My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 151: Suzakuyama **** battle first!

War is faster than monster sage imagined

The day before, she had just announced the actions of the human race to the world. On the evening of the next day, 100,000 human race troops were reduced to zero, and they gathered at the foot of Zhuque Mountain to surround the new holy land of the demon race.

At this time, many monster forces have not yet reacted, Suzakuyama has only gathered a few nearby monsters.

But even so, after seeing the Terran army, the monsters broke out!

"Ah !!! Humans **** it !!!"

"Kill, kill all these humble humans !!"

"I'm going to eat them all!"

They all roared, and the monsters all rushed up with red eyes, trying to kill all these human race troops, completely ignoring the horror figure of up to 100,000 human race troops.

After years of edification, humans are almost like moving food in the eyes of monsters.

Obviously, even if there is more food, it is impossible to make the predator fear!



An Pei Qingming, who was standing in the center of the army, could not help but snorted loudly, spreading his voice throughout the army with his own spiritual power, "Did you see, did you see the behavior of these monsters? Soldiers!"

"So despised, can you bear it? !!!"

"No !!!"

A hundred thousand troops shouted in unison, a vast voice resounded through Jiu Xiao.

Under this earth-shattering momentum, the monsters who were about to strike up stopped their footsteps and looked at the human army with a look of surprise.

"So what are you waiting for, let's kill the grandeur of the human race !!"

The Great Onmyoji shouted his voice loudly, and his violent expression seemed to shout out his soul. All the human race troops felt the coach's mood.

Hundreds of thousands of soldiers shouted loudly, venting their emotions!

"Kill! Kill! Kill !!!"

With the endless cry, the endless killings swept the whole world, and the oppressed Yingzhou Clan for several years finally showed their terrible fangs in front of the monsters.

Immediately, the dark clouds rushed out, submerging all the monsters that were near

"Ah, it was really unexpected!"

Located in the Forever Pavilion in the Lost Bamboo Forest, Nagato looked at the virtual image of the battlefield in front of his eyes and couldn't help laughing, "I don't know if our monster sage is prepared."

"If you don't say anything, you will underestimate Yunyun Zi!"

The answer to Nagato was Bayi Yonglin who was sitting beside him. At this time, Moon Sage also looked at the virtual image with great interest, and seemed to be looking forward to the next development.

"Oh, the concubine will wait and see!"

The whole person collapsed in the arms of Nagato, and a glimmer of expectation flashed in Hui Ye's lazy eyes.

In fact, not only them, but even Nagato himself has some expectations.

But what Nagato expects is not just how Yakumo will do it, but also how much Zhouyi will do!

Although the leader on the side of the war was his own incarnation of humanity, because of the lack of communication, Nagato at this time did not know what action Zhou Yi would take and to what extent.

At the same time that the Forever Pavilion was expecting, at the top of the Monster Mountain, the Eight Cloud Purple face was cold.

From the vision of the monster sage, we can clearly see the war in the foothills. No, it can no longer be called a war. It is a unilateral slaughter.

The monsters are indeed stronger than humans, but a small number of monsters are insignificant in front of the army of 100,000 people.

For about a minute or two, the monsters on the foothills will be completely destroyed.

To be honest, the monster sage really did not expect that the human race would start acting so quickly. When they had received the news, they had just begun to gather troops in Ping'an.

Who knows, in such a short period of time, the human race not only pulled out an army, but also came here across thousands of miles.

This unexpected situation completely caught Ba Yun Zi by surprise!

"Adult Purple!"

At this time, the Bayun Blue standing respectfully behind the Bayun Purple made a sound, but her voice was filled with a mechanical texture. "Please do it yourself to buy time for the monsters to come."

At this time, Bayun Blue has truly become the strategy of Nine Tails and is in a state of absolute calm.

"Well, we got it!"

With such a cold word in his mouth, Yakumo slowly raised his right hand, swiped it, opened the folding fan held in his right hand, and exuded a clear ripple towards the surroundings.

In an instant, a full eight-kilometer gap appeared across the sky, spreading all over the surrounding space.

Horrible killings and fluctuations burst out of the gap


"Aooo !!!"


At the next moment, with all kinds of horror calls spreading from the gap, a large number of strange monsters rushed out of the gap, and the terrifying coercion raged.

No matter what their posture, these monsters are inscribed with a word of sin!

Sin beast, this is the name of these monsters

They are a kind of high-intelligence puppet weapon that has been killed by Ba Yun Zi in countless years, seized its soul, and transformed after the baptism of the power of life and death.

Because of the intentional or unintentional accumulation on weekdays, Yakumo ’s sin beast reached a level close to five figures.

"Maybe it's not very powerful against the same big monster!"

Looking at the sinister beast that fell like a black cloud from the top of Suzaku, a cloud of sneer appeared on Yakuchi's face, "but it is a good choice if it is used against the human legion."


As if responding to the will of Yunyun Zi, all the sin beasts called out loudly.

The terrifying roar and the terrifying momentum erupted at the same time, and the white clouds in the sky even broke apart, and the human race army in the foothills who just resolved the surrounding monsters immediately heard the sound.

When I looked up, everyone was slightly stunned by the savage black cloud

However, after a brief shock, the army of 100,000 people once again erupted into a more courageous morale, and they swarmed towards the swarm of criminal beasts without fear.

Suzaku's **** battle officially started at this moment! ..

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