My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 115: Total War 【Next】

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The endless rain of light falls mercilessly, not only the legions of monsters, but even the legion of the moon belonging to their own people are the targets of the rain of light.

The continuous roar suddenly reverberated, shaking the land of the moon capital.

After a while, the light rain dispersed, exposing the bumpy ground.

The originally dense battlefield suddenly became sparse.

Then, the wailing sounds one after another!

Under the attack of Bayi Yonglin, I do n’t know how many monsters, moon people and moon rabbits have lost their lives, and even the corpses have completely disappeared under the impact of the rain of light.

I only had time to protect the monsters around him, but also took a breath.

Even if it is a monster sage, I never expected that Bayi Yonglin would be so ruthless. Without a warning, he would not say that it was such a big move, and the target of the attack was even affected by everyone.

The war on this battlefield has not been started yet, it was directly destroyed by Bayi Yonglin for at least one third.

"As for being so surprised?"

At this moment, Ba Yi Yonglin's voice came from afar, "It's just that some guys who were destined to die in advance were sent to **** without any pain."

"Instead of being surprised by these boring things, I think you should worry about yourself first!"

Speaking of which, Ba Yunzi's ear heard a sound of breaking the sky, and the girl looked up and saw that the figure of Bayi Yonglin had appeared not far away in front of her.

The unnamed longbow has been pulled halfway, and the fierce and powerful arrows have burst out.

Just looking at it, Bayun Zi feels like a man in the back

"Hehe, too!"

Faced with such a situation, Yakumo Zi shook slightly, and then an elegant smile appeared in the corner of his mouth, opened the folding fan in his hand, and covered his chin:

"I'm so sorry, then, let's really play with it!"

As soon as the words fell, the murderous body of Yakumo Zi skyrocketed wildly, and the deep demon qi almost turned into a substantial storm, excluding all the monsters around him.

The next moment, the sages who belonged to the monster and the moon capital broke out in a terrifying battle.

The violent battle has almost turned into a terrible storm, raging the battlefield!

The remaining monsters, the people of the moon, and even the moon rabbits retreated.

It was not that they did not want to join the battle, but that they could not intervene at all. The battle between the two sages directly transformed the battlefield of the entire war into their battle with each other.

It was only after the main battlefield that was far away that the remaining monster army and the army of the moon were killed again.

At this time, the Capital of the Moon has fallen into chaos unprecedented in thousands of years.

The raging war is burning in this quiet city, and many monsters including ghosts have poured in from the three collapsed gaps that suddenly appeared on the enchantment.

The monsters have displayed their own talents for destruction, constantly destroying everything that enters their eyes.

The Moon City was unable to organize a counterattack because it was caught off guard.

"Damn !!!"

Over the central palace, the majestic sage of the earth looked at the moon capital surrounded by flames, and could not help showing an angry expression, and strong coercion burst out of him.

Originally for the monster invasion, the Sage of the Earth was just a small preparation in daily life.

Even if he heard the warning of destiny from Yuezun Yueyue, he didn't pay attention to it. The sage who had survived the era of robbery at the end of the last era didn't think there was anything he could care about.

But he never thought that the monsters could do this step.

This made the Sage of the Earth feel hot on his face.

It ’s not just him. The sages of the water and the sages of the wind are also not very good. Although their characters are different from the sages of the earth, their thoughts are similar.

Coincidentally, the three glanced at each other and communicated alone.

Soon, they reached an operational agreement without authorization.


"It's up to you to stabilize the enclave of the Moon City. See you on Moon Night!"

Looking up at the faintly undulating moon boundary, the sage of the earth said so, and then the whole person turned into a earth-colored light and rushed in one direction.

Its speed was so fast that it penetrated the air directly, and there was a burst of noise around it.

"It's such an impatient guy!"

Seeing the disappearing Sage of the Earth, the Sage of the Wind like a younger brother laughed softly, and then the whole person turned into a gust of wind, blowing in the other direction.


Seeing this, the last Sage of Water could not help being speechless for a while.

To be honest, even if she has a soft personality, she feels that the sage of the earth and the sage of the wind are too arbitrarily trying to see the Lord in the moonlight.

After all, they were the subordinate gods who saw the moonlight night!

Not to mention the other, just in the last era alone, it was a great kindness to see and protect them on the moon, so it is really bad to be so ungrateful.

Just in her own position, she is not good to say anything to her companions.

After a moment of hesitation, the sage of the girl's gesture only sighed, and then saluted slightly towards the silent moonlight, and said:

"Since that is the case, then I also set off, see Lord Moonlight Night!"

As soon as the words fell, the girl's figure turned into ripples and disappeared in place.

After the three sages left, I saw Moonlight standing alone in the void.

If she is not angry about the wantonly sages of these months, it is absolutely impossible, but she has greater ambition in her heart than she is purely angry.

With his own will, it resonated with the huge moon junction, and the king of the moon quickly maintained the stability of the moon junction.

It's just that the collapsed gap of the Quartet can't be erased.

Because these gaps are blessed with the power of the realm.

Hindering the self-healing of the Moon Enchantment!


"That's right, isn't it?"

There was such a word in his mouth, and a smile appeared on his face seen on the moon night.

Later, I saw that the moon king slowly landed in front of the palace gate, the smile on his face turned into endless ridicule, and on the night of the moon, he turned and entered the palace.

Soon, her figure disappeared into darkness ..

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