My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 116: Ask for a subscription to the eastern battlefield!

"Hee hee, it's a great insight!"

At the next moment when the Moon King disappeared into the dark palace, the black Gothic girl appeared quietly and dexterously stepped on the top of the palace near the palace.

The girl's whole body does not have the slightest vitality, and the existence of her body is like an illusory image.

Even if it was close, there would be no response at the night of the moon.

This is the manifestation of Saya's essential power!

As the girl's own avenue becomes more and more complete, the strength becomes stronger and stronger, even if it is just a body of will, it can also be placed on the boundary between existence and nonexistence.

It is with this power that after dealing with the matter of Mianyue Fengji, the girl lurked here.

Then, she took all the silent battles of the high-level capital of the month to the bottom of her eyes!

"I have to say, it's really intriguing!"

I expressed such emotion in my heart, and the girl involuntarily contacted what Hui Ye said, information obtained from Mianyue Fengji's mind, and Bayi Yonglin's move

In an instant, the girl found that she seemed to have completely seen the truth of the Moon City.

Finally, the girl came to a conclusion: "This month's capital is really unpleasant, and it should indeed be ruined. Do you mean it, Xiaobailian!"

"I think so too, Master Saya!"

When the girl's voice just fell, the surrounding void echoed such words.

"Haha, let's go!"

After hearing this voice, Saya laughed quite boldly. The whole person turned into a phantom and slowly dissipated. "There are many treasures in this month's capital. Can't the war be destroyed."

The collapsed gap to the east of the Great Junction of the Moon City

This is the most prosperous place in the capital of the moon, but now, the raging demon and the dense artillery have become the main melody here, and the smoke of war is pervading.

Everywhere is the damage caused by the lunar technology gunfire and the monsters' brute force and tricks.

At the time of the initial attack, the army of the Moon City did not respond a bit, but it was not as quiet as the northern area where Bayun Zi and Bayi Yonglin faced each other, and soon organized a counterattack.

And the strength of the counterattack is even more unimaginable violent and powerful.

At least the North District ’s counterattack cannot be compared.

Flying vehicles in the sky continuously emit lasers, and various armored vehicles on the ground release endless artillery fire, and even underground, there are various traps and lurkers.

The Capital of the Moon has fully demonstrated its amazing technological combat power, allowing monsters to be instantly killed and injured.

Faced with this situation, I am afraid that most of the monster army will choose to retreat, but unfortunately, the monsters invading here are ghost races.

and so

"Hahaha !!!"

In the rain of gunfire, Xing Xiong Yongyi laughed boldly, "It is indeed the capital of the moon, it is really amazing power, and the old lady is excited!"

"That's right, this month's attack is really a good idea!"

The echo of Xing Xiong Yongyi's words is Yi Chu Cui Xiang, and I saw that the one hundred ghost night walker rushed up first, "The little ones, all follow up, let the capital of the moon see our power!"


"Go, kill them !!!"

"Vow to die to follow Master Cuixiang! Lord Yongyi!"

Under the call of Cuixiang, the ghosts who had been hit hard broke out of unprecedented ghost spirits, with the two people of Ibuki Cuixiang and Xing Xiong Yongyi as the core, forming a hundred ghost night trip.

Under the impact of Hundred Ghosts Night Walk, the ghost families immediately broke away from their absolute disadvantages and organized an effective counterattack.

After seeing this scene, the remaining two ghost kings-Izumi Huafan and Guiluo Luo could not help but looked at each other, and then joined the hundred ghost night trip. "Boom !!!"

The huge ghost clan seemed to be transformed into a whole in an instant, and the vast firepower composed of various technologies in the moon-face capital formed a trend facing the bombardment.

With the continuous roar, the whole battlefield was intensified, and blood and smoke were madly diffused

It's just that with the passage of time, the advantages of the ghost race are getting bigger and bigger.

Although the technology of the Moon City is extremely powerful, even far beyond the earth after a thousand years, it has been suppressed by the entire plane era, and the destructive power of the technology of the moon surface is not very great.

On the aspect of ghost race, there is the existence of Four Heavenly Kings who surpassed all sentient beings and reached Dao Realm.

Although the gap between the two is not large, it does exist

Therefore, with the passage of time, after paying a lot of casualties, the army of the ghost race finally broke through the defensive circle formed by the lunar surface technology and started a crazy killing.

Less than a moment later, the Moon Legion collapsed and their feelings were indifferent. The Moon People who did not know how to fear had fallen into the hands of the ghost clan. After losing their leader, a large number of Moon Rabbits fled wildly.

When the Sage of the Earth arrived here, he saw such a scene!

"Damn !!!"

At this moment, the sage of the earth, which was originally full of fire because of the demise of his companion, was suddenly furious, and the screams turned into a terrible shock, and the land on the battlefield was shaken directly.

In an instant, the entire battlefield suddenly cracked, and countless months of rabbits and ghost races were caught in it.

"The humble moon rabbit, the filthy monster, all **** !!!"

With the sage's roar, the ground of the battlefield trembled wildly, and a large amount of magma burst out of the ground, melting all the monsters and moon rabbits that fell into the ground.



"I don't want to die yet!"

In the blink of an eye, in addition to the roaring sounds on the battlefield, there were echoing all kinds of mournful whimpers, and listening to these sounds, the Sage of Earth could not help laughing.


"Fuck, you are so arrogant!"

In the roar, Xing Xiong Yongyi's figure appeared directly in front of the Sage of the Earth. "It's so enemies that I don't know, let me die!"

As soon as the words fell, Xing Xiong Yongyi's fist burst out directly


The girl's fist exploded into the air and bombarded the sage straight.

But under the sound of concussion, the sage only stepped back a little, without any pain on his face, but showed a very arrogant expression.

"This seat is arrogant, what can you do with me ?!"

In words, the body of the Sage of Earth looks like a hot volcanic rock, and the temperature rises extremely. The fist bombarded by the girl made a scorching sound.

There was even a hint of meat between the two

"I can fly you away !!!"

The corners of his mouth grinned slightly, and Xing Xiong Yongyi showed his madness, his body burst out, as if turning into an undefeated King Kong, he exerted force twice, and suddenly sage of the earth flew! .


I saw that the Sage of the Earth flew out and smashed into the cracks of the crust he made, and then was submerged by the rising magma

After doing all this, Xing Xiong Yongyi didn't have a smile on his face, but waited for it!

It ’s not just her, Yiqicuixiang, the same is true for Izumi Huafan and Guiluo Luo.

Because the four kings of the ghost clan obviously felt that the enemies falling into the magma seemed to be more dangerous, and as if confirming their speculation, the entire moon surface trembled slightly.

Immediately, the four ghost kings showed their surging fighting intentions, and the madness of the madness burst out at will ..

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