My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 138: Tian Zhao Shen Qi second!

A red lotus-like flame suddenly presented the desolate moon surface.

When the burning sensation spread to the cheeks seen in the moon night, the self-proclaimed supreme moon king was horrified to find that everything around him had fallen into flames of fire.

Whether it is the sky or the earth, whether it is tangible or invisible

Lin Lin in the field of vision, all burned up!


Then at the next moment, Yueyue felt a pain in her heart and couldn't help but exclaimed. The dark beam released by the eyebrow and vertical pupil suddenly went unsustainable and dissipated suddenly.

"Damn, how is this possible !!!"

Amidst the pain, the face seen on the moon night couldn't help but show a frightened look.

Because just now, the concept of seeing the moon and the moon, or the close connection with the plane, was blocked by an inexplicable scorching force.

Not only that, she could feel that the scorching power was burning her connection with Yue.

If it weren't for the magic circle and various forces in your body to maintain this connection

Seeing it on the moon night, I am afraid that I would have been brought back to the prototype!

"Why not?"

At this moment, the leisurely voice echoed in the ears seen on the moon night, and the surrounding flames condensed into a ghostly girl in white gauze.

A girl so dressed, who is not Saye!

"If you take a shortcut, you will naturally suffer from flaws!"

The illusory Saya looked at the moonlight in front of her with a smile, and said with a small smile, "Saya, I see through your flaws, and I can easily do this naturally."

"You, this guy !!"

Seeing this illusory girl in front of her, she looked so angry at the moonlit night,

The vast divine power diffused from the king of the moon. Although the connection with the plane was temporarily blocked, the divine power after her transformation was still much stronger than before.

It's just that this momentum has absolutely no effect on this unreal girl.

"Ah, angry!"

With a provocative chuckle, the girl's figure faded away, "But your opponent is not me, take care of it, what a terrible brother Nagato without restraint would be."

As soon as the words fell, the girl's figure disappeared, leaving only the burning flame

And the red-haired boy who stood in the middle of the flames, with nine dragons making his debut!

The unimaginable Long Wei is coming out from the other party.

In the cold dark universe vacuum, the black Gothic girl stood in the sky.

There was a faint ripple in the void, and the illusory white figure appeared out of thin air, blending with the girl's posture, giving him a more subtle atmosphere.

"Huh, you're done!"

A smile appeared on the face, the girl's eyes looked at the moon not far away, no, today's moon may be more appropriately described as `` planet of fire ''.

The red lotus-like flame has ignited this huge satellite compared to the girl.

From farther away, such as the surface of the earth

The original bright moon may have turned into a round of unforgettable red moon.

"Hee hee, I'm so amazing that I blocked the entire moon!"

Looking at his masterpiece, Saya involuntarily opened his mouth and praised himself, "This time, I am going to let Remi and them come. With such a vision as a background, Xiao Remi should thank me!"

"Indeed, you are really amazing, at least I can't do this!"

At this moment, a sudden admiration of the female voice appeared in Saya's ear, and then the voice turned, showing a hint of curiosity:

"Oh, who is Xiaoleimi?"


Shaye could not help but leave a drop of cold sweat on his forehead.

Although after completing the feud to ban the moon, both the perception of the girl and the perception of the host Bai Lian have dropped significantly.

But even so, neither of them can get close.

Especially as they are now, it makes them completely unresponsive.

It ’s like a fantasy


Turning indifferently, a silver-haired girl wearing six gothic bright red dresses appeared in Shaye's field of vision.

The girl's head was tied with a red hair band to the left of the hair, and there were two spherical ornaments on the hair band.

On the whole, this is undoubtedly a girl with amazing beauty.

It's just that this is not where Saya cares. What Saya cares about is that she knows the existence of the woman in front of her, but she didn't expect the other person to appear here:

"Why is it here, Lord of the Devil Realm-Shen Qi!"

With doubts in his mind, Saya did not hide, but asked directly, "Are you seeing the destruction of the moon capital, ready to do something?"

During the talk, Saya began secretly brewing the power in his body

"Ah, don't be so alert!"

Seemingly aware of Saya's alert, Shen Qi waved her hands in a panic, and quickly said, "I'm not here to fight, I'm just here to give away the old friend."

In order to reassure Saya, Shenqi even took the initiative to withdraw some of his defenses.

"Old friend?"

Hearing Shen Qi's words, Saya couldn't help but wonder, but she quickly remembered something, "You are also a survivor of the previous era. Is your old man seen at night or a sage of the moon?"

"Survivor of the last era? That's right."

He tilted his head, and Shenqi's eyes moved slightly, and nodded toward Saya. "My old friend is seeing you every night. As for the sage of the moon? I haven't heard of it!"


Hearing this, somehow, Saya suddenly mourned the four sages who felt good about themselves. Then, Saya asked tentatively:

"Since it's an old friend, why not save her?"

"No, this is the fate that Xiaoyue has to face herself!"

It seems that he didn't hear Saya's temptation, and Shen Qi fell into his own thoughts, "like our existence, we have to be responsible for everything we do."

"This kind of thing is the same for me and for Xiao Zuo, who has failed."

"I gave her garden to her is already an exceptional situation"

"and many more!"

Originally, for the self-discovery of the seemingly dumb Lord of the Devil, Saya was happy to see it done, but just listening to her, Saya seemed to think of something:

"After all, what was your name in the last era?"

"Ah column? The name of the last era?"

Hearing Saya ’s sudden question, Shen Qi froze, then closed her eyes and thought carefully, “This, I think, yes, other gods like to call me Tianzhao.”

ps: The result can't help but update another chapter! ..

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