My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 133: Nagato finally arrived at second!

The so-called sacred **** is the **** of disaster!

Under the command of Suwako, the snake of the **** named Suwa Myojin first shredded the arrow with its tail curled up, and then frantically absorbed the power of the earth, instantly transformed into a giant snake of 100 meters.

As a price, the entire battlefield fell into an extremely desolate situation.


In a flash, the white snake roared towards the moonlit night in the sky, rushing up like a ray of white practice, and the speed was extremely fast.

Just a moment's time, the figure of the white snake appeared around the moonlight, and opened a big mouth of blood basin.


Facing the approach of Suwa Mingshen, there was no surprise or fear in the face of Moonlight, but a slight unpleasant look of anger.

In the eyes of the arrogant and arrogant king of the moon, it's nothing but a god.

What made her somewhat unacceptable was that the two gods Yasaka Kanako and Xieya Suwako actually used this method to deal with themselves, which in her view was simply an insult!


At this moment, a transparent barrier emerged from around the night I saw the moon. The white snake's large caliber bit directly on the barrier, but it was still unable to break it.

"In that case, let you see the real despair!"

Such thoughts flashed in his mind, and the Moon King's body exploded with unimaginable strong power. His slender white right hand was raised, and his palm was aimed at the white snake's big mouth.


The vast divine power and arrogance converged, and the unimaginable shock wave from the slender palm burst out, bombarding Suwa Mingshen's head heavily.

Suddenly, the devastated God of God even had no time to react, and was directly bombarded into scum.

"So, next"

After lightly finishing all of this, Moonlight's eyes turned to the two gods on the ground, and she wanted to see the fear she wanted from the eyes of the two gods.

After so many unsatisfactory lives in the Moon City, she desperately wants to return to the supremacy of heaven!

It was only very soon that the king of the moon found something wrong

Although the two gods standing on the ground wished to see the look of awe they wanted, the Moon King still felt a little uncoordinated.

After carefully discerning, the king of the moon saw some stereotypes from the gestures of the two gods!

It's like


He spit out such words softly, and there was a little bitterness in the face of the Moon King. By this time, if she didn't understand that she was being played, it would be a real fool.

"Haha, the correct answer!"

At the moment when the words I saw on the moon night just fell, a heroic voice echoed in the space on the same level as her. Along with the sound, a breeze was blowing around.

The figures of the second Kanako and the second Suwako appeared in the breeze out of thin air!

At the same time, the two gods on the ground turned into mud and collapsed to the ground.

"We are playing you!"

It was n’t Kanako who spoke this word, but Suwako, who had always been silent, seemed to avenge her hatred for the murder of God, and she showed a rare opportunity to kill her:

"It's not just playing you, we now have to kill you!"

As soon as the words fell, Suwako's body burst into a thick divine power. At the same time as Suwako's divine power broke out, the Kanako's divine power broke out at the same time.

then "Boom !!!"

Astonishing changes appeared, and two different supernatural powers had a wonderful chemical reaction in an instant.

The supernatural imagination reverberates in the space of this battlefield, and the surrounding enclaves are showing signs of rupture.

"how come?!"

There was a little consternation on the face seen on the moon night.

Although it was a little unbelievable, the King of Moons also had to admit that the power of Kanako Yasaka and Xieyasuyako at this time were enough to hurt her.


"What a joke !!!"

After the shock, the king of the moon showed anger, and the unprecedented divine power broke out. The hands seen on the moon night gathered together, and a silver energy bomb was condensed.

Although it seems inconspicuous, the energy bomb contains power enough to destroy thousands of miles!

"Go to die, you two jerks!"

"You are going to die, Qiankun fights!"

Just as the king of the moon threw energy bombs at both Kanako and Suwako, the attacks of Kanako and Suwako were released at the same time.

The unimaginable power of heaven and earth turned into an amazing beam of light


"Oh, it seems they are playing very well!"

At this time, outside the core area of ​​the Moon City, the figures of Nagoma and Sayya came from the end of the street, watching the junction of the core area bursting at an alarming rate.

From the broken crack, Nagato can feel the amazing force collision

Obviously, both sides of the battle used their full strength.


"See you on moon night is more than that!"

With a soft sigh, Nagato nodded at the girl next to him, and the whole person rose up into the sky, galloping toward the location of the core area.

The enchantment shattered before the Nagato reached the core area.

The vast shock waves spread in all directions, and the monsters standing outside the center area flew out under this impact.

The smoke and dust filled, and the broken scenes appeared in the vision of the long gate.


When the long gate arrived, a silver-white beam of light rose into the sky.

Then, very coincidentally, the familiar figures of the two red-haired teenagers flew out of the smoke and blasted in the direction of the long gate.

Waving his left hand, the long goalkeeper's two inverted figures stopped in midair.

"Cough, it's you, Lord God!"

"We failed"

After being blocked by the Nagato, the two girls Kanako and Suwako said weakly, but there was unwillingness to conceal their words.

"If you don't want to, just go ahead and let me know what happens next!"

He said faintly, and with the left hand of the long door, he sent the two girls into the private space, and then he looked at the beam of light.

Nagato can perceive clearly, and see the moonlight hidden in that beam of light!

ps: Starting tomorrow, at least three shifts, normal four shifts! ..

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