My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 131: The second day of the birthday!

God of High Heaven, opened a broken chapter

Under the powerful power left by the killing pill and the extraordinary wisdom of Lingjiu Rin, the immortal **** realm that had been solid as a golden soup was ruined at this moment.

Such scenes left the monsters present completely blank, completely stunned.

Not only monsters, but also the two gods of Yasaka Kanako and Xieya Suwako. The two well-informed gods really didn't expect such a development.

When they were originally distorted in time and space in the **** realm, they were all ready to talk.


"Good job !!"

A glint of light flashed in his eyes, and Kanako Yasaka looked down from the sky, looking a little overwhelmed, Rin Dou, and praised it aloud.

Although Xieya Suwazi did not speak, the admiration in his eyes also did not cover up.

It ’s just that the two gods are happy, but some people are very unhappy

"court death!!!"

The icy voice echoed in the collapsed **** realm, and all the people who heard the voice felt a heartfelt chill, as if they had encountered their own natural enemies.

Then, the remaining power in the Divine Realm gathered in the air, and turned into a big hand covering the sky.

The next moment, I saw that the big hand enough to cover the sky was slowly pressed down!

Before the big hand arrives, the terrifying shock wave blows to the ground, turning into a terrifying hurricane, blowing the creatures on the ground upside down.

Even Ling-Yu Rin, who had played a blow to the destruction of the God Realm, could not help being able to stay in the sword before being blown away.

It's just obvious that the girl didn't have the power to take that big hand at all.


"Haha, what is it to bully the juniors !!!"

Finally, when it was time for his own shot, Kanako Yasaka couldn't wait to rush out, the huge Kamui burst out of the girl and swept the audience.


The hurricane that swept the audience was instantly brought into control by Kanako Yasaka, and instantly turned into a dozen blue tornadoes, bombarded.

Between the roars, the tornadoes turned into sharp blades, penetrating the big hands that covered the sky!


Behind the Kanako, Xieya Suwako also walked out, the thick Shenwei injected into the earth, swept away in all directions, and smoothed all the cracks.

The Divine Realm, which was in a state of constant collapse, instantly turned into fragments and dispersed, and restored to the original moon capital.


After losing the support of God Realm, the big hand in the sky crashed.

Countless golden energy dust fell from the sky, but was attracted by Kanako's tornado in mid-air, and all merged into the tornado.

The tornadoes that swept through were melted away by energy and completely disappeared into the air.

And the last trace of God Territory also disappeared at this moment "Slap! Slap!"

At this moment, two soft clapping sounds came from the sky, and all the surviving creatures looked up subconsciously to the sky, only to see one figure slowly fall.

It was a peerless girl in a white gauze skirt, her black hair fluttering, and her body was full of terrifying magic.

The seemingly irresistible magic spread out and firmly attracted the eyes of all living beings. The girl's eyes were bland, as if there was nothing that could move her, and she was always standing on top of it, making you look up.

Immediately, the whole scene was silent.

Almost all creatures subconsciously held their breaths, fearing that their voice would shock the peerless girl in front of them.

The leader of the lunar capital, see you on the moon night, now at the moment!


The sudden greeting broke the silent environment, and I saw Yasaka Kanako said energeticly, "I haven't seen you for a long time, see you at night, you guys look very moist!"

Kanako's words echoed, suddenly making the surrounding atmosphere a bit awkward.

The monsters almost opened their mouths subconsciously, but couldn't say a word.

"Kanako Yasaka, Ru is still alive!"

Slightly frowned, Yue Yue's eyes turned to Yasaka Kanako, and Shiya Suwako behind her. "And it's also involved with the indigenous gods of the Shiya Kingdom."

Speaking of which, a little displeasure appeared on the face of Moonlight.

As the former main deity of the Yamato Divinity, the relationship between Moonlight and the indigenous gods was very unpleasant. Even now, seeing the culmination of the indigenous **** Suwako can still not be very relieved.

"Well, the indigenous gods or something is a thing of the past. Now Suwako is no longer an indigenous god."

Faced with the unpleasantness of seeing the moonlight, Kanako Yasaka didn't care at all, even if the other party was the former main **** of her own **** system, but for Kanako, she only focused on the positions of the two gods now.

Obviously, at this time, the two gods are hostile. Since they are enemies, why should they care about each other's moods?


"I still want to ask you !!"

In the eyes, there was a ruthless gleam, and the divine power on Yasaka Kanako burst out, "Why is there Takahara, there is a God Territory that is based on the **** Tianzhao !!"

"Say, what the **** did you do !!"

During the talk, the sky on the battlefield changed in vain. A large number of dark clouds gathered from all directions, and thunder appeared!


Listening to Kanako's near-questioning words, an unhappy look flashed on the face of Yueyue. The moon **** who was accustomed to standing up above hated this kind of disrespect. Immediately, she showed a bad smile:

"Tianzhao, since you want to see the woman, let the concubine meet you!"

Speaking of which, seeing the moon night opened his small mouth, a golden brilliance flew out of the girl's mouth, and then instantly turned into a bright day.

The dark clouds in the sky had to retreat after the sun appeared, and the golden radiance spattered throughout the capital of the moon in an instant, completely dispelling the cold atmosphere.

Then, in that bright day, the woman in the golden Chinese robe was walking out.


Seeing the woman who walked out of the sun, Yasaka Kanako's face suddenly changed, not only her, but also the face of Xieya Suwako changed greatly, full of horror.

They were totally unimaginable. Seeing the moon night, they spit out Tianzhao from their mouths ..

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