My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 141: Harvest and rebuild third more!

Ground Suzaku, altar of monster headquarters.

At the moment when the moon night disappeared completely, Hui Ye, sitting on the altar, felt a wave of excitement, as if she had unloaded an unspeakable burden.

The kind of heartfelt comfort that makes the girl's face can't help but show a hint of redness.

"It seems that you are finally completely free"

Yong Lin, who was talking with Hui Ye, saw the girl's strange appearance, and suddenly thought of something, Wei Wei sighed, "Just like this, my old friend is gone!"

"Yong Lin!"

At this time, Hui Ye, who had recovered from the inexplicable sense of comfort, saw that Yong Lin was sad, and could not help but whisper, wanting to comfort the other party.

No one knows the tenderness of this moon's brain better than Hui Ye.

It was just that her words were interrupted before she could speak

"Relax, I'm fine!"

Bayi Yonglin did not lie. Although she felt sad in her heart, she had already made psychological preparations as early as the beginning of the lunar war.

"Congratulations, Huiye!"

Smiling towards the **** the altar, congratulations, Bayi Yonglin seemed to think of something, and said, "Right, do you want to do something to celebrate this day."

"For example, give yourself a new surname as a freshman. Isn't your husband without a surname anyway?"

"Last name!"

Although he knew that Yong Lin was shifting the topic, Hui Ye didn't pierce it, but went on with the topic. "Although the concubine itself doesn't care much, just add one."

"Well, by the way, Yong Lin, what do you think of Penglai Mountain?"

"Penglai Mountain!"

Hearing Huiye, Bayi Yonglin knew that the girl definitely meant Penglai's medicine and smiled at the moment, "Penglai Mountain Huiye, it sounds very good."

"That is, after all, it's a concubine's name, how could it not?"

Regarding Yong Lin ’s comments, Hui Ye accepted all of them in a polite way, but she did n’t finish her words, and felt that there was nothing missing in the surrounding environment.

At this moment, Hui Ye stopped the conversation and looked at Ba Yi Yong Lin.

"It's okay, but you don't need to continue sitting on the altar."

Bayi Yonglin replied in this way, but her eyes turned to the starry sky, where the bright moon has been lost

In the secluded void, the long door looked quietly at the luck coming.

It was a scene invisible to the naked eye. The golden luck seemed to illuminate the dark universe vacuum, coming from the earth towards the location of the long gate.

In the endless golden luck, Nagato also saw blood and black impurities mixed in.

The red-haired boy knew that it was blood and evil spirit brought by the war!

"Finally, the collection is complete, the lucky age of luck!"

Sighing softly, Nagato raised his right hand and pressed it into the flow of luck. At the moment, the golden luck around him gathered wildly with the right hand of Nagato.

It took only a moment for the long door to sweep away the luck around, condensing a golden ball. And those blood and evil spirits are filtered by the long door and left in the void.

"Very good, the task is completed!"

Putting the golden ball away, Nagato's eyes looked at the blood and gas in front of him, and he was silent for a while. Nagato's left hand was raised, and the gourd was collected into a red and black ball.

It's just that Nagato didn't put the ball away, but threw it in the direction of the earth.

"Leave the splendid future of the monster to me!"

Watching the little ball fall into a meteor and fall into the earth, the long door said indifferently, "And the darkness of the demon clan will be given to this world!"

"I don't know if this will bring me some fun."

The so-called prosperity and decline, this is the truth of heaven!

After the capture of the capital of the moon, the age of monsters has reached the most extreme point, plus the luck of the times is collected, the next years may be the twilight of monsters.

Nagato knew that throwing the black ball to the ground would definitely exacerbate the dusk.

Red-haired teenager is looking forward to interesting things happening

After doing all this, Nagato's eyes turned to the plant star near him. In the surrounding starry sky, Saya's ban was almost reaching its limit.

If the Plane will perceive that the moon has disappeared, I am afraid it will directly riot!

After all, the earth is the center of the plane, and the existence of the moon is too important for the entire earth. It will not be a surprise to be concerned by the will of the plane.

But since Nagato dared to devour the moon, he had already made all plans.

"Dragon Sword has been used before"

Speaking of which, Nagato couldn't help but recall the initial battle with Feng Jian Youxiang. At that time, Nagato didn't really realize that he wanted to preserve his strength and pulled out the Dragon Sword at will.

But the red-haired boy never regretted it, and there was absolutely no regret in his path.

Secondly, Feng Jian You Xiang is indeed worthy of Nagato using the Dragon Sword.

"Although I don't regret it, it doesn't make sense to cut the dragon sword and hide it again!"

During the speech, Nagato instantaneously crossed the distant time and space and appeared on a branch on the plant star. "So, use my sword to replace the entire moon!"


In an instant, the mighty dragon's power erupted from the red-haired boy, pouring into the plants under his feet.

Under the power of the near-infinite dragons of Nagato, the planet transformed by the whole plant began to emit a burst of attraction, and a large amount of cosmic dust gathered together.

Almost half a quarter of an hour later, the surface of the plant star was 'painted' with a gray surface.

The entire plant star looks just like the previous moon.

"Now it's just superficial!"

With such words in his mouth, Nagato's figure disappeared in the same place as a phantom, and appeared over a dry basin of the newborn satellite.

"If it is here, it looks like the environment is pretty good, here it is!"

Taking everything in the corner of the circle into his eyes, Nagato nodded with satisfaction, then opened his hands, and in an instant, countless green plants burst out of the ground.

Afterwards, these plants, which seemed to be dancing in a group of demons, began to change shape, and they were stacked one after another.

In less than a moment, a new city appeared in front of Nagato! ..

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