My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 126: Wushuang Big Demon [Next] First!

"Boom! Boom !!!"

Realizing the horrible supernatural power that suppresses himself, Shi Sheng Wan can clearly feel that the heart in his body is thumping

The blood belonging to the big monster is surging wildly, causing a blush to appear on the face of Shi Sheng Wan.

All of a sudden, the big silver-haired monster couldn't help but show a little trance.

Although the actual situation of the gods with almost four digits in front of them seems to have some problems, there is no doubt about their divinity.

Under such circumstances, their combined might is enough to overwhelm any presence present.

Even Shisheng Pill felt an inexplicable suffocation.

If it were not for the existence of the ontology, the spiritual state of the killing pill was higher than his strength at this time. I am afraid that in the face of such coercion, he has no ability to fight.

But even if you can fight, the chance of killing Shengsheng Pill is still not high, it can be said to be slim.

It stands to reason that Shisheng Pill should call foreign aid at this time, whether it is Nagato or Saya, even the two gods behind them are very good helpers.

As long as someone helps to share the pressure, the chances of killing pills are greatly increased.

However, the killing pills at this time did not have such thoughts.

Unimaginable wildness and fighting intentions burst into the heart of the big silver-haired monster, making him completely ignore the gap between each other and madly release the demon power in his body.


The ground beneath his feet cracked, and the figure of Shisheng Pill rushed out as a residual image, and his goal was indeed the gods standing not far in front of him.


Seeing the action of killing pills, Jianyu Thor, headed by the team, couldn't help but sigh, "It's just a pity that it is in this case to meet with your lord, so kill!"


Hearing the order of the Royal Sword Thunder God, three or four hundred of them flew out of the gods behind them, suspended in mid-air. These gods are all sky gods of the Yamato Divine System.

I saw that these gods shot one after another, and in an instant, the world changed color.


In the sudden thunder, the sky was covered with clouds, various special hydrations turned into endless rainstorm swords, countless thunders turned into roaring thunder dragons, and came to kill Shengsheng pill.


In the face of such a situation, Shisheng Pill did not reduce his speed, but at the same time attacked, he raised the demon knife in his hand, and the infinite demon gas burst out!

"Aoyi Canglong is broken !!!"

Along with the voice of the silver-haired monster, the endless power of the outburst instantly materialized, condensing into a blue dragon, covering the body of the killing pill.

In the eyes of outsiders, the killing pills turned into an attacking dragon almost instantly!


"Boom! Boom! Boom !!!"

The heavy rains and the fierce thunder dragons all over the crisis have hit the attacking dragon, the roaring after another, there is no pause at all.

Under such circumstances, although Cang Lao has been hit hard, he is still moving forward.

That kind of stubbornness, or stubborn perseverance, made all the existences that I saw could not help but feel a heartfelt throb of the heart.


Suddenly, Canglong let out an earth-shattering hiss.

The horrible demon power beyond the limit burst out, and the surrounding rain sword and thunder dragon all withdrew from the space under the impact of this sudden demon power.

But at this moment, Canglong seized the opportunity and rushed out of the encircling circle with an unprecedented attitude.

It only took a moment for Canglong to hit the front of Yujian Thor. "Boom !!!"

The dragon's head is high and there is a head-on collision with Thor.

At this moment, the already broken dragon's body broke apart, turned into countless demon power arrows, spreading in all directions, and the surrounding gods who were too late to respond were recruited.

Several gods even screamed and died due to such attacks


Armed with ghosts and fangs, Shisheng Pill confronted Thor, holding the Excalibur with some gasps, but smiled softly in his mouth, "It seems that you guys are strong and strong, defense is weak!"

"Hah, there is no way. After all, we have been dying for a long time!"

Hearing the killing pills, Jianyu Thunder God burst out laughing, and then his body burst into power, slashing the killing pills out, and then said loudly:

"Come on, the gods of war, it's time to exercise the power of killing !!!"


With the cheering of Jianyu Thor, more than 400 battlefield martial arts rushed up, holding various magic weapons and surrounded the killing pills.

Immediately, the sound of clanging metal clashes reverberated, killing the pills and the gods of war.

The spirits that can be called the God of War are all powerful beings from the battlefield. The martial art skills are naturally hardened and full of terrible lethality, but the killing pills are not ordinary.

I do n’t know how many years of fighting has made the silver-haired monster ’s fighting skills already at its peak.


The terrifying divine power and the raging demon power collided with each other, and the battle between the Wushen and the big monsters instantly entered a fierce state, and endless energy burst out everywhere.

Soon, Sheng Sheng Wan's body was painted, and two wounds were marked severely on the back.

The fierceness of the silver-haired monster completely broke out at this moment.


I saw the huge monster with silver hair burst forth with endless violent demon power, swinging the knife in his right hand to open the sword that was beheaded in front of him.


At the next moment, the god's head cracked like a watermelon.

Such a violent and brutal gesture instantly scared the gods around, and the next development let the gods know that this is just the beginning.

Because the murderousness of Shisheng Pill is increasing at an alarming rate, and it is getting more and more terrifying.

Many gods were deterred by this terrifying murderousness and then perished in the hands of Shishengwan.

But more gods reacted quickly. They glanced at each other and then cooperated with each other to limit the runaway monsters to a certain range.

Despite this, in a short period of time, the battle seems difficult to distinguish

At the moment, other gods couldn't help it, the sky gods suspended in the air shot one after another, and covered the battlefield with their own gods.

A large number of water dragons condensed by torrential rain, and thunder dragons tumbling from the dark clouds, have joined the battlefield.

"Let's go too!"

The rest of the gods saw this scene, and they all swarmed one after another. On the horrible battlefield, such as curses, various fighting methods appeared one after another.

The pressure on Shisheng Pill suddenly increased to the extreme.



The big silver-haired monster gave a roar of shock.

As if it was a rebound under pressure, the unimaginable fierce burst from the body of the killing pill, flooding the entire battlefield, and the dark clouds in the sky receded directly at this roar.

The gods and various attacks that surrounded the big monster retreated at this moment.

The power of Shisheng Pill rose to the extreme in an instant. ..

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