My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 159: The event ends first!

Standing in the gap between the voids, Yakumo Zi could not help but be silent.

As a monster who is extremely close to the roots, she felt the changes in the whole world at the first time. As Zhou Yi said, she has lost in this war.

This may be due to luck, but she knows better that it is a mistake of her own judgment.

The monster sage didn't think that the human race actually had such a purpose--

In the name of war, we will not hesitate to destroy the best one hundred thousand army, but also let Suzakusan lower the core of the Yingzhou Island country's dragon network, and breathe the breath of the human race.

There are three ways in heaven and earth, that is the day: heaven, earth and humanity!

Heaven and earth are the rules presented by the consciousness of heaven and earth, and humanity is the representative of the will of all living beings. Most of the destiny between heaven and earth is the result of the interweaving of the two, and earth and earth are different from heaven and earth.

As a symbol of the ontology of the world, the tunnel carries the world, and the external manifestation is the earth and stars.

Under normal circumstances, the tunnel will not affect the flow of fate.

The blood sacrifice of the human race, through the dragon veins, determines its identity as the lord of this side of the earth, which is equivalent to involving the tunnel into the torrent of fate, letting its own advantages burst out completely.

Although it is not very good at this stage, it only slightly reduces the damage caused by the high level of the demon clan, but in the future, the power of the human clan will continue to become stronger, while the demon clan will appear to stagnate or even weaken.

Unless the human race is completely destroyed, otherwise the demon is destined to become a stepping stone for the human race

At least in this Yingzhou projectile land, this is the case!


"It's a joke to kill people!"

Such self-deprecation flashed in his mind constantly, and Ba Yunzi knew that don't look at the human race now, but it wasn't really a demon clan that could wipe it out.

The human race is indeed weak, but it is not without the strong, and there are also the existence of the fairy, Buddha and the like.

If the war of extinction is really launched, more helpers will run out from behind the Terran!


Feeling the ever-increasing repulsive force in the surrounding space, Yakumo Zi knew that Suzakuyama was transforming into a holy place for Yingzhou humans at an alarming rate, and the monster could not stay here for long.

Thinking of this, Yakumo Zi looked at An Pei Qingming on the altar lightly.

As the master of the blood sacrifice, Ampei Qingming has gradually turned into a god, the mountain **** of the mountain of Suzaku

"Cut, what a lucky guy."

The thought flashed in my mind. The monster sage ignored Zhou Yi, who was not far away, and turned and walked into the gap, and the sealed Yunyun blue in the distance disappeared into the gap instantly.

"Hoo, finally gone!"

After Yiyun Zi left, Zhou Yi couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Don't look at the fact that he used the human power gathered by the Yingzhou people to compete with the monster sage, but if it is true, Zhou Yi may not really be the opponent of the monster sage.

After all, his arrival is less than a few years, and the power of humanity is not so easy to use.

If the humane power of Yingzhou is too large, it is likely to be bound by this force and it is difficult to leave Yingzhou. This is obviously unacceptable to Zhou Yi.

Fortunately, Bayun Purple is sensible enough not to make Zhou Yi make the worst choice

"So, next"

Thoughts flashed in his mind, Zhou Yi turned around leisurely, and the scene where Mei Hong was being burned by flames caught his eyes, and the girl's screaming sound was extremely weak.

The hoarse voice is talking to Zhou Yi about the girl's state at this moment.

"It seems that the little girl is pretty miserable!"

A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. Zhou Yi's figure stepped into the sky and appeared in front of Meihong at an alarming speed. The girl who was being burned by the flame suddenly shook her body and made a sound.

It's just that the vocal cords seem to have been burned by the flames. The sounds that Zhou Yi heard were intermittent and difficult to distinguish.

However, Zhou Yi is clear, this time the sister red may be cursing herself!

"Ah, don't be excited, little girl red!"

In the face of the appalling apprenticeship, Zhou Yi still had a gentle smile on his face, and said leisurely, "I believe in you very much as a teacher, you will be able to devour Suzaku and become a real undead bird."

"But before that, you still have a good sleep, we will see you in the future!"

Speaking of which, Zhou Yi raised his right hand, and the immense human power was released with the right hand of the red-haired boy, suppressing it on Meihong's body.


The whining of Suzaku came from the flames, and then stopped abruptly.

There was a little turmoil between heaven and earth, and the consciousness of the **** bird Suzaku was swallowed to the last few. Under the power of Zhou Yi's humanity, it had been worn away in an instant.


At the next moment, the power of humanity blasted Mei Hong and the burning flame into the magma of the earth.

As if the impacted spring rebounded, a lot of magma burst out. In the face of this situation, Zhou Yi has not yet started, and the entire Suzakuyama mountain suddenly echoed a fresh breeze.

Being blown by the breeze, all the magma lost heat in an instant and cooled into rock.

"Oh, how important it is!"

Seeing this scene, a smile appeared on Zhou Yi's face and said leisurely, "It seems that you have successfully mastered this Suzaku Mountain, Qingming!"


With the indifferent voice, An Pei Qingming appeared in front of Zhou Yi, half kneeling in the void, "Thanks to Master Zhou's plan and the sacrifice of everyone, otherwise, Qingming Hede how can he"

"I'm just a strategist."

"If you want to repay me, just help me watch Meihong, she probably sleeps for hundreds of years."

Without waiting for Ampei Qingming to finish, Zhou Yi interrupted him, and then said, "As for the other sacrificed people, if you really want to repay, do what you should do."

"I understand, Master Zhou!"

After being silent for a while, Ampei Qingming's face flashed a sacred glory, "From today, the mountain of Suzaku has been renamed Mount Fuji, which means that the flames of the Yingzhou people are endless and inherited.

"I will build a holy place belonging to the Yingzhou people here, and cultivate generations of inheritors for the Yingzhou people!"

"Since then, I have coexisted with Yingzhou humanely, this is my deed, and we can learn from each other!"


Along with Ampei Qingming's words, a thunder rang between heaven and earth, and the whole Yingzhou heard the heavy thunder, and the existence of the big monster level, foresees something.

In front of Zhou Yi, the power of humanity gathered, surrounded by Ampei Qingming, permeated.

"Hahaha !!!"

Seeing this scene, Zhou Yi couldn't help laughing, turned around and walked away, "Do it well, Qingming, I'm going, not just Yingzhou, the whole world is waiting for me to go."

"This dark age will be lightened by Zhou Yi one by one, ha ha ha"

Along with laughter, Zhou Yi's figure went farther and farther, and behind him, An Pei Qingming looked at his back with red eyes. In a trance, the Great Onmyoji seemed to see the light on the other shore! ! ..

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