My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 2: Red Meiling second!

Do what you want, Nagato's mobility is never bad.

The red-haired boy immediately pushed open the door of the study, and was about to greet the servants to get ready to go out of the vehicle, but just after walking out of the door, the long door was a little stunned.

Because on the wall on the left side of the study door, the original maidservant leaned against the wall and fell asleep.

It was a young girl in a dark green cheongsam who looked very tall.

The long red hair at the waist has a twist braid at each side of the temple. The braid is decorated with a bow. The chest is also decorated with a ribbon like a bow.

If you look at it from the outside, this is definitely a great beauty.

It was just the saliva that came out slightly from the edge of the young girl's unconsciously opened cherry lips, which fully revealed its essence.

"Damn it, who called this guy to act as the guard of the study!"

Shaking his head silently, the long door crouched down in front of the maid, raised his right hand, his index finger and **** together, and gently on the girl's forehead.


Suddenly the sound of the air burst and the red-haired maid flew directly along the corridor.

At the next moment, the sleeping girl woke up instantly in midair, her fighting instinct burst out, and the girl easily stopped the trend of flying backwards, and subconsciously rushed back to the front door.

Obviously, the girl who just woke up from a deep sleep instinctively wanted to fight back

It was only at this time that she suddenly saw clearly the appearance of Nagato. Immediately, everything such as war intentions and killing intentions disappeared without a trace, and the girl forcibly withdrew the fist that was about to burst.

Such a move, although it did not cause any counter-injury to the girl, but also almost made her breathless.

"Master, master!"

Looking back, the girl looked at Nagato with embarrassment and speechlessness.


Slowly standing up, the long door looked at the girl who had rushed in front of her, and said with some helplessness, "I don't have much to say about your sleeping on the post, Hong Meiling!"

"Now, go down and give me the cars and salutes to travel, do you understand?"

"Understood, my master!"

Hearing the words of Nagato, the maid named Hong Meiling resembled Amnesty, a big grin appeared in the corner of her mouth, and turned into a wind of rainbow color, quickly retreated.

"Fate, it's amazing!"

Looking at the back of Hong Meiling's disappearance in the field of vision, a faint admiration appeared on the face of Nagato, "I didn't expect that the girl at the time was actually the door of the Red Devils House."

In the past hundred years, although Nagato claimed to be in seclusion, he did not do nothing.

Taking advantage of the war between the human race and the demon race, Nagato and Saya joined forces and carefully avoided the perception of the plane. From Baiyu Jingli, they successively found a lot of people to come to this new moon capital.

In a hundred years, the gate and Saya were long enough to create a powerful new force.

The power gathered in the new crescent capital nowadays, even if it is not counted as Nagato and Saya, is also not inferior to the previous moon capital, and it is counted as the moon capital seen on the moon night.

Of course, the power of the new moon capital is still invisible.

After all, these adventors all entered this plane in their real bodies. Unless the moon face at this time was transformed by the weapon of the long gate, the plane consciousness could not be sensed at all, and neither the long gate nor Saya dare to let other people come physically.

It does n’t matter, however, the purpose of Nagato ’s establishment of the new moon capital is just to use it in the future decisive battle,

It was with the power of this new moon city that Nagato ignored the group of monsters on the ground who were at war with humans, and allowed these powerful fighting forces to spontaneously die.

Red Meiling, who had just disappeared in front of Nagato, was summoned by Nagato and Saye from Bai Yujing.

Although it can summon the advent of the manpower, in accordance with the principle of safety, the number of people summoned is limited. The long gate would not choose such a girl who looks empty and powerful, but seems very confused.

But no way, who called this girl was a character in the fate of the original fantasy town.

What makes Nagato most interesting is that the girl was born because of herself.

When he was about to be promoted to the innate god, Nagato once saved a girl who was almost evil-like, and the red-haired boy at that time was just a rescue.

It's just that Nagato never expected that at that time, he would be caught in the overall situation of this plane!

"Huh, it's really deliberate!"

Some smiled and shook his head. The red-haired boy turned and took a step. Time and space changed in an instant. There was almost no stagnation. The figure of the long door appeared in a dark space.

This is the center of the moon, a sub-space created by Nagato himself with the law of time and space.

The central area of ​​the space is the only source of brilliance in the dark space.

In the center of that glorious source is a door of time and space.

Before the door, Saya was sitting on the lotus platform

"Brother Nagato, you are here!"

At the moment when the long gate appeared, the closed-eyed girl opened her eyes. At first glance, her small face seemed extremely pure, and she couldn't help but a touching smile appeared.

"Well, you have worked hard, Saya!"

Speaking softly, the figure of the long door floated into the center of the radiant land, sat beside the girl, and hugged it in his arms. "If you were not suppressed here, the breath of the space-time door would have been discovered by the plane. "

"Well, now that you know it, you must compensate Saya!"

"Haha, come on, I will promise you whatever you ask!"

Faced with the girl's request, Nagato nodded with a laugh. Today, Nagato and Saye are already one, and only when facing Saye, Nagato will say such a promise.


After thinking about it for a while, Saya found that he didn't know what he wanted, because almost all the things he wanted, Saya could find a way. "Save it first, Saya can't think of it for the time being."

"Okay, then think slowly!"

Nagato replied without any hesitation, and then the red-haired young man said in a young voice, "Also, I will go out for a while, I'm afraid it will take a long time, and I will leave the matter here to you."


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