My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 143: Emperor Flowing! Ask for a subscription!

After half an hour, the starry sky ban was finally broken

In the dark universe vacuum, the sound of gears rotating reverberates, and the newborn planet, after a little pause, has perfectly replaced the moon.

No, this new planet is the moon of the earth-the moon!

At least in the eyes of the whole plane consciousness.

At this time, the long gate was sitting on the throne of the central palace of the crescent moon, talking to the father and daughter about the two girls in their arms, Remy and Furan.

After a short time, Saya's figure appeared beside the throne.

Immediately, Nagato could not help but startled.

Because at this moment Saya is not using Bai Lian's body, but another rather wonderful body. The shape of the body is consistent with her body.

The most important thing is that Bai Lian himself is not here, do not know where to go.

"Sister Saya!"

"Sister Saya!"

Seeing the appearance of Saya, Remilia and Frandollu greeted each other, but it seemed that they had no intention of leaving from the arms of Nagato.

Nagato didn't care much either, his eyes fixed on Saya's new body, revealing the meaning of inquiry.

"This is Shenqi's meeting ceremony, a Taoist realm!"

Knowing what Nagato was asking, Saya shrugged his shoulders and said, "From now on, in the eyes of the plane consciousness, I am a demon made by Shenqi."

"And Bailian was taken to the demon world to practice because of his affinity with Shenqi."

Speaking of which, Saya paused, looked at the long door, and whispered, "Shenqi also invited you to go and talk to her in the devil world in your spare time."

"I know!"

Nodded, Nagato said he understood.

If someone else took Bailian without knowing it, Nagato might think that the other party wanted to grab his handle and used it as a threat.

But since the other party is Shenqi, then there is no problem.

Although they just looked at each other through Saya's eyes, and even did not even speak a word to each other, Nagato and Shenqi had a wonderful tacit understanding.

Therefore, the red-haired teenager deeply knows that the other party took away Bailian indeed.

"By the way, in the memory of the previous life, Bai Lian seems to have the experience of being sealed by the Devil Realm!"

Inadvertently flashing some memories of Bailian in the previous life, Nagato quickly put this matter aside for a while, looked at Saya, and said:

"Saya, you came just right, there are some matters about the post-war, you need to help me deal with it."

The so-called war is pure violence!

The purpose of war is not pure violence, but the benefits that can be obtained after war. Therefore, after any war, there is a corresponding distribution of benefits.

As the victorious party, they deserve all kinds of benefits

The same is true of wars that attempt to accelerate the decay of monsters in the lunar war.

Of course, Nagato can ignore these unspoken rules.

It's just that as a red-haired teenager who is determined to be the leader of the future monster, he hasn't minded giving other monsters some rewards after he captured the capital of the moon.

Anyway, these things are just a little bit of profit for Nagato.

After paying this, Nagato can get more things in the future:

For example, the existence of fame!

Therefore, in the month after the end of the lunar war, all the troops and forces involved in the lunar war were rewarded by the monster, the great demon.

Or aura resources, or practice methods, or magic weapon

Immediately, the circle of monsters on the whole Yingzhou land suddenly boiled up. Although those organizations involved in the war lost a lot, they got more.

If the rewards given by the Lord of Monsters can be digested, these organizations will become more powerful.

But the question is, do they really have time to digest all the rewards?

Obviously, the answer is no!

Although these organizations and forces have the monster lord as a backer, the problem is that Yingzhou is so big that the monster lord cannot be on call.

Because, the various monster forces and the peace among the ethnic groups on the earth of Yingzhou were suddenly broken.

The future chaos of Yingzhou is almost foreseeable

"You are so bad!"

The peak of Suzaku's Mountain in the summer night, Penglai Shanhui Ye leaned on the arms of the red-haired boy, "If you let the monsters know the thoughts of your monster leader, it will collapse."


Facing Hui Ye's ridicule, Nagato didn't care. Looking at the distance, he couldn't help but lose his mind, "I'm here for the future of the monsters, and their blood will not be in vain."

After listening to the long gate, Penglai Shanhui couldn't help being silent.

After really turning to Nagato, she also knew a lot about the real situation of Nagato and also understood what the red-haired boy was doing at this time.

For this approach, Hui Ye cannot judge whether it is correct.

But she knew that she was the wife of Nagato.

The wife ’s words should just be subject to her husband ’s judgment, right?

"Hui Ye!"

At this moment, the long door suddenly opened, and raised his hand and shook Huihui Ye's shoulder, "It's almost time, that thing is almost coming!"


The princess Moon, who was still a little silent, suddenly lighted up, got up from her husband's arms, and looked up to the sky, where the moon was shining brightly and the stars were all over.

"Where is it, obviously"

Blinking her eyes, the girl was about to complain. It was just her words that she had just spoken out, and she couldn't help but get stuck because she clearly saw the falling of those things.

It is a mysterious thing, which is shaped like countless olives, with thousands of golden threads, hung down in a row.

The whole heaven and earth instantly turned into a living ocean!

Ping'an Jing's natural top floor, Zhou Yi pushed open the window, looked at the stars in the night sky, and the mysterious things that were hanging down, could not help but sigh:

"It's actually the Emperor's flow, and his brother's great spirit, it seems that the glory period of the age of monsters is coming!"

Speaking of which, Zhou Yi's face could not help showing a little vicissitudes, and slowly closed the window, "So, I have to be well prepared, and the last darkness before the human race will come!" ..

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