also opened a crack in the gap.

The fact is just like what Yin Lin guessed. At this time, the other three enchantment collapses in the moon capital did open the gap, and the three murderous monster legions came out of them.

At this time, the monsters are launching the most comprehensive attack in the four directions toward the capital of the moon!

Although he didn't see it in person, Ba Yi Yonglin guessed these things.

To a certain extent, these things are all left to the will of Yonglin, otherwise, how can the wisdom of the moon's brain allow this so-called lunar war to break out here.

Even if she can't stop it, she can use her wisdom to change the battlefield to other places.


"Does this month's capital still have the meaning of protection?"

After being abandoned by his former friends, Bayi Yonglin thought about this problem more than once. The current moon capital is no longer the ideal hometown in the memory of girls.

You know, the reason why Ba Lin Yonglin designed the moon capital was to create an ideal hometown in the catastrophe that spread to all living beings.

The initial moon capital is indeed very consistent with the theory of Bayi Yonglin, pure and beautiful!

But with the passage of time, purity became monotonous, and beauty became cold, and here it has long been completely irrelevant to the words "ideal township".

Bayi Yonglin is very puzzled about whether to protect this month's capital

Therefore, she did nothing during the entire war.

Just simply watch this happen!


"How about surrender, Yong Lin!"

As an old friend of Bayi Yonglin, Bayunzi can understand the thoughts of the woman in front of her. If not, the two women will not fight in this war.

Yakumo Zi's words are not big, but they are very clear on this empty battlefield.

Even the indifferent people of Moon couldn't help but feel excited when they heard it, and the rabbits even opened their eyes and looked at Moon's brain.

Obviously, the words of the monster sage directly shake the military heart of the entire lunar army.

"Do not!"

It was just beyond the expectation of Bayun Zi that Bayin Yonglin shook his head.


The pretty eyebrows frowned, and the eyes of Yakumo Zi narrowed their eyes, hiding all the emotions in their eyes. "Why not surrender, you should know, we can't really treat you as a surrender!"

"Don't tell us, you are still remembering this extremely cold city."


Not caring about some of the radicals in the words of Bayun Purple, and even more disregarding the army of the moon, which became more chaotic because of his dialogue with Bayun Purple, the breath of Bayi Yonglin gradually rose.

In just a short time, the momentum of the Moon ’s brain stirred the air flow across the world.

That vast momentum is nothing inferior to the gathering of massive monsters.

Yau Yun Zi's face has changed dramatically

Although I can understand each other's ideas a little bit, it is only a little bit after all. The monster sage can't understand Ba Yi Yonglin thoroughly like Hui Ye.

"I don't know if it's still memorizing!"

At this moment, Bayi Yonglin slowly picked up his longbow and took the arrow leisurely, "But I have always done things, and I will not change my position unless necessary."

"The most important thing is, how can you get Yunyun Zi to surrender me !!!"

As soon as the words fell, I saw Ba Yi Yonglin shooting an arrow directly into the sky. Seeing this scene, Ba Yunzi's complexion suddenly changed, and he waved his folding fan, ready to set the stage.

But her reaction was still a little slower after all, and she saw the arrows flashing golden light directly penetrate the void.

At the next moment, countless rays of light bombarded from the void

The sharpness is like a blade, the vastness is like rain! ..

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