My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 129: Rin Dove second!

Battlefield in the Eastern District of the Moon City-

Although it is likely that the sage of the earth was suspicious, but after hearing his strange remarks, even if he was careless, he could not ignore the ghost kings.

Therefore, after a simple silence, the four ghost kings removed the dying sage from the pothole.

Then they got more intelligence than they thought

"Oh, this really makes people laugh!"

After hearing the sage's complaint, the responding star Xiong Yongyi couldn't help but take the wine gourd from his waist and took a big sip, suppressing the shock.

"Give me a sip, too!"

Ibuki Fragrance, who also said he was scared, grabbed the gourd from Yong Yi, who had just taken a sip of wine.

"Asshole, this is my wine, why not drink your own."

"It was accidentally broken when I was fighting."

"That's what you deserve!"

"Do you want to fight, cow bravery!"

"Haha, the old lady is always at your side, and don't order the fragrance !!"

Inexplicably, Yi Chu Cui Xiang and Xing Xiong Yong Yi directly faced each other, and the four ghost horns looked at each other.

"Oh, you guys are so funny, cough!"

Seeing this scene, the sage of the earth leaning on the rock could not help but whisper, but he was too badly injured, and coughed up blood when he accidentally coughed up.

"Hum, make you laugh!"

The always calm ghost fairy-Imugi Fan couldn't help but cover his cheeks, and then looked at the sage, "Yes, you said before, the moon is built with Gao Tianyuan as the foundation."

"Then the abundant divine power in the central area is Gao Tianyuan."

"should be!"

After a little silence, the Sage of the Earth slowly said, "I'm afraid it's more than Gao Tianyuan. The gods who want to come to Gao Tianyuan should be summoned."

"After all, in the core of Gao Tianyuan, there is the last mark of the gods in the world."


Hearing the wise men, the ghost kings were shocked.

But there is no way to do it. A past deity of the Sage of the Earth made them very troublesome. If the gods of Gaotianyuan reappear, what else to play.

"No, don't worry, those guys are just debris."

Seemingly seeing the ghost king's worries, the Sage of the Earth comforted and said, just talking, his face could not help but become a bit dull:

"Those, guys, I'm afraid they are all sacrifices of that guy."

During the speech, the eyes of the Sage of the Earth looked at the great enchantment in the sky that covered the moon capital. That was the beginning of everything, and the end of everything.

At this moment, the sage seemed to sense something, his eyes widened.

"Not good, knot"

However, before he finished speaking, the whole person became soft and lost his life directly, and the next moment, the enchantment in the sky glowed wonderfully.

The four ghost kings glanced at each other, leaving only Guiluo to organize the broken ghost family. And the other three ghost kings rushed toward the center of the moon capital.

"It's started"

Above the battlefield in the North Zone, Bayi Yonglin sighed slightly, and no longer ignored Bayunzi, who confronted him, and turned directly out of the gap of the enchantment.

Only a moment's time, the last Moon Sage disappeared into the vast moon.

"Ah, it seems to be fun."

Watching the sage's departure quietly, the monster sage covered his chin as always, "However, it is better to protect yourself at this time."

As soon as the words fell, the monster sage fell into the gap and disappeared.

As for what should be done with the monsters you bring, the monster sage will not ignore it. Anyway, one of the purposes of this war is not to let the monsters bleed enough blood!

And at the moment when the monster sage disappeared, the long door on the street of the moon capital stopped the pace, and then the red-haired boy shook his head and moved on again.

"Brother Nagato, wait for me!"

A soft voice sounded, and the black Gothic girl appeared beside the red-haired boy out of thin air, parallel to it.

"Are you ready?"


The central area of ​​the moon capital, Gaotianyuan God Realm.

The monsters all looked solemnly at the exploding palace in the center of God Realm, because at this moment, all the creatures in God Realm felt a chill.

Soon, a faint divine power came out of the ruins, and a full moon appeared in the sky!


Perceiving the changes in the surroundings, Kanako Yasaka's eyes were full of dignity, but a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. "It seems that it is finally our turn to take action."

"Well, yes!"

As if to echo Kanako, Xieya Suwako said so.

After becoming a subordinate **** of Nagato, the essence and power of the two gods have undergone earth-shaking changes, and I am worried that there will be no enemies to fight.

Of course, the enemies that are about to appear in front of me look a little too strong.

But the two gods do n’t care too much

Anyway, there is someone behind them!

However, before the actions of the two gods, there was a figure who came out first. That was no one else. It was the Tengu girl who had previously obtained the killing pill ‘relic’.

As the girl walked out, the pressure on her continued to rise!

Looking at the girl ’s petite back, the faces of the monsters kept changing, because they all clearly felt that the blood pressure contained in that pressure was getting higher and higher.

Obviously, the bloodline level of the girl is increasing in an incomprehensible form

In just a short time, the coercion rose to an unimaginable level. Finally, a monster could not bear the coercion and knelt on the ground.

As if the Bone Connaught card effect, the huge monster legion had fallen to their knees.

"All the demon's orders!"

At this time, Tengu girl stopped her pace, facing the divine power that came from the original place, the girl raised the ghost teeth in her hand-

"My name is Ling Rin, and I am in love with the killing pill. At this moment, I serve as the second generation of the monster mountain, Tentengu! In my name, lend me strength, monsters!

"Oh !!!"

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