My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 136: Sky Dragon appeared third!

Good and evil two snakes!

This is the ace of seeing the moon night after the concept of a real moon.

The moonlit night, which assimilated itself to the concept of the moon by the method of sacrificial sacrifice close to evil demons, should have lost all emotions, but was spared because of the endless power of good and evil gathered in its body.

The so-called double snakes of good and evil are impressively the manifestation of the power of good and evil in the Moon King.

Normally, she should not arbitrarily use good and evil snakes.

After all, if the power of good and evil in the Moon King consumes too much, then the self-will of the Moon King will eventually be deprived of heaven and earth.

But there is no way. The words of Nagato are really unbearable insults for seeing Moonlight.

You should know that Hui Yeming is just the flesh cultivated by Moonlight. In a sense, Huiye is a replica of Moonlight.

Now, Nagato says that she is not as good as her own copy.

How can the arrogant Moon King endure!


Under the order of the Moon King, the empty space immediately rippled like ripples, and then two huge black snakes and one white snake flew out of the ripples.

Not to mention the astonishing extreme pressure, the snake body that is full of kilometers alone can't be ignored.

The face of the red-haired boy could not help but dignified at this moment.

Nagato realized that although the realm of Daosheng seen on the moon night was semi-finished, and under the suppression of this plane, he did not have the power of a world-class power like the one in the box court, but it was not weak.

At least for Nagato at this time, this is really an absolute strong enemy in the true sense!


At this moment, two feather snakes hissed at the same time, opened their blood basins and slammed towards the long door standing in the sky, and four huge snake eyes completely locked the red-haired boy.

The fierce killing made the hair on the back of Nagato consciously stand up unconsciously.

"So, let's fight!"

Secretly sneered coldly, the red-haired boy closed his eyes.

In an instant, the looming Longwei directly rose to an unimaginable level, and even the two plumage snakes that were coming down could not help but slightly stagnate their bodies.

It was just after the initial surprise that the two feather snakes directly displayed a violent gesture, and the terrible hurricane raged, as if the rainstorm to overturn the world accompanied it!

The coercion of the space around a thousand miles has reached a limit, and space has even stagnation.



In such a change, Nagato's face remained unchanged.

The mysterious and weird fluctuations burst out from the red-haired boy, rushed straight into the sky in an instant, penetrated the void, and disappeared into the depths of time and space.

Then, at the next moment


The amazing Long Yin resounding through the moon sky burst out from the sky, the whole sky turned into ripples to block, and the huge red dragon head appeared in the sky.

This is a strange dragon head with two large mouths superimposed, but it is full of amazing pressure.

After appearing, the red dragon head opened his two big mouths directly

"Boom! Boom!" Two lightning **** with a diameter of 100 meters immediately condensed from the dragon's mouth, fired out, penetrated thousands of meters of space, and directly bombarded two feather snakes.

Under the violent bombardment, two feather snakes caught off guard flew out.

All kinds of violent celestial phenomena flooded within a thousand miles could not help but stand still at this moment.

"Oh !!!"

"Woo !!!"

In the same wailing sound, the two feather snakes struggled left and right, they broke free of the lightning around them, and returned to the side of the moon night,

The grim snake head looked at the red dragon head of the long gate and the sky, and it seemed a little afraid.


Seeing the effect of his attack, the red dragon head screamed in complacency, and then slowly pulled his body out of the ripples in space.

In less than a moment, the horrible dragon body, which was more than 3,000 meters long, was directly displayed in the sky.

The red dragon roared happily and came to the side of the long gate, circling.

"Sure enough, the sky dragon god!"

After summoning the good and evil twin snakes, there was no movement at all, and the night of seeing the moon finally finally said, "I didn't expect that my first opponent after transformation was the Dragon God!"

After completing the transformation, Moonlight saw a lot of secret information from the depths of the plane.

The intelligence of the red dragon in front of him is contained in those messages.

According to the feedback from the plane, the Shenlong was a mysterious creature named Sky Dragon that came from the sky outside the world several years ago. It automatically abandoned the body of freedom and merged with the origin of the plane.

To some extent, the situation of Shenlong is somewhat similar to that seen on Moonlight

Reminiscent of the nine days of Longyin a few years ago, when I saw the moonlight at Nagato, my eyes changed.


"What about the Dragon God incarnation !!"

A glorious look flashed on the elegant pretty face, and the divine power on the moon suddenly exploded, and four different divine powers emerged and merged.

The surrounding space continued to collapse under the flame of the gods all over the moon king.

"Since it has become my enemy, let me die!"

The black and white feather snake intertwined, even shrinking out of thin air, and turned into a black and white god's bow, which fell into the hands of the moon king.

Then I saw that the king of the moon filled the bow with a string like a full moon.

In an instant, the chaotic tyrannical divine power enough to destroy the space was transformed into a mysterious arrow of chaotic color, which appeared automatically and was placed on the bow of the god.

"Boom !!!"

The sound of the strings trembled, and after the release of the king of the moon, a huge beam of light of chaos rushed to the sky, and the vast sky seemed to be torn apart completely.

"Sand! Sand! Sand !!!"

The endless chaotic light rain fell from the sky, endlessly, but all the dust turned into dust by the light rain, the space continued to show cracks.

Can't hide, how can such an attack hide?


Faced with the sky of Guan Yu, the sky dragon roared, and directly surrounded the space where the long gate was with his huge three thousand-meter dragon body.


The endless rain of light bombarded the sky dragon one after another.

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