My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 157: The last shock is the first!

"Penglai's medicine? !!!"

In the forever pavilion of the lost bamboo forest, the sage of the moon, Bayi Yonglin, saw the scene in front of her, when Fujiwara red swallowed the scene of a strange elixir.

Her eyes turned to Nagato and Huiye, to be precise Nagato, and the meaning of inquiry is self-evident.

"Ah, the concubine's medicine of Penglai!"

The lazy temperament of Penglai Shanhui Ye also disappeared instantly, and he looked up at the Nagato, "Can you explain to the concubine, my dear husband!"

"What, she finally went this way!"

Nagato didn't answer Hui Ye's question for the first time, but looked at Meihong's figure and sighed with emotion, "Originally, I thought she would embark on a path other than the fateful third Penglai people."

Between words, the perception of Nagato spread silently and communicated positively with the whole world.

The secret of the birth of the Penglai people is clearly revealed in the consciousness of the red-haired boy

"The third destiny of destiny?"

Hearing the sigh of Nagato, both Hui Ye and Yong Lin narrowed their eyes slightly, a little clear, especially Hui Ye, she looked at Mei Hongxuying's gaze more curiously.

At this time, Hui Ye understood the origin of her wonderful premonition

As a Penglai, the girl naturally stood by her side.

The reason is simple, isn't it?

Compared with Qi Huiye's curiosity, Yong Lin calmed down a lot about this new compatriot. She was even more curious that Fujiwara's actions at this time seemed to be a countermeasure designed by someone anticipating Suzaku's obstruction.

No, not only that, this so-called war has been completely controlled from the beginning!

"It's awesome!"

In the end, the Sage of the Moon could only say so with admiration.

If Mei Hong knows Yong Lin's thoughts, she will tearfully approve of each other's words.

Since becoming a teacher's disciple a few years ago, the teenage girl has never been so sure at such a moment. His teacher is a terrifying guy, and he has calculated almost everything.

For this war, all leader-level characters learned a mysterious technique of burning souls before leaving.

The existence of this mystery is entirely used in conjunction with Ampere Ching Ming's seal.

As a disciple of the Holy Master, Meihong has another option besides the secret technique of burning the soul, that is, to swallow the medicine of Penglai, bear the curse of immortality, and cast the blood curse of taboo.

At that time, Mei Hong also vowed to say that even the burning soul would not choose this method.

Because Meihong deeply understands that immortality is not without cost.

The power of the years is terrifying. Although many people pursue longevity, few people know that even natural born longevity species, many of them are mad directly in the long years.

Throughout the ages, I do n’t know how many big monsters ended up sleeping or committing suicide.

After becoming a Penglai, if you can't adapt, then you are really alive and dead.

Even the choice to commit suicide is completely gone

And Fujiwara Meihong also doesn't think he can adapt to this horrible thing. It is better to die than to live in the long-term future.


"There is no chance of choice!"

Fujiwara Meihong roared in her heart with tears in her eyes. The movements in her hands kept on and Penglai's medicine melted into the body, instantly turning it into an immortal Penglai.

Under the operation of the hematopoietic cells that transformed in an instant, endless blood burst out of the hole in the body of the girl.

In the void, a chain of bright red was condensed, and Suzaku was tied out.


Suzaku felt a terrible crisis in the moment when the Scarlet Chain was close to him.

In the roar of anger and weeping, the tyrannical undead bird madly started the source in the body, and the endless torch burst, trying to melt the chain burning.

Only under the blessing of Penglai's blood, the blood-colored chain was completely without fear of the sacred flame.

Under the drag of the chain, Suzaku gradually approached Meihong.

For a moment, the two are in contact!



Almost at the same time, Meihong and Suzaku both screamed mournfully.

The reason why Suzaku screamed was because it found that its existence had been swallowed up by the human in front of it. The kind of fear that it seemed to be eaten a little by itself made the bird very scared.

The reason why Meihong screamed was entirely because of the burning of body and mind caused by the swallowing of Suzaku.

Even if Meihong herself had studied inflammation, she really didn't feel such pain.

Every minute and second, for Meihong, is the ultimate torment.

"Girl Red !!!"

Hearing Meihong's screams, the soldiers around reacted, but just looking at Meihong's screams, they were powerless to find that they had no ability to wait for others to get close.


And at this moment, Ampei Qingming's eyes came out red.

Hearing Qingming's order, the people nodded silently, glanced at Meihong again, and everyone turned into a residual image, and rushed towards the monster's big source at the top of the mountain.

Because Suzaku is being swallowed by Mei Hong, the sea of ​​flames can no longer stop everyone's progress.

In just a few moments, everyone passed the fire and moved on.

At this time, the scene of the monster base camp has been presented to everyone. The most interesting thing is that the monster sage has opened a long gap above the base camp building.

Already one after another the figure of a monster came out of the gap.

"Zhu Jun, generosity is righteous today !!!"

Seeing this scene, An Peiqing knew that the last time had come, and greeted everyone, and immediately activated all of his powers, launching a decisive impact.

Seeing the action of the Great Onmyoji, all the soldiers laughed and launched the final charge.


"It's human !!!"

"Dare to come here, kill !!"

At the same time, the little monsters who came out of the gap saw the attacking human warriors, they also exposed their claws and fangs, and also killed the past. ..

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