My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 130: God Territory broke first!

Ling Ji Yi Rin feels that he is the luckiest tengu in the world.

Obviously just an ordinary tengu in the mountain of monsters, the bloodline purity is not good, the talent qualifications are also unsatisfactory, and he joined the moon-faced invasion army as a cannon fodder.

According to common sense, her final destiny is probably to die silently.

It's just time to run, she was selected by Master Shengsheng Maru!

The big tengu mask on his face is constantly permeated with a cold breath, and a lot of experience and memory are silently put into the mind of the girl. The impurities are constantly burning out.

But within a short time, she stepped into the realm of countless monsters dreaming of big monsters.

What could be more fortunate than what is happening now?

In real reality, maybe

However, in the eyes of the girl, there is nothing in the world that is more fortunate than this kind of thing. The gratitude in the girl's heart is agitated.

So, in the face of the coming crisis, Ling Rin Yi Rin stood up without hesitation.

As a second-generation big tengu, she has a responsibility to lead her companions out of danger.

and so

"Lend me strength, monsters !!"

The girl deeply understands that although she has greatly increased her strength, she still has a cloud-like difference compared to her predecessor, Tenjin. At least she can never do such a thing as killing thousands of gods.

Even if she burned herself completely like Shi Sheng Wan, she could not do such a thing.

However, she does not just represent herself

The sincere call aroused the resonance of the monsters. Now all the monsters have contributed their own magical powers, and the dark and deep magical powers have emerged, converging into a vast torrent.

Such a scene is unusually conspicuous in this shimmering golden realm


Under the infusion of the torrent, the power of Ling Jiu Yi Rin climbed to the limit instantaneously, and the unspeakable existence filled the entire empty and silent **** realm.

What Nagato and Shishengwan have never been able to do are realized on Lingjiu Rin.

Inherited from the Slippery Ghost Plane, it is different from Nagato and Shishengwan's overbearing suppression, and it is different from the ghost family's resonance with war intentions. The hundred ghost night walks purely in the name of **** appear here!

"Boom !!!"

As if sensing the threat of Ling Jiu Yi Rin, movement appeared again in the ruins of the temple.

The bright moon suspended in the sky was inadvertently blurred, and in a blink of an eye, two, four, four and eight, hundreds of rounds of the moon appeared in the sky.

The vast God Realm resonated slightly with it, and hundreds of rounds of the Moon condensed amazing power.

Almost at the next moment, all bright moons erupted a silver-white magic cannon light column, bombarded by the monsters headed by Rin Dove.

The cannon had not yet arrived, and the monsters standing in front of the cannon felt a strong killing.

Obviously, the master of God's domain had a murderous opportunity for the monsters!


Sensing these changes, Rinjue could not help but whisper. The Tengu's mask covered the girl's expression, but she couldn't stop her disdain. I saw the newly-raised Great Tengu raised his ghost teeth in his hands

The dark column of demon power burst out from under her feet and rose into the sky.

"Although I am now"

"No, I'm afraid I won't be as powerful as Master Shengsheng Maru in the future!"

Raising the ghost teeth in his hand high, the words flashed in the mind of Rin Douyin, "But as the second Great Tengu, I also have what I can do."

"That is, let you hide your head and see the true power of the monster !!"

In the last sentence, Ling Rou Yi Ling shouted with a nearly crying voice. With the call, the girl waved ghost teeth and cut straight towards the front!


The vast beam of demon power turned into an unimaginable deep storm with the swing of the blade, and all the incoming magic cannons were directly received and then rolled out.

Gathering the strength of the entire legion, Lingji Ishi exhibited a super large-scale detonation.

Its momentum is even greater than that of the previous killing pill, and it is more than that. The demon lord, which carries the hope of the demon, will undoubtedly reveal the strength of the bond.



Suddenly, a cold voice echoed from all directions.

When the reversing dark storm had not yet hit the ruins of the temple, the vast **** realm was shining brightly at this moment, and in vastness, the vast power suddenly came.

Space begins to solidify, and time is directly delayed

The dark storm was suppressed by this invisible force, and it even solidified directly

No, it's not just frozen.

Ling Ji Yi Rin's sense of time prolonged instantaneously, and then clearly felt that in a very short time, everything in front of her seemed like a stiff picture, making a ‘click’ sound.

There are some amazing changes in the space where the dark storm moves

The girl can almost foresee that if the surrounding time and space return to the original moment, the dark storm will bombard itself through the twisted space in a way that people cannot understand.

By that time, even if she had been promoted to a big monster, she might die in an instant.

Faced with such a crisis, a smile appeared on the face under the girl's mask.

"Ignorance? You are ignorant, stupid god!"

Through the mask, the girl's eyes burst into an amazing light in an instant, and the ghost and **** teeth in his hand burst out a vast light of gold and silver:

"Although Master Shengsheng Maru has left, he has already left the power to deal with you. Take the trick!"

Under the brilliance of gold and silver, the figure of the girl directly broke through the suppression of time and space in the entire **** realm, appeared above the sky, and then waved the demon sword towards the twisted space.


The intertwined golden streamer and silver cold mandrel, like a spiral drill, directly bombarded the twisted space, penetrated it, and slammed into the depth of the space.


The vast God Territory violently vibrated in an instant. With the space penetrated as the center, a large number of space-time cracks spread in all directions.

Gaotianyuan God Realm, was completely broken! ..

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