My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 140: Devour the moon second!

The power of black holes is undoubtedly terrifying.

At the beginning, the diameter was less than one meter, and it released enough gravity to twist the laws of physics. Everything around it, even the space, was twisted!

Faced with such absolute power, the body seen in the moonlight was completely destroyed in less than a moment.

And under such circumstances, did you really die on the night of the moon?

Unfortunately, the answer is no!

Even if she used the approach of the evil demons to reach the realm of Dao Sheng, and it has long been disregarded, she finally touched the great existence of Dao Sheng Realm.

In the process, her soul has transformed, and it has more or less immortal characteristics.

A black hole can contain all matter and energy, but it cannot contain an indestructible soul.



There was a roaring roar across the burning moon in an instant.

In the roar, the almost endless power of will fell out of thin air, echoed throughout the world of flames, and contained the expanding black hole.

"Damn bastard, I will never let you go !!!"

After restraining the expanding black hole, the sound of the moon and night seemed to be out of control in all directions, and at the same time, Nagato felt the repulsion of the world.

If Nagato looks at the direction of the moon from the vacuum universe outside the moon, or stays on the ground and can see the full moon, he will be surprised to find:

Originally burning on the lunar surface, a large and surprisingly abstract face was inscribed on it.

But even if not, Nagato knew what was happening in front of him.

This is not an earth-shattering event, just seeing the moon and losing the entire moon!

It is the essence of seeing the moonlit night to be part of the heavenly path as the concept of the moon. Even if the heavenly path is isolated, this identity has not changed much.

Therefore, after seeing Moonlight after losing his body, taking the moon as a temporary body is completely logical.


"It's troublesome!"

Feeling the viciousness all around, the red-haired boy murmured in dissatisfaction.

During the talk, Nagato seemed to inadvertently take a step toward his side, and almost at the same time, a red thorn burst from the ground where the red-haired boy was originally.

"But after all, this feeling of being enemies in the world is really delightful!"

Indifferently, a smile appeared on the corner of the mouth of the long door, but there was no stay under his feet, flashing hundreds of times in an instant.

And the burning world around them also carried out at least hundreds of attacks in an instant!

Or crustal vibrations, or atmospheric blasts, or gravity suppression

But without exception, did not hit the long goal half.

"Ah !!!"

It seemed to be dissatisfied with such a situation, echoing around the moon and the night, the sound became more and more sad, and the space around the long gate directly turbulent.

It seems that the king of the moon does not hesitate to damage the entire moon, but also to the long gate.

In response, the red-haired boy finally couldn't help but sigh gently.

This is a very suitable sigh for the red-haired young man's extraordinary gesture. "Since you do n’t want to love this place anymore"

The indifferent voice spread far away in this burning world, and the long door took a light step into the sky, and disappeared in the spot before the space wave hit itself.

Almost at the same time, the figure of the red-haired boy appeared in front of the black hole being suppressed.

"Then let you and this moon, which symbolizes you, enter the eternal indulgence together!"

In the discourse, the right hand of the long gate directly penetrated the ripples of the space, from which the dragon-cutting sword with a deep blue light was pulled out and pierced the center of the black hole

"Let's bloom with all your strength, cut the dragon, use this black hole as the starting point, and devour this star completely!"

In the almost violent words of the red-haired boy, the dark blue sword that penetrated through the center of the black hole instantly lost its original form and turned into a crazy growing plant.

It took only a moment for the plant to grow more than a kilometer, and the entire black hole was confined by the root system of the plant.


Holding the power of the black hole, the root system of the plant transformed by the dragon cut directly through the crust.

The entire moon shook wildly at this moment. As the consciousness of the moon at this time, it felt a fatal crisis. Seeing it at night was a little crazy.

It's just that she is facing a sword that cuts the dragon, a magic sword that devours the planet and cuts off the dragon's veins!

Regardless of the vast coercion of the heavenly Dao, or the brutal attack of the natural phenomenon

All attacks cannot stop the crazy growth of the swallowing plants.

Half a minute later, the root system of the plant penetrated Yuexin.

"Do not!!!"

A nearly mournful voice echoed between heaven and earth, and the proud King of the Moon was finally completely afraid, "Please, please let me go, even if you make me a slave, please !!"

Making the proud King of the Moon as a slave-servant sounds like a very exciting suggestion.


"I have no interest in the decaying guy at all!"

In the void, the red-haired boy shook his head indifferently, and gave the final order to his dragon-cutting.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

With the order of Nakai, the entire moon once again burst out of constant shock.

Starting from the center of the moon, the root system of the star-eating plant issued a terrifying force of engulfment, and extended the branch root system in all directions, speeding up the engulfment.

The continuous vibration reverberated for half an hour, and the consciousness of seeing the moon night continued to weaken in the process.

Until half an hour later

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Countless root systems have emerged from all parts of the moon's surface, and have grown at an amazing speed. The moon has almost become a plant star.

Flames are still burning on the plant star, but that is not the flame of nature, but the ban of Saya.

Therefore, it has no effect on the growth of the plant

"Do not!!!"

Just then, the bleak voice echoed from all directions again, "Damn the Dragon God, I will sacrifice with my soul, curse you forever."


Not waiting for the other party's last words to finish, the red-haired boy in the void snapped his fingers, and the burning plant star shrank violently, and a muffled sound came from the inside.

Then, the existence named Yueyuejian disappeared completely ..

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