My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 156: Meihong shot again!

Undead bird-Suzaku!

The flame holy bird that flowed from the Shenzhou Heavenly Dynasty due to the chaos of the gods was once surrounded by the strong powers of Yingzhou to Nirvana.

After a thousand years of sleep, he was born again, but the **** bird unfortunately strayed into the battlefield of the devil to conquer the ghost king.

Although it showed amazing power, it was still suppressed by the devil.

"Just unexpected"

Feeling the scorching sensation coming from not far, An Pei Qingming's face was unusually ugly, "This **** bird appeared for the third time and became our enemy."

"Damn !! Isn't that the legendary monster master, the demon also shot ?!"


It seemed to hear Ampei Qingming's words, and the undead bird that appeared in the sky roared loudly. Under the shaking of the wings of the sky, a lot of magma was bombarded towards the crowd.

"It's not good, enchantment!"

Seeing this scene, the Great Onmyoji's face changed, his hands were sealed, and the vast spiritual power immediately gushes into a huge enchantment, blocking the magma from the bombardment.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The violent roar continued to ring, and Qingming's enchantment showed a lot of cracks, and the hot breath passed through the enchantment, making everyone seem to be in the sea of ​​fire.

But even so, the enchantment finally blocked the incoming magma.



Obviously, Suzaku was very dissatisfied with this situation.

Since the seal was released, this sacred and tyrannical undead bird is full of anger and desire to destroy, and it is really impossible to accept the results of his own attacks being blocked.

Immediately, this big red bird rose into the sky and swooped down towards the crowd!

The speed of it makes people even hard to respond.


The enchantment that originally showed many cracks broke before the Suzaku arrived, and then the undead bird burning the flame directly rushed into the crowd.

In an instant, a soldier with more than two digits was too late to dodge and was burned by flames.


"Kill !!"

"Eat me!"

The warriors who had escaped Suzaku's dive in time reacted, and then exerted their own power to counterattack. In an instant, all kinds of strange attacks bombarded Suzaku.


The powerful force even blasted Suzaku directly into the ground, stirring up a large amount of smoke and dust, but at the next moment, endless flames rose into the sky, and the Suzaku that was bathed in fire reappeared horizontally.

Then, a lot of flames burst out of the wings of Suzaku, burning the entire battlefield.

In an instant, the entire Terran team member again decreased by more than twenty.

In just a short time, the entire team has reduced by more than 30 places. Coupled with the soldiers who died in confrontation with the Nine-Tailed Girl, the entire team has already died for more than half.

"Damn it, you can never go on like this!"

With the help of his own god, he temporarily escaped to the outer circle of the battlefield. An Pei Qingming couldn't help but look wild, "Do you want another seal of soul burning?" An idea just flashed in my mind, and An Pei Qingming saw Suzaku bombing a Taoist priest.

Because it is a Taoist, with a primordial spirit that comes from the sublimation of the soul and is visible to the naked eye, the Great Onmyoji sees the situation where the Taoist soul burned out in the fire of Suzaku.

Immediately, the Great Onmyoji seemed to be thrown into a ball of cold water, completely losing his words.

An Peiqing did not expect that Suzaku ’s flames would not let the enemy ’s souls pass. Under such circumstances, how could they pass this guy ’s blockade?

Seeing the passage of time, the crowds were eager and their ultimate strength erupted.

The taboo powers of various overdrafted bodies are displayed one after another, blooming on Suzaku.

Even some forces left no small injuries on Suzaku.

It's just frustrating that as soon as there is an injury, the flame on Suzaku's body will spread. Under the flame, any injury will instantly improve.

Suzaku, the **** bird from Shenzhou, proudly showed the world why she was called the undead bird.


In the proud cry, Suzaku kept releasing flames downward, occasionally diving for a while!

The huge battlefield was transformed into a sea of ​​fire under the power of Suzaku. Anyone who tried to fly over the sea of ​​fire would be caught by that endless flame and burned to death.

With the passage of time, the casualties of the people are getting bigger and bigger, and Suzaku's arrogance is getting stronger and stronger.

When everyone was helpless-

"Let the old lady come !!!"

Fujiwara Meihong's figure rushed out of the crowd once again, and rushed back towards the Suzaku Divine Bird that was swooping down, and the magical array covering the sky appeared in the void.

In an instant, an ominous breath filled the surrounding battlefield, and all creatures shuddered.


For the first time, the incredible Suzaku made a frightened cry, and frantically incited his wings, forcibly stopped his move to continue charging.

From the humble human in front of him, he felt the threat of life.

If it had been before, Suzaku would have spared no effort to wipe out the danger.

It is just after the successive failures and the experience of being sealed, that the undead bird from China has lost its past deeds, and there is no such kind of bossy, its second child mentality.

Therefore, Suzaku's idea at this time is to avoid the edge and not want to confront it.

However, Suzaku's idea failed in the end

Meihong's actions are too fast!

"Let's go !!!"

In a blink of an eye, Mei Hong's figure appeared not far from Suzaku's body. Endless blood burst out from the acupuncture point of the girl's body, dyeing the sky-sharpening magic array into bright red colors.

As the magic circle dyed red, the invisible power spread out and directly "grabbed" Suzaku!


Feeling the shackles around him, Suzaku burst out the greatest strength in the body, trying to break free of this shackle, and the void even burned under the power of Suzaku.


"It's useless!"

A contemptuous smile appeared on Meihong's pale face, and a strange panacea was taken out of her arms and swallowed into her mouth. The whole body burst out with more blood.

The blood-red magic circle seems to be affected, the power of terror burst out completely!

ps: One more willful day, and return to normal tomorrow! ..

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