My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 1: The first change in a hundred years!

Time flies, vicissitudes of life.

Since the rise of the Yingzhou Clan, the whole world has been changing at an alarming rate. Under the vast and fateful situation, any blocking existence will be shattered.

Because it is the beginning of everything, people call it the original first year.

In the first three years, Zhou Yi, a humanitarian saint, traveled across Shenzhou, killing 100,000 demons with a single sword, and recreating the Divine Empire.

In the first five years, the holy master went to the Kunlun of Immortals and launched a seven-day and seven-night shocking war, and finally suppressed the entire Kunlun. Then he used Kunlun ’s power to open a large enchantment on the land of Shenzhou, and the Zulong nine sons manifested. Suppress all demons!

In the first seven years, the Holy Master established Kunlun College, using the power of China, to choose the kind of humane rise in the world.

In the first two decades, with the running and help of the Holy Master and Kunlun College, the flame of humane rise ignited the entire plane, and the unique situation of the demon race was completely shaken.

In the first twenty-six years, the saints secretly traveled south to Tianzhu and started diplomacy with the Buddhist and Taoist mountains, but they did n’t know who leaked the secret. Eighty percent of the world ’s big monsters gathered in Tianzhu in an attempt to encircle the saints here. .

Subsequently, the saints and monsters, as well as Buddhist and Taoist monks launched a famous thousand-day war.

Thousands of days and months of war have destroyed the entire Buddhist sanctuary, Tianzhu, and the countless demons have died here. The blood has completely stained the Ganges and Brahmaputra Rivers.

The final result is that both the demon race and the Taoism have been hit hard, and the saints have burned themselves and lost their vitality.

At the dawn of the second day back to Kunlun, the saints turned into glory and disappeared in front of people.

In the first twenty-seven years, countless strong human races gathered at Kunlun College, made an oath in front of the holy master's clothing, and issued a real counterattack horn of the human race, which opened a full-scale war.

Starting today, the conflict between humans and monsters has officially shifted from a situational battle to a full-scale war.

For the next seventy years, the entire world was completely indulged in the war turmoil of the two communities.

Countless monsters and humans have completely lost their lives in the war. Massive civilizations have been completely lost in the war. The two families have fought completely and dimly, and the blood has almost spilled over the entire world.

Especially at the final stage of the war, when the commanders of the two tribes were destroyed, everything was out of control.

In the end, the inter-ethnic war ended inexplicably in years

In the original 100 years, after three years of recuperation, whether it is the human race, the demon race, or the entire world, they have received rest and recuperation. Everything seems to have returned to what it was before the lunar war.

"It's just that the demon race lost after the years and the sky!"

In a study room in the Central Palace of the Crescent Moon, the long door looked through the information sent by his men, recalled the situation on the ground at this time, and sighed softly in his mouth.

In the past 100 years, in order not to get involved in boring chaos, Nagato often stayed in the capital of the new moon.

But even so, he still knew everything about the ground.

Although the current situation seems to be, the situation on the ground is almost the same as before the lunar war.

But Nagato is very clear that the demon clan's heritage has been destroyed in previous wars, standing at the same starting line with the human clan, and then the human clan will accumulate faster than the demon clan as time goes by Background.

The environment of the whole earth is moving in a more suitable direction for mankind, changing slowly and firmly

The final future flowing on the long river of destiny will no longer have any trace of monsters!

"Human race, it's too much to favor!"

Throwing away the intelligence information used to relieve boredom at hand, the aura in the head of the red-haired boy flashed, "I always feel that there are other deeper reasons why the human race can perform this way!"

There seems to be some important information to emerge, but Nagato cannot grasp it anyway.

After pondering for a while, the red-haired boy finally gave up and continued to think

"Forget it, let me tell Zhou Yi after he wakes up!"

Such thoughts flashed in his head, but Nagato had to admire that his avatars were so talented. The endless world, the sacred realm that is difficult for hundreds of millions of beings to spend endless years, but they all arrived easily Threshold.

There is only one chance for Saya. The killing pill is transforming. At this time, Zhou Yi is even more divine and humane, and is undergoing the final transformation.

Yes, the legendary saint who died for the rise of mankind is actually just a humane one.

Suddenly, Nagato felt that Zhou Yi would wake him up with a surprise.


Standing up from his seat, the long door moved his body, "So, what to do next, I don't know what to do for a while."

During the speech, the purple eyes of the long door shrank slightly, and the origin of the dragon in the body oscillated slightly.


The vast dragon's power continues to flow in the body of the red-haired boy, and the Nagato instantly understood that this is the ultimate result of the self-operating dragon-killing method in his body.

The essence of the so-called dragon-extinguishing method is actually not the dragon-extinguishing technique, but the technique of turning the dragon.

At this time, Nagato entered the final stage of chemical dragon.

Along with the flow of power in the body, Nagato seemed to be able to hear the Jiulong Qiming from the authentic origin in his body. A sudden itching appeared on the back of the right hand of the red-haired teenager.

Raising his right hand subconsciously, the red-haired boy saw it, and gradually a scale appeared on the back of his hand.

Nagato understood that it was the first dragon scale born after the completion of the Dragon Extermination!

"Finally, it started!"

After seeing this dragon scale, Nagato understood that his authenticity had entered the countdown. In the next time, he would have more and more dragon scales on his body, until that day he became a dragon.

By that time, the seal on the authentic origin will be truly unlocked, and the Nagato will truly be a pure blood dragon!


"Authentic mythology hasn't really been born yet!"

Such thoughts flashed in his head, and the long door knew that he was no longer suitable for continued seclusion. After all, such a thing as Dadao is usually not obtained by hard work.

"Then let's go and find a real breakthrough opportunity, and the agreement with Shenqi will be realized, and"

"The two little girl films running away from home are also the time to get them back!" ..

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