My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 128: Return and the first of the second generation!

The God Territory of Gao Tianyuan has now turned into a sea of ​​fire.

The golden flame is just as early as the sun, the silver flame is as strong as the yin to the cold, and the sea of ​​fire intertwined with the yin and yang is like a big horrifying disc, which wipes out all the creatures in it.

Even the gods cannot resist such a flame, not to mention the legion of the moon.

It was only a moment that all the Moon People and Moon Rabbits turned into gray.

And the remaining gods are constantly wailing

"Well, how is this possible!"

Jian Yu Thor was looking at everything around him blankly, and there was a mess in his head. It was not that his ability to accept was too bad, but that the change was too sudden and strange.

Raytheon admits that the big monster confronting the gods is indeed an outstanding presence that has been rare for thousands of years.

But he understands better that the opponent's chance of defeating the gods is close to zero.

Even if the gods at this time are not complete gestures, they are just a manifestation of the obsession before death, and the powerful vitality and defensive power that the gods should have do not exist.

It ’s justified that the big monster ’s runaway can match the gods

After all, he comes at the expense of his own source. As soon as the time is up, he will naturally lose.

But what is this horrible flame that even gods can wipe out!

Thor is really unable to understand everything in front of him.

"This is the power of the demon!"

At this moment, a leisurely voice rang in the ear of Jianyu Thor, and then Thor was surprised to find that the flame in front of him swelled and condensed into a figure of killing pills.

The erratic figure completely explains the situation of the big monster at this time

He was almost completely burned out!

"That's it!"

After being silent for a while, a strong smile appeared on Thor's strong face. "Even so, it's true. It's probably too long after death. Even me is a bit different from me."

"No matter, in short, I will not obediently wait for death, then, let's fight!"

Between the speeches, Thunder God Wei An took his steps in front of him, and raised the killing sword in his right hand with his right hand.

Although it couldn't be seen on the surface, Raytheon clearly understood that he would not stay in this fire for long.

Rather than being burned to death, he would rather be the last one.

"it is good!"

Facing Thor's request, Shisheng Pill closed his eyes and said so.

As the words of the silver-haired monster just fell, the surrounding sea of ​​gold and silver fire broke out, and the flames of gold and silver intertwined with each other, turning into a single dragon, roaring out.


Without fear of the inflaming dragon, Raytheon launched a decisive charge.

Under the terrifying momentum that puts life and death out of sight, Thor seems to be a supreme sword of killing gods, and Lingli Wuping will block the killing of the dragon in front of him.

In a blink of an eye, two, three, there are more than ten Yanlong dragons annihilating under the sword spirit.

It's just a pity that Thor's momentum is only a short burst after all.

After slashing dozens of Yanlong in succession, Thor's charge lost its dreadful impact, and then he was naturally overwhelmed by countless Yanlongs.

"After all, it's just some defective products!"

Seeing this scene, Shi Sheng Wan couldn't help but sigh softly.

Golden eyes glanced at the palace at the end of the field that was being burned by flames, and Shishengwan felt a pity for a while, there was obviously a more powerful presence.

However, after the body burns, his will will not spend much time in this world.

"Forget it, don't stay too much!"

Such thoughts flashed in my mind, the will of the Shengsheng Pill was urged, and the huge sea of ​​fire violently rioted, and the wailing sounds that had originally appeared here and there disappeared.

Thousands of gods burned completely under the flames of the killing pills.


Looking around, the monsters are already sober, but Shisheng Wan does not care, but stays for a while on the Tengu girl behind Kanako Yasaka and flew.


The flames in the Divine Realm seemed to flow like water, and they rushed to the phantom of the killing pill. In less than a moment, the surrounding flames all merged into the phantom.



The fluctuations in space echoed.

Carrying vast energy, the will to kill Shengwan pierced through time and space, and in an instant, he directly passed through chaos and entered the body of the suspended chaotic starry sky.

The sleeping demon dog moved slightly and could not help opening his eyes.

The golden sunlight and the cold moonlight cut through the chaos.

But soon, the demon dog closed his eyes again and fell into a deep sleep. When he woke up again, it was the time when the big monster broke through the realm of Dao.

At this time, Gao Tianyuan God Realm.

The abrupt disappearance of the scorching sea made the surrounding environment suddenly empty, and the grassy plain turned into a depleted land.

Except for the broken palace, there is nothing here.

The monsters whose leader and enemies were lost suddenly stood at the same spot, but soon, their attention was attracted by an object in the sky.

It was a deserted sword and a white tengu mask stained with red stripes.

After being silent for a while, all the monsters realized that it was the ‘relic’ left by their leader. The monsters, or tengu, could n’t help but flash a wave of waves in their eyes.

Just waiting for them to act, the Yaodao and Tengu mask moved on their own.

"Shoot !!!"

In the sudden sound of breaking the sky, the demon knife penetrated the void and inserted at the foot of the Tengu girl behind Kanako Yasaka, and the dog mask closed the face of the girl that day.


In an instant, the Tengu girl who was originally just an ordinary monster broke out a powerful coercion comparable to the big monster.

Feeling such a change, all the monsters could not help but looked at each other, and they were not stupid. They naturally realized that the dog girl was probably the second generation of the big dog selected by the big dog.

In the face of such changes, other monsters are okay, but the tengu's mood is a little more complicated.

But there is no time for the monsters to adapt to this change.



The broken palace exploded in the distance.

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