My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 135: The final battle opens the second more!

The Mountain of Suzaku, the base camp of monsters.

After leaving the Moon City, Bayi Yonglin came here alone, and under the guard of a large number of monsters, in front of the altar of heaven and earth, saw Hui Ye.

"Long time no see, Yong Lin!"

Seeing the arrival of her old friend, Hui Ye's face could not help but show a fascinating smile, "But you have to forgive me, the concubine can't move now."

Between the speeches, Hui Ye's face just appeared with a confused expression.

The monsters around saw Huiye's attitude like this, and there were very few non-existent existences. She had to sigh with the beauty of Princess Moon, even in the ranks of monsters.

"It's worthy of being the most perfect body I have ever shaped for myself at the night of the moon!"

Such thoughts flashed in his mind, Bayi Yonglin did not speak out uninterestingly, but looked at his eyes to the altar of heaven and earth under Huiye.

Not to mention anything else, the existence of this altar alone, Yong Lin knew why the monsters dared to attack the moon.

The various runes and mysteries inscribed on the altar, even the brain of the moon, is unheard of.

Seeing the whole leopard at a glance, Yong Lin can completely think of how terrible the monster, or the essence of the heavenly devil, is incredible from Yong Lin's own perspective.


At this moment, Ba Yi Yonglin seemed to sense something, and looked up at the moon sky.

Seeing Bayi Yonglin's move, the other monsters around them all looked up subconsciously, and then they were horrified to find that the bright moon suspended in the sky turned into a wonderful color.

"It's starting, see you at night!"

Understatement, Yong Lin sighed secretly in her heart.

The greasy Yonglin at the Enchantment of the Moon has always known, but for various reasons, she does not want to ignore it. Until now, Yonglin did not know whether her approach was right or wrong.

"Month is one, goodness deteriorates two ceremonies, four sages become four phases, all gods evoke all things, all beings make sacrifices"

A ritual under way on the moon surface flashed in my mind, and Bayi Yonglin sighed softly, "In that case, you will indeed evolve into a brand new incredible supreme existence."

"But, at that time, were you still yourself, see you at night"

Above the lunar surface, a huge array of extremes covered the sky.

The dull prestige that is difficult to describe in words enveloped the entire moon, and Yuxiang and others who were originally planning to rush towards the center of the moon capital have stopped.

They no longer have to rush to the battlefield, because the battlefield has expanded to the full moon at this time.

"Ha, really a lunatic!"

As the incarnation of nature, Feng Jian You Xiang soon understood the intention of the Lord of the Moon, "Are you planning to assimilate with the concept of the Moon in this plane?"

Just after being surprised, Youxiang's face was filled with a sober taste.

Indeed, if the Lord of the Moon can assimilate with the concept of the Moon, then he will undoubtedly step into the realm of Taoism and become part of the consciousness of heaven and earth.

But such a strong man is only a half-hanger at best, which is like a cloud of mud compared to the real powerful Dao Sheng.

In fact, if you want, Youxiang can assimilate with the concept of nature at any time. But by that time, Yuxiang may not be himself anymore.

Of course, since the Lord of the Moon has made such a choice, I am afraid there is a way to avoid losing himself, but this method is completely not seen by Feng Jianyouxiang.

Because, if you really make such a choice, Youxiang completely denies her path from a humble and small step by step struggle, which is unacceptable to Youxiang.

Although it is the incarnation of nature, Youxiang never thought of becoming a subsidiary of nature.

"In this case, I won't make up for this last battle!"

Looking at the red-haired boy standing in the distance below the center of the circle, Fengyou Youxiang resolutely turned back, "If you can return successfully, I will admit you!"

When the words fell, a door of space opened in front of Youxiang. Without any hesitation, the girl walked straight in.

More than Youxiang's side, at this time a door of space appeared beside all the survivors on the moon, these portals existed for less than a minute.

Some monsters entered the door of space, while others refused stubbornly.

The monsters who refused did not know that they had buried their last lifeline because the upcoming battle was no longer a spectator battle.

By the way, the three kings of the ghost clan were shot by Saya personally to knock them into the portal.

"Well, the clearance is almost done!"

When all the doors of space disappeared, the red-haired young boy standing in the sky moved his eyes slightly, and then his eyes rose slightly to see the moonlit night that was undergoing the final transformation.

Nine gruesome unreal dragon heads are looming behind the red-haired boy, and the unreal dragon chant echoes in the void!

Soon, under the gaze of Nagato, the sky's circle began to change.


The golden light dots spread all over the magic circle toward the bright moon in the center, and it was only a moment of time that the bright moon was dyed into a golden day.

Then the four visions of water, fire and wind gathered in vain, deducing the most basic source power!

Under the infusion of the original power, Dari turned into a moon again


Then, the power of good and evil was turned into two silk threads, which surrounded the bright moon, and then released the most dazzling moonlight, covering all the vision.

At the same time, there was a shock that could not be ignored throughout the moon!

When the vision of Nagato was clear again, the magic circle in the sky had long disappeared, and there was only an elegant young girl standing in front of her eyes, empty and magnificent.

The breeze was blowing, and the girl's long black hair flew slightly, full of different beauty.


"It's like a remake of Huiye!"

After a bit of gestation, Nagato spoke out of an excessive evaluation of the enemies in front of him, "and because of that inexplicable majesty, it made his temperament look a little incomparable."


Originally just finished the transformation, and the mood was still a bit happy. Seeing the moon night suddenly angry, without any hesitation, he shot directly at the red-haired boy in front of him:

"Strangling him, double snakes of good and evil !!!"

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