My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 134: Thousand-year plan first!

Just know Gui Gui, but the red-haired boy just stood quietly in the sky.

This is not what Nagato didn't want to do to Moonlight. In fact, Moonlight is definitely a must-have sequence in the heart of a red-haired boy.

There are many reasons, but the main reason is Hui Ye!

Although the Moon is a very mysterious place, no matter how mysterious it is, after so many years of exploration, Nagato and Saye have already taken off the mystery here.

It must be said that this place, which is known as the quietest in the plane, is in some sense the dirtiest place.

The entire lunar surface is the product of a conspiracy that spans thousands of years, and even tens of thousands of years.

Here, even the noble moon princesses are the product of conspiracy.

Mianyue Fengji is to make the research of Hidakahara God Realm hidden, and Mianyue Yiji is a by-product of the reproduction plan of the gods of Gaotianyuan.

Nagato's wife, Hui Ye, was born in order to become a new body on the moon.

If it was n’t for Huiye to make a good relationship with Yonglin with his own charm, so that the brain of the moon ignored the relationship between him and Yueyue for thousands of years and refined the medicine of Penglai

I am afraid that before the meeting with Nagato, Huiye had already disappeared in this ruthless moon capital.

In this situation, the red-haired teenager could not help but have a thrill in his heart!

However, even with such a strong killing in mind, the Nagato still can't do it at this time, because at this time, Moonlight has launched its own plan to brew for thousands of years.

The beam of light has been connected with the entire moon capital and even the core of the entire moon.

If Nagato attacks, it is almost equivalent to destroying the moon

At that time, the plane consciousness was 100% instantly awakened and shot at the long door. With the power of the red-haired boy at this time, facing the world consciousness of this strange plane, it was really overhanging.

"Humph, wait again!"

An unpleasant humming, the long door embraced with his hands, the dragon's body gradually spread out, and nine completely different dragon breaths intertwined on the red-haired boy.

As time passed, this intertwined breath gradually deepened


As if stimulated by Longmen Longwei, Guangzhu expanded again more than ten times out of thin air.

After a few battles, the part of the moon that appears to be partially broken has resonated with this beam of light. The original broken part was restored in an instant.

After the restoration was completed, the huge enchantment turned into a dark, obscured light for a moment.

The entire moon fell into darkness instantly, only the central beam of light was the most conspicuous!


At the next moment, invisible waves echoed throughout the enchantment.

All the invaders in the Moon City felt a moment of discomfort, not hurt or something, but as if they felt like they were caught in an inexplicable oven.

Everything around the world seemed to turn into flames, baking everything.


Feeling the changes in the surroundings, the wind sees Youxiang uncomfortably humming.

The one she hated most as a flower demon was darkness and scorching. Although at this time she was able to manipulate these two forces at will, she hated it.

Immediately, she moved faster and faster towards the center of the moon capital. "Wow, the real battle is about to begin!"

On the other side, star Xiong Yongyi, who was also running towards the center of the city, said involuntarily, "Hurry up, this kind of war can't be missed!"

"Damn it, I called the guy from Yunyun Zi before I knew it!"

Yi Chu Cui Xiang also complained that the scope of the Moon City is much larger than they thought. "I am afraid that only at this time will I envy those with space capabilities."


Imuchi fan has no interface, and she would n’t want to watch the battle unless the blood of the ghost race in her body roared.

The moon capital at this time is too weird

Fortunately, the invaders, all the residents of the moon capital they saw along the road, whether they were surviving moon residents or hiding moon rabbits, all melted as long as they were still in the enchantment.

In the screams, the people of the moon melted into white energy, and the moon rabbits melted into black and white energy.

Whether it is black energy or white energy, all are rushing towards the central beam of light

Such a scene feels too ominous

At the same time, the changes in the central area of ​​the lunar capital reached the most extreme point.

After absorbing the black and white energy gathered from all directions in the capital of the entire moon, the silver-white beam of light was quickly rendered into black and white.

The darkness on the surface of the enchantment above the sky seems to be transformed into flowing water, absorbed by the beam of light.

With the vision of Nagato, I clearly saw the marks of the four great sages on the enchantment.

"It's a big lie to be clean and free, a real lie!"

Seeing this scene, the red-haired young man exuding the ever-changing Long Wei couldn't help but have an inexplicable smile on his mouth. Speaking of that, the original long door also looked away.

This enchantment can indeed purify the mind and keep the creatures it guards away from sin.

But Nagato has forgotten one thing, that is that normal creatures instinctively possess desire, which is derived from the nature of life and cannot be suppressed blindly.

In this case, it is amazing how long this kind of enchantment can run for several years. Where can it run for thousands of years?

But the fact is that this enchantment has really existed for thousands of years

And the reason is that some people have suppressed that desire!

The repressors are none other than the four great sages.

After possessing the authority of the Moon City, these four guys acted as suppressors of the Moon Enchantment without knowing it, and this is the reason why the sages have fallen.

"It will be the calculated guy from the beginning. It's a pity to die!"

Such judgment flashed in his head, and the long-door eyes gradually narrowed, because he clearly felt that the action of seeing the moon night had come to an end.

as predicted


In the sudden roar, the dark enclaves and the black and white beams of light broke apart, and then the endless fragments gathered in an instant, turning into a magic circle all over the sky.

Chaos-colored borders, golden photons embellishment, and the four sides of the magic circle respectively interpret the vision of earth, water, fire and wind!

The black and white tai chi is inscribed in the middle, and in the center of the tai chi, the moon is still the same!


The entire moon quaked slightly at this time ..

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