My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 152: Choice in war

The smoke of war flooded the entire Suzaku Mountains in an instant

The huge mountain could not stop the two opposing legions. In less than a moment, the roaring criminal beast legion collided head-on with the human race.

At first, the army of 100,000 people laid out a shield barrier, trying to block the impact of the criminal beast army.

However, they obviously underestimated the strength of the sin beasts who had been blessed by the terrain. After a brief stalemate and a small amount of sin beasts hitting the bleeding trail, the sin beast army broke through the barriers.


After breaking through the defense of the barriers, the criminal beasts roared loudly, as if entering the flock of tigers, madly shocked, and attacked the human soldiers in all directions.

Unprepared, many human soldiers were torn and killed by these criminal beasts!

Along with howling, the breath of blood filled the army.


Stimulated by the blood brought by the death of his companions, the soldiers around them all had their eyes red, as if they had completed the change from sheep to wolves in an instant, and surrounded the criminal beasts.

The 100,000 armies that seemed to be broken apart at this moment seemed to have transformed Skynet and swallowed the sin beasts.

The situation on the battlefield reversed almost instantaneously, and the Terran Army started the form of catching turtles in the urn.

Under normal circumstances, if you change to a normal human race or monster army, or if the sin beasts have mature reason, in the face of this situation like a net, I am afraid that it will have collapsed long ago.

However, the sin beasts are just monsters with the instinct to kill, and there will be no fear at all.

Faced with this almost desperate situation, they have only one choice, that is, to kill, to kill a dim and dark, blood flowing into a river, not to kill a crushed bone, never stop!

Then, the extremely tragic war, so completely detonated in the area on the mountainside of Suzakuyama!


An Pei Qingming squeezed a fingerprint from his left hand, manipulated hundreds of gods, dismembered a sinful beast in an instant, and then looked around, frowning.

Although the tragedy of the battlefield was expected long ago, the degree of this tragedy was beyond the expectations of the Great Onmyoji.

It didn't take long for the war to begin, and the ground on the battlefield was stained with a lot of blood.

"Go on like this, no way!"

Although the abruptly presented monster army has been surrounded, after predicting the time and sacrifice to be completely swallowed by this monster army, the Great Onmyoji shook his head.

Because he knew very well that the human clan's legion would have the advantage, but just beat the opponent by surprise.

If the time spent here is too long for the monster to come to the army, it will be over.

"Only the backup plan can be implemented!"

A painful expression flashed across his face, and Ampei Qingming knew that it was time to choose.

Although the monsters were caught flat-footed, the Great Onmyoji had never had the illusion that he would be able to win in this regard. What's more, he clearly understood that this war requires more than Suzaku.

Therefore, before leaving, he and the mentor standing behind him had made many deductions.

At present, this situation is not beyond the derivation of the two.

What choice should be made at this time, he already knew.


"Sorry, everyone!"

A glance of sadness appeared in the eyes that swept across the Quartet. An Pei Qingming's surging spiritual power turned into a firework, and hundreds of figures emerged from the chaotic army and gathered behind Qingming.

These figures are for men, women, and children, and their clothing is more specific. They are different from the armor of normal soldiers.

But the breath they possess is much stronger than the average soldier

Their identity is no other, they are the leaders of the various teams in the army!

As these people converged, the encirclement circle of the entire human race army seemed to be weakened a lot. The Sinister Legion seemed to rush out of the encircling circle several times in a moment. The warriors simply struggled to resist the impact of the Sinister Beasts .

Only for this situation, these leaders stood safely behind Ampei Qingming, unmoved!


With a deep breath, Ape Qingming's eyes flashed a ruthless color, "Since it's here, let's go for the future of the human race !!"

As soon as the words fell, Ampei Qingming rushed out of the battlefield and rushed towards the top of the mountain.

"For the future of the human race !!"

"For the future of the human race !!"

Behind the Great Onmyoji, hundreds of figures screamed and rushed up in the same way. Their pride suddenly infected the entire legion. The large legions shouted loudly while erupting into a stronger fighting force.

Listening to the cry from behind, including Ampei Qingming, hundreds of soldiers who rushed out of the battlefield suddenly had red eyes.

You know, their actions can be said to have abandoned these human soldiers to some extent!


Strongly enduring the tears flowing out of his eyes involuntarily, the Great Onmyoji shouted loudly, and summoned the Qinglong-style god. The whole person sat on it and rushed up towards the top of Suzakuyama.

Behind the Great Onmyoji, hundreds of leaders-level figures each showed their unique talents.

Some are flying like steps, some are using gods, some are moving momentarily, or they are calling for wind and rain

With their respective abilities, they closely followed Ampei Qingming!

The height of the Suzaku Mountain is as high as about four thousand meters. If ordinary people climb, it may take more than half a day, but for these existences with extraordinary strength, it is not very difficult.

It only took less than five minutes, and these people clearly saw the top of the mountain.

And at this moment-

"It's over!"

The icy voice echoed around, the fairy nine-tailed fox girl descended from the sky, and the nine golden tails danced with the wind, releasing an unimaginable and powerful pressure.

What is even more shocking is that behind the Nine-Tailed Fox Girl, an extremely huge magic array spreads slowly and quickly.

"My name is Bayun Blue, and at the order of Lord Zi, killing Ru is the same!"

With the fall of the girl's voice, a large number of magic bullets condensed from the magic array, turned into a barrage, and bombarded towards the crowd!

"Boom! Boom! Boom !!!"

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