My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 146: Nagato and Yonglin

"Sir, you are finally here!"

The girl with light purple long hair and rabbit ears smiled heartily and said towards the long door, "The princess and the master have been waiting for almost half an hour."

During the speech, Ling Xian turned sideways slightly and made a "please" gesture.


Hearing Ling Xian's words, the red-haired boy who was originally going to follow her guidance could not help but pause slightly, and asked with great interest:

"This refers to Yongyi Bayi, when did she become your master?"

"Ah, not long ago!"

Suddenly hearing the question from Nagato, Ling Xian couldn't help being slightly surprised, but soon the girl answered the red-haired boy's question with a rather proud attitude.

"That's really interesting!"

After hearing this, the red-haired boy couldn't help but show a smile.

Nagato will not forget that the girl with rabbit ears in front of her was once an experiment in the laboratory of Bayi Yonglin, and even her initial consciousness of the body may have been lost by Bayi Yonglin.

If this is really the case, then Yong Lin and Ling Xian are definitely enemies.


"Being able to accept Ling Xian as a disciple seems to have some hidden feelings!"

Thinking of this, Nagato could not help wondering what the relationship between Yongyi and Lingxian was. Two years ago, when she gave Lingxian new consciousness, Nagato also studied her body a little.

Only after studying for a few days, Nagato could only feel the similar information to the ancient heritage.

Although there is a lot of speculation, Nagato did not easily draw conclusions, but only temporarily shelved it.

"Want to come, Moon Sage is very willing to solve my doubts!"

Such thoughts flashed in my head, and Nagato's spirit shook, his big hand waved, and said, "Come on, Lingxian, I can't wait to see Bayi Yonglin!"


Nagato has eaten a lot of girls for two years

But the red-haired boy didn't have Jinwu Zangjiao to bring these girls together, or rather, Nagato didn't dare to bring them together at will!

These young girls are too individualized, and if they get together, they will be troubled for two days.

Therefore, Nagato tried his best to separate these girls. For example, Sister Mengyue Fengji was placed by the Nagato on the moon, and the four ghost kings were placed by the Nagato on the Mountain of Monsters.

The Forbidden Pavilion in the Lost Bamboo Forest is the place where the long gate placed Hui Ye.

After all, this was originally a new house built by Nagato in order to marry Huiye, and Huiye itself did not object.

Adhering to the characteristics of Hui Ye's own quietness, the atmosphere here is exceptionally quiet. Although many rabbit demon later moved here as servants, it did not affect the atmosphere here.

Following Ling Xian across the entrance, Nagato found that the decoration here was basically the same as before, with little change.

"Perhaps, in the time of the next millennium, this place will not change!"

Such thoughts flashed in my mind, and Nagano gradually understood the true meaning of this building being named 'Forever Pavilion', and did not know how to evaluate Hui Ye's views and practices.

Soon, Nagato followed Lingxian through the long and short Sanhe Tuping, and came to an empty room.

The red-haired boy's goal this time, Bayi Yonglin, is sitting right here. By the way, the breath of Bayi Yonglin at this time has already been quite different from that of two years ago, as if an amazing transformation has been completed.

"Master, Master Nagato has arrived!"

Standing at the door of the room, Ling Xian looked at Yong Lin respectfully, and said very discerningly, "So, Ling Xian first withdrew first. If there is anything, please try your best."

As soon as the voice fell, the rabbit-eared girl retreated without looking back

"I haven't seen you for a long time, Ba Yi Yong Lin!"

Looking at the Sage of the Moon who hadn't seen him for two years, Nagato was not unfamiliar. He walked directly to Tuanpu not far from her, looked around, and was puzzled:

"Hui Ye, shouldn't she be in this eternal pavilion?"

"long time no see!"

Facing the long gate, Bayi Yonglin also behaved calmly, but when he heard the other party mention Huihui, the sage of the moon suddenly couldn't help showing a speechless expression:

"The princess was indeed here just now, after I took out something"


Seeing Ba Yi Yonglin's words stop talking, Chang Men suddenly felt bad.

The extraordinary sensation spread, and the red-haired boy instantly "looked" at the quilt of a room not far away, and Hui Ye was studying with a square black box.

If Nagato does not perceive errors, what seems to be in Hui Ye's hands can be called a game console? !

"Damn it, is it true that Ji's appearance is inevitable?"

Such thoughts flashed in his head. Nagato couldn't help being speechless. He didn't know that the fate of his emotions was Hui Hui's nature, but soon, Nagato's attention shifted to another direction.

"How do you have that kind of thing?"

Looking at Ba Yi Yonglin in front of him, Nagato's eyes can't help but look amazing, "Although the technology of the Moon Capital is not incapable of developing this kind of thing, it's just the situation of the Moon Capital, this kind of thing can't appear. "

"Isn't the dazzling Moon Brain still a game fan?"

Nagato did not say the last sentence, but his eyes and expression all expressed this meaning.

"Only this, please don't get me wrong!"

Immediately, Bayi Yonglin resolutely rejected the idea of ​​Nagato, "That thing is just a small item I made according to the inherited memory."

"Inherited memory?"

Hearing Bayi Yonglin's words, Nagato couldn't help but wonder.

"Yes, inherit the memory!"

The Sage of the Moon nodded his head leisurely, and turned his hand over to bring out a blue crystal filled with simple atmosphere.

"So, you come to accept this Swire heritage, although I have got the most important heritage power!"

"Oh, fun!"

Hearing Yong Lin's words, a flash of light flashed through the eyes of Nagato, and said in surprise, "It's really amazing, your strength is actually inherited from Swire!"

"In this case, then I have to take a closer look at the so-called Swire Heritage!"

During the talk, Nagato's right hand had grabbed the blue spar. In a flash, a long-range breath directly poured into his mind through the red-haired teenager's right arm!


In the mind of a red-haired boy, a huge amount of information exploded ..

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