My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 150: Wind and rain prelude ask for subscription!


Hearing the words, Ba Yi Yonglin was thundered and her head was empty.

Although the relationship time is not long, the Sage of the Moon knows very well that his grown-up is not an untargeted generation. Since he has said such words with such a careful attitude

Well, out of ten or nine, this plane is indeed a big game!


"I can not accept!"

After being silent for a while, Bayi Yonglin said this.

But this is also normal. No one can accept that their own world is a deliberately set game, which is almost equivalent to denying their own lives.

But after saying this, Bayi Yonglin himself calmed down completely.

"Can you elaborate on the reason for your judgment?"

At the same time as saying this, the spark of wisdom was faintly visible, bursting in the eyes of the Moon Sage, at this time, Yongyi Bayi had really entered the state of wisdom activation.

"The reason for this judgment?"

Nagato was not surprised by Ba Yi Yonglin's surprise.

He was surprised that after the initial surprise, Bayi Yonglin was able to completely calm down so quickly. It is indeed the staff that Shaye left for himself. It is really reliable!

With such emotion in his head, Nagato brewed for a while, and then said, "There are quite a few reasons for this kind of thing, but all in all, that is, everything is too coincidental."

Later, Nagato did not list the coincidences in detail, but repeated the events since the advent.

Listening to the description of the red-haired boy, Bayi Yonglin's face gradually solidified.

As Nagato said, everything he experienced was too coincidental, whether it was the inexplicable fragment of the strong man, or the fate of his two daughters, or the existence of the traverser Yayun Zi

Everything, Lin Lin, seems to be able to see a certain invisible method fiddle with the strings of fate!

"What do you think?"

After a long silence, Bayi Yonglin opened her eyes and spoke softly.


The indifferent opening, the long door's eyes can't help but be confused, "Intuition tells me that the guy who lays out is not malicious to me, the other party seems to want to tell me something amazing."

"Perhaps, this bureau also has the intention to test my ability!"

"But in any case, now this game is only beginning to show signs. All we have to do is wait. In the process of waiting, we accumulate strength and wait for the situation to unfold."


Beyond the mysterious realm, the highest peak in Yingzhou now!

It used to be the headquarters of the lunar war, which almost symbolized the beginning of the era of the monsters' carnival, so after the war, it became a new holy place for monsters.

On weekdays, monsters are always very consciously away from this mountain, and prevent humans from set foot here.

After growing up to a certain level, the monsters in the mountains always consciously stay away.

Nothing else, just not to destroy the new holy land of the demon clan!

Under normal circumstances, the big monsters will not be close to this mountain, but at this time, the monster sage Yakumo Zi is holding a parasol and slowly advancing on the hillside path.

The empty and silent environment finally allowed the blonde sage to recover from the fever of his head. "Ah, really careless!"

Taking a deep breath of cold air, a complex smile appeared on Yakuchi's face, "However, it's really nostalgic, the gift game!"

If Bayun Zi did not regret what he had done in the past, it was absolutely deceiving.

In the previous life, Yakumo Zi was the famous halloween queen in the box court. Whether it was her own Protoss identity or the support of the Celtic gods, she let her have a willful capital.

At that time, Ba Yun Zi had whatever she wanted, and even the world was her everything.

How do you need to think about the extremely simple question of survival!

Compared with this life, the life in the previous life is definitely heaven, at least her heaven.

It's just that if you go back in time, Yakumo Zi thought, and found that she would still make such a choice after all, because the pride in her heart would not allow her to continue that way.

The so-called Queen of the Sand Chamber, in the eyes of the creators of the Sand Chamber, is probably a joke.

The strength of the three-digit number cannot really control everything in the habbin.

Therefore, she will definitely be reincarnated for further development.


"The world is really unfriendly!"

Looking up at the sky and the earth, Bayunzi heartily expressed his emotions.

If it weren't for some inexplicable suppression by this plane, the monster sage may have recovered the power of the heyday at this time, and even went further.

By that time, I'm afraid she has left this plane and returned to the Sand Chamber!

"and many more!!"

Thinking of this, a cloud of light flashed in Ba Yunzi's mind, "We will be suppressed by this plane, will it be that the plane does not want us to leave!"

As soon as this idea appeared, Ba Yun Zi felt a heartfelt cold.

In a trance, the sage's face could not help showing a little pale.

"Adult Purple!"

At this moment, a rift cracked around the monster sage, and the figure of the nine-tailed strategist Yakumo Zi protruded from the gap, looking at Yakumo, his face full of worry:

"What's wrong with you, is your body uncomfortable, how pale is it!"

"Ah, it's okay!"

Hearing Ba Yunlan's words, Zi couldn't help but return to his mind and smiled subconsciously, "Just thinking of something 'interesting', I don't need to care."

"It's blue, did you find out what the humans of Ping An Jing want to do?"

"Just as you expected, Mr. Purple!"

Although I was a bit worried about the situation of Yakumo Zi, the master had already spoken, and Yakumo Blue could only answer with patience, "That group of humans want to occupy Suzakuyama and make some articles with the dragon veins underground here."

"It's just not clear what they are going to do."

"That's it!"

Suppressing the previous flash of thought, Yakumo Zi pondered the news of the Nine-tailed strategist, and soon issued a new command towards his own god:

"Tell the world, let the monsters know that the human race is trying to get involved in the new holy land!"

During the speech, Yakuo Zi's eyes turned to Ping'an Jing. I don't know if it was an illusion. The monster sage seemed to see a pair of eyes that reflected the life.

"Sure enough, human beings are not so easily defeated!" ..

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