My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 155: Suzaku reproduces the first more!

For a moment

The entire battlefield is like the silence of time stagnation.

After liberating its own restrictions, the Nine-Tailed Fox Girl is undoubtedly amazing in its fighting power, but in a short time, several soldiers died instantly in their hands.

If it was in the past, I am afraid that the move of Bayunlan would have made everyone present panicked.

It's just that in the past, after a trial of shaken thoughts, the people present have already realized all aspects of their consciousness in their hearts. Not only are there no fears, but they are angry.


"Damn monster!"


The raucous sounds came one after another, and the terrifying coercion spread all over the battlefield in an instant.

The nearest warriors from Bayun Lan exhibited their own moves, or mysterious techniques, or martial arts secrets, and even the power of various sidewalks and left lanes were used.

Their purpose is only one, that is to kill the monster girl in front of them on the spot.


"Giggle !!"

With a slightly charming smile, the figure of Ba Yunlan disappeared again.

Almost at the same time, a girl swaying nine indestructible horror tails appeared in the crowd, launching her own attack with undetectable speed and power.

The slender and white plain hands turned into claws, and the golden bright tail turned into a whip blade, even the stirred air turned into a wind blade.

Bayun Blue is like a horrible fighting machine, instantly turning the surrounding soldiers into flesh.

The intense **** breath filled the entire battlefield



"Kill you!!"

In the face of further provocation by the monster girl, the soldiers on the battlefield were completely mad.

Warriors approaching the three-digit number flocked to try to siege the Nine-Tailed Fox Girl, but the speed of Bayun Blue was too fast. They often escaped the siege when they were about to be siege, and took the opportunity to fight back.

An extremely cruel scene appeared on the huge battlefield-

Humans who obviously have an advantage in numbers are constantly being killed in the hands of monster girls, but the monster girls themselves have not suffered any harm, and even their clothes are extremely clean and tidy.

Soon, the number of more than twenty soldiers passed away in the hands of Ba Yunlan

"Cough, is this your strength?"

The remnant shadows flew around the battlefield, but the voice of Bayun Lan continued to reverberate, trying to resolve the fighting spirit of everyone. "Why do you want to die in vain? This is really not worth it!"

"No, it's worth it!"

At this moment, the abrupt voice echoed, making Ba Yunlan's figure slightly stagnate, and then the girl saw the big Onmyoji named An Pei Qingming sitting on the god, flying into the sky.

"Nine-tailed fox, you are indeed powerful, but you cannot stop us!"

Facing the girl of Nine-Tailed Fox, whose strength is far beyond his own, An Pei Qingming's face flashed with an unbearable touch, but an afterimage was formed in his hand. In an instant, the invisible power spread.

"not good!"

Feeling this invisible wave, Bayun Lan couldn't help but feel cold.

The girl didn't know what the **** these humans were thinking, but she could notice something bad from her instincts. Immediately, Yakulan turned into a residual image and rushed towards Ampei Qingming.

The idea of ​​Bayun Lan is simple. Although he does not know the intention of human beings, it is clear that Ampei Qingming is the mastermind.

As long as it is killed, it is possible to completely kill the human plan in the cradle.

At his own speed, Bayun Blue still tore the remaining image in the opponent's hands by self-confidence, tearing it in half, but humans seem to have expected this situation long ago, and ten figures were blocked in front of the girl. .

"Give me a break !!"

Faced with this situation, the girl could not help but angrily issued an attack.

The blocker closest to the girl was torn to pieces in an instant, but the girl was not blocked unexpectedly for a short period of time, and at this time, Ampei Qingming had finished printing.


The door of **** suddenly appeared behind Ampei Qingming. With the opening of the door of hell, a dozen or twenty souls rushed out of the door and surrounded Bayun blue in an instant.

"What, you are!"

Seeing the souls appearing beside her, the eyes of Bayun Lan contracted sharply, because she was surprised to find that these souls were all the soldiers who had just died in her hands.

Just do n’t wait for Yakumo Lan to understand the situation before


All the souls burned in the first time, the power of terror burst out from the burning souls, the transparent enchantment was released with the souls as nodes, trapping the eight cloud blue in it!


Seeing this, Yakuran really didn't know what to say.

Although she knew the horror of human beings for a long time, she found that she was still somewhat underestimated. She would be willing to burn even her own soul in order to win, but it was a soul-stirring, never ending!

In a trance, the girl couldn't help but think of herself as a monster in a cholera country, fighting with the human army.

At that time, the soldiers were so reluctant to do everything at all, which made people tremble!


Sighing softly, Ba Yunlan converged with his own violent breath, and didn't even have the idea of ​​trying this enchantment, just like a gesture of grabbing a hand.


Although I do n’t know why Yakuran did n’t fight back, but after trapping each other, Ampei Qingming did n’t plan to waste time. “Go to the top of the mountain, you must not let the monster sage summon reinforcements!”


Everyone on the scene looked at the sealed Yayun Lan, hesitated a little, and then shouted in unison.

Although they wanted to kill the demon fox in front of them, they knew more about what was most important. If the plan failed to kill the nine-tailed demon fox, the price paid by the companions was really in vain.

Immediately, everyone did not talk nonsense, once again resorted to means, rushed towards the top of the mountain

Because the place where they battled Bayun Lan was not far from the top of the mountain, and soon everyone saw the building left by the Lunar War Headquarters, and it was then-


The ground in front of him collapsed suddenly, and the hot red magma burst out from the ground, blocking the progress of everyone, and then in the hot magma, huge red wings slowly opened

The breathtaking divine power made everyone feel a suffocating feeling!

The sacred and tyrannical undead bird reappears in the sky! ..

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