My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 127: The power of the demon is second!

The capital of the moon, the fragmented eastern battlefield.

The epic battle that took place here has ended, no longer the roar, the magma that diffused from the cracks in the earth gradually became cold, and only a large amount of smoke appeared.

And at the center of the battlefield is a huge pothole with a diameter of at least 100 meters.

In the four angles of the pit, the four kings of Guizu are standing there.

At this time, the images of the four ghost kings were not very good. The clothes on the girls showed obvious damage. Some people even knelt on the ground, panting.

However, although the image is not good, all four faces have a faint smile.

Because in the previous battle, they won

The sage of the earth defeated in the battle was lying at the bottom of the huge pothole at this time, all his limbs were broken, and his body was bloody, only a breath away.


With a deep breath, Cuixiang stood up straight and felt the movement coming from afar, "It's an amazing wave, it's surprising!"

Between the words, the girl raised her hand, and a ghost burst from her fingertips.

Obviously, Yi Chu Cui Xiang is ready to completely solve the sage of the earth.


"Cough, I advise you not to do it, unless you want your partner to die!"

A slightly intermittent voice came from under the pothole, and the voice was rarely filled with an indifferent feeling, which made Cuixiang stop unconsciously.

"What do you mean, guy?"

Narrowing his eyes, Cuixiang asked in a low voice.

The other three ghost kings around couldn't help but looked at each other, showing a curious look.

"Nothing special!"

At the bottom of the pothole, the Sage of the Earth looked at the sky with dignity, "I just didn't expect that I could wake up from my original sin when I was dying."

In this way, the Sage of the Earth couldn't help but think of his past and smiled bitterly.

The sages at this time clearly realized an amazing fact that the entire moon was actually a gu, and these so-called sages of the moon were just worms.

"See you on the moon night, you have been angry at our rudeness, but why is this not what you condone."

"The other three are dead. I'm afraid I don't have much time."

Thinking of this, the Sage of the Earth felt the fluctuations coming from afar, and sighed softly, "Gao Tianyuan can directly take it out, it seems that you have succeeded, see you on the moon."

The core area of ​​the lunar capital, the manifestation of the high heaven.

At this time, the war still continued, and the suddenly violent killing power of the Shengsheng Pill continued to soar at a speed that ordinary people cannot imagine, even dancing in the encirclement of the gods.

Or claws, or knives, or feet, or even teeth are used, killing pills to kill the gods frantically!

Almost every first half of a minute or one minute, a column of gods fell on the spot.

The performance of the big monster completely shocked the entire Gaotianyuan God Realm.

"Okay, it's amazing! Master Tengu, it's amazing !!"

On the edge of the battlefield, a Tengu girl standing behind Kanako Yasaka without a coma could not help but exclaim, and her eyes were full of worship.


Hearing the girl ’s words, Kanako Yasaka could n’t help but sneered. “It ’s only this time to worship, little girl. After today, there will be no big tengu killing pills!”

"I really don't understand what he's thinking. I'd rather deplete the source and don't want us to help!"

Speaking of which, Yasaka Kanako's face couldn't help but bring a little gloomy look.

"how come?!"

Although the Tengu girl was young, she also understood what was the end of the exhausted source. At the moment, the girl looked at the battlefield with a little worry in her eyes. Then, she saw it in horror, killing Shengsheng Maru's foot slowly, she was stabbed.


In the mumble, there is no hesitation in the action of the killing pill, and the **** who attacked himself is directly split from the top of the head down, and the golden blood is scattered.

Such a brutal move made the offensive of the surrounding gods slow for a while.

Just as Shi Sheng Wan was about to use this opportunity to adjust his breathing, a thunder burst in the sky, and the figure of Jianyu Lei Shen appeared out of thin air.

"It is now, eat me a sword, Budu Royal Soul !!!"

The legendary sword of killing **** crossed the void and made a little ripples, and then, with a mysterious trajectory, directly beheaded towards the head of the killing pill.

Faced with such a situation, Shishengwan can only give up his plan to adjust his breathing, and greet him with a knife.

"Keng !!!"

Ghost Divine Tooth and Budu Yushen Sword had a frontal collision.

The sharp sword energy and the sword energy enough to kill the gods burst into a vast sword storm at the same time, dispersing all the gods around.

In an instant, Kill Sheng Maru and Jian Yu Thor became the only protagonists on the battlefield.



At this moment, Sheng Sheng Wan made a cough.

The blood flowed from the corner of the mouth of the big silver-haired monster, and the horror of the horror surrounding the big monster fell in more than one level in an instant.

At the moment, the gods around showed a hint of joy.

Because they saw the victory


At this time, Jianyu Thor didn't rush to kill the killing pills, but asked suspiciously, "I don't understand why a monster like you would choose such a near death path."

"Cough, why?"

He coughed up blood again, killing Shengsheng Pills for a few heavy breaths, and then there was a wanton smile in the corner of his mouth, which made Jianyu Thor feel bad for a while.

"No why, or rather, I like it, I'm happy!"

The blood-stained robes rose from the wind, and the blood-stained indifference face of Shi Sheng Pill suddenly showed a flurry of wantonism, and the murderous resurgence!


Suddenly appearing under the vast force, Jianyu Thor was directly killed by the killing pill.

"Hahaha !!!"

After slashing the thunder god, the killing pill did not chase, but stood on the spot and laughed, "I understand, I finally understand, what am I missing"

"It turns out that what I lack is a demon's heart, a demon's intention, and a monster's life!"

"If there is such a harvest, why not abandon this body !!"

"Humble God, take a good look at the power of the demon !!"

Speaking of which, the silver-haired monster ignited a flame of gold and silver in a vacuum, and soon the flame ignited all over the body of the monster, turning it into a fireman.

In the process, the temperature of the entire Gaotianyuan Realm rose extremely, and the terrifying pressure spread.

That is beyond the coercion of all the gods present, the reckless coercion!


The earth-shattering roar appeared out of thin air, the flames of gold and silver spread out suddenly, burning in all directions, and in a blink of an eye, they burned all over the gods.

Except for the two gods of the Monster Corps and the guardian monsters, all existence is caught in the flames.

Even under the flames, the gods could not help but scream

In an instant, the whole of God's domain, howling sounds one after another. ..

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