My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 154: The liberated blue first!

In a world where causality is revealed

The idea of ​​the strongest can even influence the direction of the long course of fate!

Although there is no such obvious causal manifestation in this world, the same concepts are intertwined. Therefore, as a rare strong man in this world, the idea of ​​Yongyi Bayi can also affect some things.

For example, on the Suzaku Mountain, the Fujiwara Sister Red who had just slashed the sky with a cloud of blue felt a chill.

"Huh? Is anyone secretly counting me?"

The girl who originally wanted to take advantage of the victory stopped her footsteps and looked subconsciously around, but she didn't find anything strange about how she observed.

And at this moment-

"Sand! Sand! Sand!"

The tube foxes suspended in the surrounding air moved one after another, and turned into an incomparable sword, covering towards the place where Fujiwara Meihong was.

"not good!"

Perceiving this scene, Meihong's pupils could not help shrinking.

Although he flew out the eight cloud blues, it was just the result that Meihong got while the other party was not paying attention. Although the talent was very good, Meihong embarked on the path of spiritual practice only after a few years.

Even with the help of Zhou Yi and the power of nearly senior monsters, the experience is still too little.

Faced with the situation in front of her, the girl could not help being a little sloppy.

It's just that the girl is not a normal existence after all, waving the sword in her hand and dancing in the flames, the girl kept blocking Bai Lian around.

"Keng! Keng! Keng!"

The sound of metal-like collision echoed in the air. The girl's defense was remarkable, but the defense would be lost. When facing the thirty-first white practice, the girl's hand moved a step slower.

"Shoot !!!"

The cold Bai Liandong pierced through the air and drove down towards Meihong in this way.

Seeing that the young girl was about to die, a more cold and determined sword gas appeared out of thin air, and the Bai Lian, who was slamming down, was instantly cut into two.

Not only the sword gas, but also the power of punching force, magic bullet and so on.

The rain-covered Bai Lian was instantly destroyed by these attacks, and at the next moment, all kinds of strange gods appeared one after another, blocking her in front of Mei Hong.

"Huh? This is"

Seeing this, Meihong turned her head subconsciously and looked behind her.

I don't know when Ampei Qingming's figure has appeared behind her, smiling at her: "Sister Red, well done, let's hand it to us next."

"Haha, that's right, hand it to us, little girl!"

"You dare to shout at me just now, after this war, the old lady and you singled out!"

"You can't do it, Meihong is a great man!"

"Asshole, are you underestimating the old lady?"

At the side of Ampei Qingming, the figures of the leader level teased each other, but the terrible coercion continued to spread from these people, and the murderousness was terrible.

Because the figure of Yakumo Lan has once again appeared in the air, and the nine tails swayed again "This is a little troublesome now!"

Looking at the attackers who had gathered courage again in front of him, although Ba Yunlan's face was still indifferent, his heart sighed unpleasantly.

Although purely in terms of strength, Bayun Blue is indeed much stronger than everyone present.

But she didn't think she could defeat the people in front of her.

When Bayun Lan was not Bayun Blue, she often turned into a demon fox cholera and ignited the island nation of Yingzhou. At that time, she faced a larger but weaker human army.

Obviously just a group of ants, but almost made Bayun blue irreversible

If it wasn't for the appearance of Yakumo Zi, at that time, she was dead.

From that time on, Yakulan clearly understood the terrible human species. When they unite on the basis of consciousness, they can create miracles.

Therefore, from the beginning, Bayun Blue will secretly design and want to disintegrate each other's fighting spirit.

I just didn't expect it, but there was an accident

Thinking of this, Yakulan ’s eyes glanced at Fujiwara ’s red figure, and then sighed deeply, “If I can, I do n’t want to fight you.”

"But there is no way. This is the will of Lord Purple. Even if it is a miracle, I will suppress it!"

As soon as the words fell, Ba Yunlan took off the hat covered with rune paper on his head, and in an instant, the tyranny spread to the extreme evil spirit and demon qi spreading in all directions.

The people who confronted it instantly felt a bitter chill and maliciousness!

Eyes circling, Gu Panshengyan.

The abacin blue hand lifted slightly, and the slender and long index finger was pointed on the cherry blossom-colored lips. The red light in the eyes exuded murderously, but people could not help but feel the throbbing heart.

Suddenly, the figure of Yakulan disappeared.

"No good defense!"

The pupil of the Great Onmyoji who had the strongest sensibility shrank, and was immediately ready to drive the surrounding gods, but before he could act, the tip of his nose smelled a moving fragrance.

Subconsciously, An Peiqing turned his head slightly

"Shoot !!!"

Almost at the same time, a golden fox tail wiped away from the Great Onmyoji's face, and a samurai standing behind the Great Onmyoji was directly burst into the head.

The white brain plasma and the bright red blood gas directly spilled over the body of Great Onmyoji.


With dilated pupils, Ampei Qingming couldn't find any other ideas in her mind. Only the ultimate murderous burst, but only when the expression of his **** started, the foxtail disappeared again.

At the next moment, the entire figure of Ba Yunlan appeared ten meters away, his hands were like claws, and he penetrated a man and a woman.

"Go to die, monster!"

At this time, a samurai holding a long sword behind Bayun Blue instantly started, and the blade he wielded was split into three in an instant.

It was just as if it had been expected, the nine golden nine tails of the eight cloud blue swept out.

Like the nine invincible horror storms, with a bang, the warrior using the sword named Yan Hui secretly turned all the swords into fragments in a flash.


After doing all of this, Yakulan couldn't help but chuckled, "What's wrong, you guys have to work harder, concubine would like to have fun!"

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