My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 119: Youxiang's battle for subscription!

Avatar Magic Cannon!

This is the remote killing of Feng Jian You Xiang.

On the surface, this move is simply a avatar to release the magic gun, but in fact, this move is really so simple.

It ’s just because it ’s a doppelganger, so you do n’t have to worry about the body ’s ability to bear when you release the magic cannon.

In other words, the magic cannon was released by Youxiang's avatar in an overloaded state.

Imagine how terrifying it would be for the Lord of the Four Seasons Flowers with unlimited enchanting power not to care about the enchanting output of the body. !

Especially in these years, under the oppression of Nagato, Youxiang's original extreme magic cannon went further.

In this regard, the Sage of the Wind who is facing the magic weapon of the avatar has the most say!

"Damn it!"

The sage of the blue tornado felt the vast beam of light that fell from the sky as if it could split the whole earth, and the whole person was completely bad.

The sage is really unimaginable. The existence of this era actually has such power.

Even if the magic cannon of this degree is manifested in that rule, the times when the gods are born are rare, and the life of the wind sage has only been seen in a few master gods.

After being shocked and shocked, there was only a wry smile in the mind of the wind sage.

"Perhaps, only the natural incarnation can do all this!"

Such words flashed through my mind, and the spirit of the Sage of the Wind was more vigorous, and the authority of the Moon Capital belonging to the Sage burst out at this moment.


The cyan tornado that swept up seemed to get some big pill, and it expanded directly more than tens of times. Everything on the entire battlefield was swept in by the tornado.

Even if the three monsters killing the wolf are so careless, they are not spared!

This time, the Sage of the Wind has no energy to distinguish between the enemy on the battlefield and the enemy.



The vast magic cannon and the sweeping blue wind had the most positive collision.

The atmosphere in the mid-air screamed violently, and the terrifying turbulence directly spread throughout the entire capital of the moon. The tens of thousands of meters around the building were all destroyed.

And in such a collision, the cyan tornado came up after a slight stalemate.

Youxiang's doppelganger almost released the magic cannon that was released at the expense of overdraft.

After watching this scene, the flower tyrant could not help but feel slightly dazed.

Just after being stunned, it was unbridled laughter!

"Hahaha, that's what it is!"

Youxiang's right hand pressed directly on her forehead, and the whole person laughed slightly, her voice was hysterical, which made people listen for a moment of chill:

"If it is not strong enough, how can it be my stepping stone and let me grow further!"

"In that case, how can you beat that **** guy !!"

Speaking of which, Feng Jianyouxiang's deity turned to look at his avatar. The two nodded to each other, and then Yuxiang's mouth of the avatar that maintained the magic cannon couldn't help but a smile appeared.

"The limit or something, let me surpass it !!"

Almost instantly, the girl's eyes widened, and the whole person burst into unprecedented coercion. Numerous cracks appeared from the girl's skin and cheeks.

From the cracks, a lot of blood flowed out, dyeing the girl into a blood man.

Only in this case, Youxiang's avatar obviously does not care!

"Take the trick, destroy the magic cannon !!!"

With such words, Feng Jian You Xiang's avatar was directly propelled by the power of the body, and the magic cannon that fell from the sky was instantly increased hundreds of times.

If the original magic cannon was a holy sword that split the earth, then the current magic cannon is a bomb that bombards the earth's crust.

Although the power has increased a hundredfold, the power of the magic cannon can only last for a while after losing its source.

But what Youxiang needs is the sudden explosive power of the magic gun!


I saw that the sudden eruption of the magic gun directly blasted the blue tornado into a small mouth in a very short time, and just then, the deity of Feng Jian Youxiang directly turned into a streamer and rushed into the small mouth.

Just after rushing into the tornado, Feng Jianyouxiang felt the feeling of an endless blade.

From the cyan winds in all directions, the girl felt an endless edge.

Based on past experience and her own intuition, the young girl clearly realized that if she was really surrounded by these blue winds in front of her, she might be strangled to death.

Faced with this situation, the correct choice is definitely to retreat and avoid this blue wind.


"How can it be!!!"

With such words in his mouth, Feng Jian Youxiang burst into substantive demon power, "Not to mention that it is too ugly to run away. The most important thing is that all the blue winds in front of you must escape."

"So, never think of defeating that red-haired **** !!!"

With such words, Feng Jian You Xiang directly turned into a ray of light, rushed into the green wind in front of him.

In an instant, Youxiang encountered tens of thousands of wind blade attacks, and the substantive demon power shield around the girl was directly cut to a layer, a full third of the intensity.

It's just that the girl didn't pay attention to this situation, and rushed towards the center of the tornado as always.

Fortunately, the enchantment of girls is endless and can be supplemented anytime, anywhere.

It's just that even if it can be supplemented, the supplement of the demon power can't compare with the impact of the wind blade, and soon the wind blade bombards Youxiang's body before the demon energy is added.

Even in the face of injury, Youxiang did not have any pauses, and did not even resist in the slightest.

She just swooped down, nothing more than that!


In the sudden roar, the girl even traversed the endless wind blade stiffly and reached the tornado's empty center, although for this, there were hundreds of wounds on the girl.

A lot of blood flowed from the wound, dyeing all the girls' clothes red


Seeing such a girl appearing in front of him, the wind sage suddenly froze. This kind of power that has been broken through the most pride is something that the sage did not even think of.

Just before waiting for the sage to say anything, the **** fragrance of the whole body appeared before him.

Scarlet eyes seemed to be telling the indescribable crazy fighting intention!

"Go die !!!"

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