My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 142: The new moon and the first advent!

On the new planet, a magnificent city was built again.

If it weren't for the outer periphery of the city without the junction of the moon connecting the dragon veins and the moon's heart, and the inner city for the moon's people and moon rabbits, the city is simply the regeneration of the moon's capital.

Because the long gate that shaped the city is completely shaped according to the moon capital in memory.

"Since this is the case, then the name of the city is the Crescent Capital!"

Slowly falling from the sky, the red-haired teenager admired the familiar and unfamiliar city buildings around him, and chose the name of this new city very casually.

After all, this is just a city shaped by the subconsciousness of Nagato.

On this newborn satellite transformed by its own weapon, the Dragon Sword, as long as you have the heart, you can have as many longmen as you want in a city of this level, without too much care.

It is the next thing that red-haired teenagers have to do, so they must be cautious.

Because he did not want to stimulate the plane consciousness too much at this time, it is because the long gate must eliminate the consequences of seeing the moon and disappearing before the ban set by Saya completely disappeared.

The red-haired boy thought of a simple way, that is, to replace the sight of the moon and the existence of the moon.

Among them, the one that replaces the moon, is a weapon of the Long Gate-Dragon Sword.

It ’s more troublesome to see problems on the remaining moon night

First of all, it is the spirits, not the objects, that must replace the moonlight.

Secondly, although it is only a semi-finished Taoist Saint, seeing the moonlight night has undoubtedly been in contact with the concept of the moon in the origin of this plane, and has produced fusion.

This requires replacing the existence of the moon night, and must be integrated with the concept of the moon

"It's just a daddy!"

Thinking of this, Nagato couldn't help but secretly vomit, in his eyes, it merged with a part of the origin of the plane, in a sense, it was to die.

Under such circumstances, red-haired teenagers naturally cannot let themselves die.


"Break up the presence of the moon night!"

Such thoughts flashed through his head, and Nagato strolled on the streets of the Crescent City.

The invisible attraction slowly emerged from the red-haired boy

Soon, this attraction flooded the entire banned area.

Immediately, in another level beyond the normal field of vision, as the red-haired boy progressed, countless memories and fragments of debris gathered toward him

"come yet?"

Feeling these fragments of existence, Nagato sighed softly, and quietly changed the power of the whole body. Then, these fragments of existence formed two vortexes.

As Nagato continued to advance, all the fragments were divided into two vortexes.

Such a situation until the long gate in reality came to the end of the street and stood in front of the palace hall.


At this moment, the two vortexes draw a lot of memory and fragments of existence respectively, forming two mysterious beads, which penetrated through time and space and appeared in the ripples of space.

With a big wave of his hands, Nagato put two mysterious beads into his palm.

These two beads are the forces of existence seen on the moon.

If it weren't for Saya's ban at this time, the entire starry sky was isolated from the plane, so that all matter, energy, and even laws here cannot communicate with the outside world, and it is difficult for Nagato to collect these existences.

As for dividing these existences into two parts, it is even more nonsense

Thinking of this, Nagato smiled lightly and took steps to step into the central palace of this new moon city.


There was a deafening roar in the void. In the ground beneath the capital of the crescent moon, a huge amount of energy began to gather, and a dragon vein with massive spiritual power evolved almost instantly.

Subsequently, the encirclement that enveloped the entire city was based on the dragon veins and suddenly opened

Although the red-haired teenager knows about the changes in the city, he does not care, because these changes are only set when he created the city.

At this time, the long gate has come to the central hall of the palace, and two mysterious magic circles have been set up.

In the center of the two magic circles, a mysterious bead is placed.

"So, get started!"

After reviewing the formation again, after confirming that it was correct, the Nagato started the formation. In an instant, two amazing magic bursts out suddenly and penetrated through time and space.

"The time has finally come?"

At this time, in a palace on the dark side of the ninth chaotic starry sky, Remilia, who was originally sleepy, was instantly refreshed and a red light flashed in her eyes.

Two scarlet magic circles suddenly appeared not far from the girl

The magic circle echoes the call from his father!

Although it was less than three months before Nagato left because of the different planes, for Remilia, it has been a very hard time.

In short, she can't wait to enter that mysterious alien plane!

"Wow, Father Father !!!"

It was just that when the girl was able to stand up in the future, Frantoro, who had fallen asleep next to her, flew out directly, and instantly jumped into a magic circle.

Then with a bang, Furan's figure disappeared directly in front of Remilia


Seeing her sister so rash, Remilia couldn't help being speechless.

But she had already left, and Remilia could not preach. She could only look at the maids at her side, Leticia and Lamia, "Majesty" commanded:

"Reticia, please tell your mother what happened here."

"Observe, Miss!"

Reticia, who strictly adhered to the maid's guidelines, bowed and said, and knocked down Lamia, who was excited by Remy's pretense posture.


Subconsciously a little away from Lamia, Remy was very satisfied with Retisia's respect. "Very well, I'll leave it to you. I'm going to meet my father now."

With that said, Remilia turned and walked towards the teleported magic circle.

At first, the girl was still full of majesty, but after seeing the glory of the magic circle dimmed slightly, Remilia no longer cared about majesty and jumped into the magic circle.


In an instant, a twisted roar echoed in the girl's ear.

Immediately, the feeling of being out of control spread throughout the girl's body, making her unable to help, and even subconsciously wanting to use her power.

Just before this, a bright light poured into Remilia's body.

That is the power of the moon associated with her mother and grandmother!

"Is this my identity?"

Remilia, who had been passed by science for a long time, soon understood the causes and consequences, and immediately did not stop this force from entering her body and integrating with herself.


When the fusion was completed, the space around the girl rippled.

Then soon, Remilia felt the ground again. At this time, she realized afterwards that she had appeared in a deserted palace.

And his father, Nagato, was holding Furan on his first arrival, looking at himself

"I haven't seen you for a long time, Little Remy!" ..

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