My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 158: Blood sacrifice heaven and earth second!

The sound of killing is everywhere, and the battle is on again!

An Pei Qingming's unprecedented posture of determination and concerted efforts made a sharp edge to pierce the barriers formed by monsters and continue to attack the headquarters building.

Deeply understand that this is the last chance of the Great Onmyoji, all of them, have overdrawn the body and mind, and even burned the soul.

In front of human rights, these warriors have forgotten life and death!

In contrast, the monsters who had just walked out of the gap suddenly suffered a big loss because of the contempt in their hearts, and they could not even make these humans move forward at a slower pace.

It only took a short time for the Terran Warriors to break into the vicinity of the monster headquarters.

At this time, the monsters finally reacted completely

A tragic **** battle broke out!


Looking at the **** battle not far away, a gloomy flash flashed on the face of Yakumo Zi, what Bain Yonglin could feel, as a party, Yakumo Zi could also feel it.

It's just that Ba Yun Zi didn't know who actually designed all this.

Where is the flop of the opponent?

Although the two blockers dispatched by them have failed, the monsters across the time slot have already begun to gather. As long as some time passes, the army of monsters will arrive.

At that time, no matter what the opponent's hole card is, the monster army can suppress it.

Therefore, Yakumo Zi is still confident of winning this war.


"Why are you upset?"

Such thoughts flashed in her head, and Ba Yunzi looked at the attacking Ampei Qingming people, and she couldn't help but flashed a little killing opportunity. She was thinking about whether to kill these people.

It's just that the sages are now maintaining a huge gap and should not be moved around.

And when Yakumo hesitated, a human race in the field of vision exploded, and the strong burst exploded the surrounding monsters into a space visible to the naked eye.

"Boom! Boom! Boom !!"

The initial self-detonation seemed to ignite the fuse, and it continued to detonate successively. More than fifty human warriors blew themselves up, using all of their own to open a path in the monster group.

Riding a crow-tengu-style god, Ampei Qingming advanced through endless shocks and dust, and instantly rushed into the monster headquarters.


Detonating the final god, Ampei Qingming rushed deep into the monster headquarters, set foot on the altar where heaven and earth had collected the luck of the monster clan, and looked proudly at the monster sage.

"not good!"

Looking at the Great Onmyoji who had lost most of their fighting power in front of him, Yakumo Zi's spiritual tremor shuddered as if something covering his own thoughts had clouded the clouds.

In an instant, she understood what the human being was doing!

"Damn luck affects our thinking!"

Such thoughts flashed in his head. Yakumo Zi didn't hesitate to abandon the gap between his hands. The vast demon power burst out, turning into magic bullets and slamming toward An Pei Qingming.

The only thought of the monster sage at this time is to bombard this abominable human onmyoji. just

"It's too late, monster!"

Facing the attacking magic bullet, Ampei Qingming's face flashed a sneer, and instantly pulled out the sword that had been worn on his waist since the war, and the sacred breath burst out.

"My friends and I have given everything, can you wait for the monster to stop it!"

During the speech, the Great Onmyoji had already inserted the sword in his hand upside down on the altar, and released the last spiritual power in his body, activating the power contained in the Excalibur

"Bloom, the clouds of heaven, the blood sacrifices to heaven and earth, the human race is immortal !!!"

With the roar of the Great Onmyoji, the power of terror burst out from above the Excalibur, and the strong momentum even drove Yakumo's magic bullets out of the air.

Then the horrible fluctuations spread out, suppressing all the monsters on Suzakuyama.

The blood of the dead human race suddenly turned into blood, and instantly filled the entire mountain of Suzaku!


Seeing such a change, Yayun Zi's face flashed a little bit of grim instantly, and the strength of the Wushuang Big Demon was fully unfolded, and the world and earth changed color at this moment.

"Stubbornness, the state of life and death!"

The power of the mysterious realm appeared at once, spreading invisibly.

"Why so!"

But at this moment, a long and wise voice echoed from the void, and the invisible power of humanity gathered, confining the power of the vague realm of life and death around Bayunzi.

Then, the silver-haired saint in a white robe came barefoot into the air, leisurely and complacent.

"It's you, dare to count my humanity!"

There was a slight silence, and there was a hint of anger on Ba Yunzi's face. The imprisoned power of life and death exploded in vain, stirring the void and shaking the order evolved by the power of humanity.

Then there was a small gap in the back of the monster sage, and an eye was revealed in each gap.

In an instant, a large number of rays burst out of the eyes and came towards Zhou Yi.

"Why bother!"

With a sigh, the power of humanity automatically protects the Lord and turns into an invisible barrier, blocking the attack of Yakumo Zi. "Don't you know that this battle is a victory for humanity!"


As Zhou Yi's words just fell, the dragon vein at the bottom of Suzaku Mountain was instantly ignited.

Unimaginable forces burst out from the depths of the earth and spread in all directions. The dragon veins in the entire Yingzhou area resonated slightly at this moment.

The earth within a thousand miles is turbulent, like an earthquake!


The endless aura burst out from the altar where Ampei Qingming is located, and merged with the blood around him, turning into a terrifying dreadful dragon, hovering over the Suzaku.

Amidst this dragon chanting sound, some amazing changes have taken place in the entire Yingzhou world.

The monster sage instantly felt that the imprisonment of the world was stronger

The strength of the whole body is unchanged, but Yakumo Zi knows that the damage he can cause is obviously reduced.

On the level that ordinary people can't look directly at, the vast luck of the Yingzhou Clan officially suppressed the luck of the Demon Clan. The immense glory shines on the long river of destiny and highlights the future of the Clan. ..

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