My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 117: East and South are the first!


At the moment when the fighting spirits of the Four Ghost Kings burst out, the violent roar suddenly rang through the sky, and the earth in the eastern battlefield gave its own roar like an angry beast, and the hot magma burst.

In just a short moment, a large number of moon rabbits and ghosts lost their lives under these magma.

The huge battlefield turned into a **** scene in an instant.


Faced with this situation, the four ghost kings all showed their colors in anger. Although the ghost races are all afraid of life and death, as kings of the ghost races, how can they sit back and watch the enemy slaughter their own people.

At the moment, the four ghost kings have shot, and their goal is naturally the source of this shock.

"Let's break up, the obstacle in front of you!"

"Straight! Broken diamond force!"

"Bright bloom, Qinglong!"

"Must kill, Xingyou cut!"

Opening the way with the power of Yichuancuixiang, the power of the ghost kings gathered directly into the fissure of the ground underneath, into the scorching magma, directly hitting the enemy.



There was a cold hum in the void, and vast forces erupted from the magma.

Soon, this force collided with the attacks of the ghost kings, triggering a more terrible explosion, and in this sudden roar of victory, the volcanic giant up to 100 meters slowly stood up from the magma.

The tall body was filled with horror and coercion that made the survivors of the entire battle field horrified.

"Hah, humble invader, let our sage come to crush you!"

After standing upright, the volcanic giant made a thunderous sound. During the speech, the volcano behind it spewed out a hot lava as if to build momentum.

"Huh, how dare you say, you shit!"

Facing the coercion of the giant, Yi Chucuixiang's face showed no fear, not only her, but also the other three ghost kings. The fighting spirit of the ghost kings once again rose to a new level.


Above the battlefield in the Southern District, the Sage of the Wind could not help turning his head to look east.

Just now, he felt the scorching and thick coexistence of breath from the eastern battlefield in the flowing breeze. He who has been with the sage of the earth for many years naturally knows that it is the power of the sage of the earth.

"It's just the intensity of this energy that the guy used his full strength so quickly ?!"

In the process of talking to himself, the eyes of the Sage of the Wind slowly moved to the battlefield in the Southern District at his feet.

Compared with the strength of the invader leader Yakumo Zi in the northern area and the unyielding spirits of the ghosts in the eastern area, the monsters attacking here are only the monsters of the brand headed by the greedy wolf, the broken army and the seven monsters.

The southern district of the simple moon capital is not as important as the eastern district, and the military firepower layout is also not so exaggerated.

The fighting forces on the entire battlefield tend to be similar, not much different.

As a result, the situation on the battlefield exhibited comparable fierce fighting.

"It's just boring!"

After watching it for a while, the Sage of the Wind sent out such emotions.

Although the current battle situation looks very fierce, but in the eyes of the existence of the Sage of the Wind, it is unsurprising, and there is no feeling of anticipation at all.

Even the three great monsters who are leaders are not taken by the sages!

"But that's fine!"

After a slight disappointment, the Sage of the Wind sighed softly and said, "Just solve the situation here, and then go to help others, it is best to catch the intruder."

Speaking of which, a look of haze appeared on the face of the Sage of the Wind.

He will not forget his companion who has fallen. Although their relationship is not very good on weekdays, they are companions after all, supporting each other and the companions who have spent the endless years.

Thinking of this, the Sage of the Wind was not ready to continue to watch, and now displayed his divine power.

"Blow it, a hurricane from the moon !!!"

Along with the sage's words and spirits, a vast hurricane exploded on the entire battlefield. The hurricane seemed to possess spirituality. The legions of the moon were intact, and the monsters were rolled up by the hurricane.

"Ah, no!"

"Help, Lord Wolf!"

"Damn it, hurry! Hurry to grab my hand !!!"

The hurricane continued to echo the cries of the monsters, but the voice was full of panic, but the wind sage ignored these voices, but just gave a snap.


There was a roar within the hurricane, and countless wind blades appeared out of thin air!

In just a moment, the monsters in the hurricane were all chopped into pieces by the wind blade. A large amount of blood and meat flew in the hurricane. The whole scene looked extremely **** and scary.




Seeing this scene, the leaders of the monsters were naturally angry and abnormal, and regardless of the gap in strength, they rushed directly up, and the surging killing moment instantly locked the sage of the wind.


"In vain!"

Faced with the bullying of the three big monsters, the face of the Sage of the Wind remains unchanged.

The **** hurricane swept directly, turned into a **** tornado, blocked in front of the Sage of the Wind, and collided positively with the attack of the three monsters.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

With three roars, the monsters were bombarded into the ground and smashed into the smoke-filled pits.

Very ordinary big monsters have little ability to resist in front of Moon Sage.

After all, the predecessor of the Moon Sage can be a **** who has survived the great disaster of the times.

The gap between the two is really huge

"It's really boring, let's die!"

With such words in his mouth, the power of the Sage of the Wind is waiting to burst out of the body, and at this moment, a strange sense of crisis emerged, so that the Sage of the Wind could not help but shudder.

Subconsciously, the wind sage turned the bursting power into a blue wind shield in front of him.

Then at the next moment


With a radius of one and a half meters, a beam of demon power appeared across the sky, directly blasting through the **** tornado, and then bombarded **** the shield in front of the Sage of the Wind.

Under such a bombardment, the sage flew out of the whole person, fiercely penetrated several buildings, and smashed into the earth! ..

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