My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 137: Time is up!

Seeing an angry blow on the moon night, the range is extremely wide.

Under the bombardment of the endless chaotic light and rain, the space itself showed amazing distortions, and the huge moon capital was destroyed in an instant, all turned into historical dust.

As the main target of the rain of light, the sky dragon is also somewhat unable to withstand and wailed!

A large number of signs of destruction appeared on the metal body that shone with metallic red light


Standing in the guardian range of the Sky Dragon, Nagato couldn't help but sneer.

The red-haired boy also understood that without simply summoning the sky dragon's chaotic ontology that merged with the origin of the plane, the simple projection of power seems unable to fight against the moonlight.

Even if this power projection has half of the power of the sky dragon as well.

"In that case"

Such thoughts flashed in his head, the eyes of Nagato narrowed slightly, and the indomitable will to conquer suddenly exploded in an instant, taking over the body of the sky dragon without hesitation.


Under the overturn of the rain of light, the crimson dragon looked up to the sky.

With the body of this crimson dragon, the crown of the long gate is immortal, and the overbearing will of chaotic respect suddenly bursts out, mixing with the spread of Longwei.

Under the domineering chaos and rain that came from the dragon bombardment towards the sky, they scattered everywhere.


Seeing this scene, the face seen at Yueye couldn't help but change greatly.

Only when she wasn't waiting for her to do something, Longwei mixed with the absolute domineering will of the long gate had swept through her, and the feeling of dimness and darkness appeared in the mind of the moon king.

Not only that, but unconsciously, the Moon King even retreated hundreds of meters.

This is a conditioned reflex made by the body seen at night!

This means

"I'm here, fear?"

Uncertain words were whispered from the mouth seen on the moon night. At this time, the eyes of the moon king looked at the sky dragon and the long gate and could not help but bring obvious consternation.

She couldn't understand why she was subconsciously afraid, because it was a similar level of existence.

It ’s just that I do n’t wait until the moonlight to see, and the attack of Nagato arrived.


In the sound of the dragon chanting all over the world, the sky dragon burst into endless crimson thunder, turning into a super giant thunder lightning.

Then, the scarlet thunder seemed to be a sword of punishment, beheading towards the king of the moon.

The swift attack has not really arrived yet. Seeing Yueyue felt an absolute lock, letting Yueyue sincerely understand that he cannot escape this attack.

The most terrifying thing for the Moon King is that he feels the punishment of heaven from this thunder!

"Damn !!"

Feeling all this, his face suddenly changed a lot at night.

The most fearful thing about moon night is the stealing of heaven and earth power, especially the moon night has just assimilated with the concept of moon and has not been fully integrated.

If it was really invaded by the punishment of heaven, I'm afraid her ending will definitely be better

"However, do you think you won this way!"

After the initial panic, a stern light flashed in the eyes of Moonlight, and the black and white **** bow in his hand instantly decomposed into two small and exquisite black and white feather snakes. Then two feather snakes wrapped their arms around the moon night, as if wearing two armguards for her.

"I didn't want to use this power"

Such thoughts flashed in my mind, seeing the moonlight with my hands folded together, the endless silver brilliance bloomed from behind the moon king, and the silver moon-like vertical pupil appeared in her brow.

"Mystery of the pupil of the moon: time and space stagnation !!!"

With the abrupt speech, the entire space and time of the lunar surface appeared to be stagnant at this moment, and the dim color stained the lunar surface in an instant.

The sword of punishment from the beheading instantly became a delayed animation.

All the details of Crimson Thunder in the process of progress were clearly presented in front of the moon night, so she caught the flaw in an instant.



Not waiting to see the action on the moon night, Wushuang's overbearing will rebound in an instant.

Numerous slender cracks appeared instantly in the gray stagnation time and space, with the sword of heaven punishment as the core, as if the spider web was spreading in all directions.

Under such circumstances, the speed of the sword of natural punishment showed a rapid rise.

The original flaw disappeared in the eyes of Moonlight.


Seeing this scene, Moonlight couldn't help but bite her silver teeth.

What the hell's overbearing will!

Seeing moon night with great hatred in her heart, she couldn't help but feel a little speechless consternation, "Do you want me to continue to use other mysteries?"

If you can, seeing the moonlight, of course, do not want to continue to use the secret method.

The secret method of applying the pupil of the moon at this stage of the transformation just completed has already hurt the foundation. If you continue to perform it, I am afraid that your foundation will be destroyed.

It's just obvious that the real situation can't tolerate seeing the moon and night, the sword of punishment is close at hand!

"This is what you forced me to do, the second secret: the light of destruction!"

With the hands sealed, the fierce red light flashed in the eyes of Yueyue, and green bars extended from the vertical pupil of her eyebrows, almost all over the face of the Moon King.


At the next moment, a dark beam of light burst out from the vertical pupil of her eyebrow.

Under this mysterious light beam, the existence of time and space seems to have no secret. Almost at the same time, the stagnant gray space shattered and restored the original time and space.

And the dark beam had been bombarded on the sword of Heaven's Punishment.

The thunder, which contains the atmosphere of punishment, is directly penetrated by the beam, and the rushing current is directly crushed by the pressure of the beam.

The power projection of the sky dragon was immediately annihilated in a flash, leaving no trace.

After the sky dragon was destroyed, the speed of the dark beam was unchanged, and the goal was directed at the long gate, as if it contained the anger seen at night, and the red-haired boy should be eliminated directly.

"Go die to me !!"

Looking at the red-haired boy with burning eyes, seeing the moon night seemed to see the victory coming.

Either because of the weirdness of Nagato, or because of being forced to use unwilling power, seeing the moonlight at this time can't wait to see the death of Nagato.

It ’s just obvious that her expectations are doomed


"Time is up!"

With the crisp female voice that suddenly appeared on the moon, the whole world began to burn ..

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