My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 147: Heritage and wisdom

It is not the first time Nagato has accepted this explosion of information!

Whether it was the soul devouring at the initial stage of rebirth, or the endless indoctrination gained after conquering the roots of the world, red-haired teenagers are already used to the impact of this information memory.

But Rao is so. When accepting this inherited memory, Nagato still felt the long-lost mental shock.

In this shock, Nagato could feel a will rushing from the lost past.

In a trance, Nagato seemed to see a terrible destruction of endless chaos. Before such a catastrophe, countless creatures succeeded only to gain a first-line life.

That kind of determination, that kind of unyielding, that kind of courage, so that the Nagato could not help but feel shocked.

"Did the last chaotic era break?"

Such thoughts flashed through his head, and Nagano forcibly suppressed his agitated state of mind, and concentrated his energy on the torrent of information that was violently exploding.

Then quickly, Nagato realized the true face of this heritage.

This is the inheritance of a civilization in the last chaotic era. This civilization is named after the stars. On the eve of the catastrophe, it is one of the countless inheritances left to ensure that civilization can survive after failure.

Among them, the core transcendent system of civilization inheritance was completely absorbed by Bayi Yonglin.

Of course, these strengths are not very important. After all, he already has his own power system, and normally no other power system is needed.

Nagato is more concerned about the various knowledge in the inheritance and the situation of the last chaotic era.

It has to be said that watching these inherited memories, Nagato did feel eye-opening.

A lot of doubts, the long door is naturally solved

For example, the previous game machine was built by Yonglin using the knowledge of people's livelihood in the heritage.

As another example, the enchantment once covered in the moon capital was built with the knowledge in this heritage!

Another example is Ling Xian, she is not a real moon rabbit at all, but the artificial life created by Yong Lin with the knowledge in this inheritance. The reason for showing the moon rabbit's posture is entirely because Yong Lin uses the moon rabbit as a template .

It's just that Yong Lin at the time probably didn't realize that Taikoo and this world are two completely different eras.

The difference in Tao made the newly born Lingxian completely crazy.

So much so that she can only be imprisoned in her laboratory.

However, Nagato's most important gains are not these.

Logically speaking, the destruction of the chaotic era will absolutely annihilate everything, and perhaps only the realm of Dao ancestors who are beyond the reach of Nagato can be safe in such disasters.

A civilization like the Star Civilization, which does not even have a strong Daoist ultimate, cannot survive the disaster.

Under such circumstances, what is the point of leaving the inheritance of civilization?

Anyway, everything will be completely destroyed!

On this point, there are only a simple sentence or two mentioned in the heritage, that is, the protagonist who leads the entire chaos to meet the great destruction, stays in this plane.

In the eyes of the star civilization, as a result, this plane has hope to survive the disaster.

Although such hopes are too small and too small, they are already worth a try.

And as a result, their attempt was successful!

In the Great Destruction, although this plane did not really survive the disaster, it was reborn in the destruction of Nirvana and brought many things from the previous Chaos era to this Chaos era.

Many of the inheritances of the Star Civilization have also escaped the disaster and passed on to the inheritor of Bayi Yonglin!


For a long time, after digesting these inherited knowledge, the long gate couldn't help but exhaled a long breath, "It finally solved a part of the doubts."

But having said that, Nagato couldn't help but have more doubts.

Who bears the brunt is the protagonist who should be robbed?

At the same time that this doubt flashed in my heart, Nagato involuntarily thought of the piece of strong man he had obtained before, and there was an intuition in Ningming telling Nagato--

The guy who is exactly the same as his previous life may be the chaotic responder!

"Ah, it's really getting chaotic!"

In his mouth, he murmured to himself softly, and the long door opened its purple eyes. Then, the long door's eyes coincided with the black eyes of Bayi Yonglin, which blended civilization and wisdom.

"It seems that you have anything to ask me?"

After a stalemate for a while, Nagato calmly broke the silence, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "This inheritance is probably your foundation, although it lacks the core strength."

"But if the wisdom is enough, it can fully deduce some of the core strength."

"Take such a weighty thing, what do you want?"

"No, I don't want anything!"

Shaking his head, Bayi Yonglin denied the long door's question, and then the sage straightly stood up and walked out towards the door. At the door, she stopped.

"The princess told me that the real name of your force is Bai Yujing, can you let me join?"

"of course!"

Facing Yong Lin's question, Nagato gave an affirmative answer.

"So from today, I will be a member of Bai Yujing, a member of Forever Pavilion!"

Along with such words, Bayi Yonglin walked out of the room directly, "Then, Lord Nagato, please do whatever you want. I'm going to see the princess's situation. I can't let her relax too much!"

Turning his head and looking at Ba Yi Yong Lin's figure moving away, a smile appeared on the corner of the long door, "It's worthy of Ba Yi Yong Lin, this trick is to retreat and use it really well!"

Do n’t call me anything, beside Hui Ye, where will the good things get her!

The most important thing is that the presence of Bayi Yonglin, Nagato will never give up

Even if she doesn't want to join, after the right time comes, Nagato will actively force her to join, and even make some necessary restrictions for safety.

And I am afraid that Bayi Yonglin will see this and take the initiative to join Bai Yujing!

Even, she took the initiative to present her heritage as a certificate of merit. Under such circumstances, if Nagato dare not trust her, then she really has the guts to lose her weight.

I have to say that the wisdom of the sage really makes people have to be amazed! ..

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