My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 153: Counselor and Reappearance

"No, please avoid it !!!"

At the moment Ba Yunlan appeared, An Pei Qingming noticed her presence and issued a warning to the hundreds of companions who followed the charge from behind.

After hearing the warning, many quick-sighted guys quickly avoided it without thinking.

It ’s just that the timing of the appearance of Ba Yun Lan is more clever, plus the influence of inertia

Seeing the barrage, dozens of figures are almost too late to avoid!


The Great Onmyoji couldn't help but snorted and poured the spiritual power of his whole body onto his own **** green dragon. In an instant, the green dragon, which was originally more than ten meters long, suddenly surged and blocked it in front of everyone.

"Boom! Boom! Boom !!!"

The endless barrage bombardment, the big green dragon did n’t even scream, and turned into a wreckage, drifting down from the sky, and taking advantage of this time interval, everyone reacted.

The end result is that under the horrible barrage, except for a large number of potholes on the ground, it has no merit.

Only in the face of such a situation, Ba Yunlan's face is still very indifferent, as if foreseen.

"Sure enough, such an attack cannot deal with you!"

Slowly falling from the sky to the ground, Yayun Lan narrowed his eyes slightly, and his expressionless face even showed a charm that could not be ignored.

"It is a human being who dares to attack here, but even so, your ending is already doomed."

"Yeah, our destined ending is to unveil the prelude to the rise of mankind!"

When the enemies met, it meant that there was not much to speculate. Besides, under such a tight schedule, Ampei Qingming launched the attack without any hesitation.

"Come out, the gods of the night!"

Almost instantly, a door of **** opened behind the Great Onmyoji, countless demons, ghosts, and sprites appeared in the sky, rushing towards the Eight Cloud Blue, and the murderous opportunity burst out.

"Huh? Isn't it imitation of the gods made by the ghost race? It's amazing!"

Looking coldly at the fast approaching **** of ghosts, Ba Yunlan's face is still indifferent, a cold flash flashed in his eyes, as if countless information is gathering and combing

"It's just a pity that if it is a real ghost family, maybe I have to be more careful."

During the speech, Yaoyun pulled out his hands from the sleeves and waved towards the attacking **** Baigui. In an instant, a large amount of Bai Lian flew out of the sleeve of the Jiuwei girl.

"Uh! Uh! Uh!"

Like a fierce sword light, Bai Lian swept across the attacking hundred ghosts, and in the endless wailing, the hundred ghosts broke apart and were soon beheaded.

Bai Lian then returned and floated leisurely beside the Jiuwei Fox girl.

At this time, all the people clearly saw that the real body like a sword and a terrifying white body turned out to be just a **** who is usually used for investigation-Guan Fox.

"I have to say, your human magic is really interesting!"

At this time, a light smile appeared on Ya Yunlan's indifferent face, but the words just said, but it made people feel chills. "It is much more interesting than I used to use claws and fangs to fight."

Hearing such words, everyone present could not help being shocked

As an attacker, Ampei Qingming was even dull.

The Great Onmyoji can't believe it. Everyone is a monster, using the magical technique of human invented by humans, and he can even kill all the ghosts of the magical gods with the magical fox.

This is a mockery of the strongest Onmyoji in this era! !

Not only that, the monsters can use Yin-Yang technique so easily to rely on the rise of human beings, but also makes Ape Qingming and others involuntarily think of a serious problem.

That is, do they really lose the advantage of Yin and Yang?

Immediately, the rushing weather prevailing around gradually landed.

Sensing all this, the corners of Ba Yunlan's mouth could not help but show a slight radian, and she did not waste her pretending gesture in front of these guys, and finally suppressed the flame a little.

After losing this momentum, these human beings are strong, but it is no longer a worthy existence.

From this point, it can be seen why the Yakumo blue is known as the strategy of the Nine Tails, and is regarded by Yakumo Zi. Sure enough, it is only the wrong name and no nickname.

"So, the next step is to use their own strength to solve them one by one."

Such thoughts flashed in the brain, but Ba Yunlan's eyes suddenly saw a red light rushing out of the crowd and sprinted in front of her.

Its fast speed and ingenious timing made Bayun Lan a little caught off guard.

"not good!"

Surprised, Bayun Blue only had time to block his tail in front of him.

Then she felt that a blade with a hot blade was beheaded on her foxtail, and at the same time the sound of a metal collision sounded, the nine-tailed fox girl was directly slammed down.

In the process of flying backwards, she saw that it was a girl like an immortal bird!

"What a stun! I took the knife to the old lady and chopped this coquette!"

"Ah! Sister Fujiwara?"

In the Forever Pavilion, Nagato looked a little surprised at the burning girl who appeared in the unreal image in front of her eyes, and could not help but utter the name softly.

In this war, seeing this girl with such demeanor is indeed somewhat beyond the expectations of the red-haired boy.

"Um Fujiwara ?!"

Hui Ye, who didn't really care about the change on the battlefield, heard her husband say the name, but somehow, she had a faint hunch in her heart.

She seemed to foresee vaguely that in the distant future, that flame girl would stand beside her.

Immediately, the lazy Moon Princess couldn't help but cheer up.

On the other side, after seeing the changes of Nagato and Huiye, Bayi Yonglin, who also didn't care much, couldn't help but get interested in the Fujiwara sister in their mouth.

Reminiscent of some things that Nagato had said, Ba Yi Yong Lin realized that this girl might become a companion

But after listening to the rude words from the virtual image, Moon Sage could not help frowning.

Bayi Yonglin is not an old-fashioned aristocrat, but after living in the Moon City for so long, she also dislikes such rude words and deeds.

"It seems that the future companion must be restrained in the future, at least not let her affect the princess" ..

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