My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 118: The advent of the tyrant is second!

Sudden changes, instantly shocked all the creatures on the battlefield.

Even after seeing this scene, the three monsters who had just broken out of the ground and struggling to climb out of the ground saw some reactions but could not open their mouths. In the end, they didn't say anything.

Then, invisible coercion reverberated throughout the **** battlefield

As if something terrible existed, all creatures felt a suffocation in their hearts, the three monsters changed their faces, and there was a flash of fear in their eyes.

"Ha ha!"

At this moment, a faint light laughter came from the gap behind the monster legion.

To be honest, this voice is not cold, even a little soft, but listening in the ears of others, it makes people feel unspeakable horror, as if listening to the whisper of the fierce beast.

Subconsciously, all creatures want to escape far from here

Just waiting for them to act, the battlefield that had been sprinkled with flesh and blood because of the dissipation of the tornado had a wonderful change. I saw that the cyan seedling seemed to drink out of the blood and break through the soil.

Afterwards, the seedlings grew at an alarming rate and soon blossomed into gorgeous flowers.

In a short time, the battlefield turned into a gorgeous sea of ​​flowers.

"It's really amazing!"

Looking at the changes in front of him, the big monster Greedy Wolf could not help but sigh with emotion. His words were nodded by the two big monsters of the Seven Kills and the Broken Army.

"It's a worthy adult!"

"Yeah, people are so powerful before they arrive!"

Apart from the emotion, the three monsters were relieved in secret. Since that one came, then powerful enemies like Moon Sage would not be dealt with by them.

Only the three newly-increased monsters faced the sage of the moon who had been under pressure for many years, and he was indeed unable to catch up.

Just when the three big monsters are talking about the sage of the moon

"Fuck !!!"

The sound of rumbling came from a distance, accompanied by another horrific hurricane.

I saw that the sage of the wind appeared in the hurricane in the appearance of a somewhat embarrassed appearance of the younger brother. He looked at the dark space fiercely and scolded loudly:

"Dare to dare to attack this seat, you are so bold !!!"


Responding to the Wind Sage is a powerful magic cannon with a diameter of more than three meters. The speed of the magic cannon is very fast. It directly penetrates the surrounding hurricane. If it is not dodged in time, the Wind Sage will once again make a move.

As a result, the sage of the wind sage, who already thought highly of himself, raised a burst of fire.

"Do you have an opinion, the clown of the moon capital!"

However, the Sage of the Wind had expressed his anger, and he saw the sound of his voice reverberating slowly, and then saw the wind and the smell of a fragrant stroll wearing a vest with red and dark red lattices and a skirt with the same color and knees.

The Four Seasons Flower Lord holds a parasol like a flower, wears a yellow bow tie, and wears a white long-sleeved shirt.

It looks like a green-haired girl who is enjoying traveling. Just after seeing each other, the wind sage suddenly stopped the anger that was about to blurt out, forcibly suppressing the anger in his heart, but the sage's face was not autonomous The ground appeared a surprised expression.

As one of the surviving gods of the last era, the Sage of the Wind thinks he is well-informed.

But he did not expect that there is such a monster in this world.

Apparently, it looks like an ordinary flower demon from the outside, at most it can be said to be a weird flower demon, but in the eyes of the god, the wind sage seems to see the incarnation of the whole nature.

If it was in the last era, this flower demon is definitely a member of the strongest sequence among the gods.

In an era where the law can be clearly seen, the flower demon who is incarnate in front of him may be able to step into the ranks of the true **** as long as she grows up, even if she does not practice at all.

"It's a pity that you were born in this era!"

With such words in his mouth, the Sage of the Wind opened his hands, and the atmosphere in the sky began to change. "As a recognition of your existence, this seat will forgive you for your disrespect."

"Next, this seat will use your true power to completely defeat you"

Speaking of which, the Sage of the Wind paused before saying, "Of course, if you are willing to surrender, you are still very willing to accept this."


Before the words of the Sage of the Wind were finished, Feng Jian Youxiang turned into a residual image and appeared in front of him. The girl's right hand directly pressed on the forehead's forehead.

"Really long-winded guy, as the guy said, you look arrogant!"

At this time, Feng Jian You Xiang completely lacked the previous leisurely posture. The original beautiful pretty face was covered with the fierce cruelty. In the speech, he directly dragged the head of the wind sage and threw it hard. The earth.

After the initial shock, the Sage of the Wind reacted when he was about to fall to the ground.



Fenjian Youxiang's additional attack followed, turning into a shell directly from the top down, bombarding the sage's abdomen with a tomahawk-like leg and smashing it **** the ground.


The earth of the entire battlefield was filled with a smoke-filled pit in a short shake.

"It's not over yet!"

Seeing this scene, Youxiang in the air said so, opened the parasol in her hand, and the endless demon power emerged, turned into an endless magic bullet, and bombarded in the big pit.


Seeing Youxiang's infinite reserve of magic power, the magic cannon continued, and under this bombardment, the entire battlefield was constantly shaken, and the smoke was stirred up, covering everything.

"Damn !!!"

In the chaos of roar, an angry roar sounded, and along with the roar, a blue tornado appeared in the air, sweeping away all the smoke and dust that blocked the view.

At the next moment, the cyan tornado rushed towards the wind and saw Youxiang.

Like the tornadoes gathered by countless blades, the vast void actually showed some signs of cutting under this special tornado, which made people shudder.

But in the face of such a tornado, Feng Jianyouxiang's face did not have any fear, but was full of excitement.

"Maximum Power-Avatar Magic Cannon !!!"

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