My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 3: Demon travel! First more!

After Wen Cun for a while, Nagato said goodbye to Saya.

When the thoughts moved, the world was changing in the blink of an eye. The figure of the red-haired boy easily detached from the dark space and came to a large square in front of the central palace of the moon capital.

The first thing that caught the eyes of the red-haired boy was a very large sailboat about a kilometer long.

The dark wood material constitutes the appearance of the sailing boat, giving a feeling of incomparably hardness. The occasional embellishment of metal grains makes the super-large sailing boat show a little cold gorgeousness.

"Have seen the master !!!"

After seeing the figure of the long door, the rabbit-ear maids who had been coming and going in the square all gave way to a sailing boat and knelt down.

These rabbit ear maids are mostly rabbit demon who migrated here from the ground in more than 100 years.

Fighting power is average, but being a maid is an unexpectedly good player.

"Sir, you are here!"

At this time, several figures fell from the large sailing boat to the front of the red-haired boy, headed by Bai Yujing's witch fairy Dumu Aye, and the red Meiling and some unknown witch behind Aye .

I saw that Xiandu Mu Aye led the public to make a bow to the long door, and then introduced with a smile: "Your car is ready, this is the flying sailboat that has just completed the final adjustment-the big devil ! "

Since entering this plane, Nagato's vehicle has changed from time to time, and has evolved from a carriage to a spaceship.

"Oh, not bad!"

Hearing Aye's words, Nagato narrowed his eyes.

Looking up and down this so-called flying sailboat, although I don't know how it feels to sit up, this imposing gesture that can't be ignored can make Nagato feel satisfied.

"Is the person on board already in place?"


A Ye smiled and answered the question of the red-haired boy. "There are 500 maids and 300 female guards on the ship. They are all local monsters that Bai Yujing has cultivated in a hundred years. All kinds of materials have been prepared."

"Excuse me, do you have anything else to prepare?"

"No, let's go, right"

Immediately, the red-haired teenager made a decision, and then remembered something like that, Nagato's eyes turned to Hong Meiling, "Hong Meiling, this time you travel, you will be my personal guard."

"Ah! Yes !!"

Although Hong Meiling is the character of Bai Yujing, she is not ordinary.

When Nagato rescued the opponent, he used his authentic power to baptize him. In a sense, Hong Meiling was regarded as a disciple of Nagato, inheriting his authentic power.

After arriving at this plane and practicing the dragon-killing method passed by the whim of Nagato, the existence of Hong Meiling even directly integrated into the destiny of this world.

Her identity is the half demon enchanted by a drop of essence blood of the so-called dragon **** incarnation of Nagato.

Therefore, Hong Meiling is one of the few Bai Yujing who can move freely on this plane.


"If you can, I really don't want to go out!" When he was walking next to the long gate and walking towards the Big Devil, Hong Meiling could n’t help but sigh. The girl with sleepiness was already practicing the method of destroying the dragon. Later, the symptoms became more serious.

However, if you follow the guard of the long gate, the time to fall asleep will be significantly reduced.

This situation made Hong Meiling a little depressed.

"Ha ha!"

The long door that walked in front of Hong Meiling glanced at the girl with the afterglow of the corner of her eyes, and a smile appeared in the corner of her mouth. The red-haired teenager knew how Hong Meiling felt at this moment.

But what he would never admit is that he was deliberately trying to adjust this sleepy girl.

Soon, surrounded by many maids and guards, the long door stepped into the magic circle used for teleportation.

In an instant, the red-haired teenager and others appeared at the front of the deck, showing the normal sailing scene in front of the red-haired teenager. Instead, it looked like a small town with many characteristic buildings and houses staggered.

Nagato even saw buildings like sports fields, libraries and amusement parks in this building.

"Yes, Not Bad!"

I walked for a while in the spacious environment of the Big Devil, and took everything around me into my eyes. The red-haired boy nodded in satisfaction and said his thoughts.

Immediately, the surrounding maids and guards secretly relieved.

Obviously, the majesty of Nagato was deep in the heart of the demon.

The red-haired boy did not care about this, but walked leisurely on the deck, and soon came to the position of the bow, looking away, the long door issued his own command:

"In my name, the Great Demon, set sail !!!"


Everyone echoed in unison, and the entire Demon Devil was working instantly.

A huge air wave suddenly swept through the palace square of the crescent moon, and a huge sailing ship of thousands of kilometers blasted slowly into the sky. The sound was heard throughout the crescent moon.

Unexpectedly, a large hole appeared in the sky's enchantment, which was the channel of the Great Demon.


In the roar that sounded again, the Great Demon almost turned into a streamer, and instantly flew out of the bounding hole, just like a meteor, penetrating the atmosphere and falling down towards the ground.

The atmosphere of the entire earth experienced extremely violent vibrations during the voyage of the Devil.

When the big demon travels, it is naturally a huge fanfare, which makes the whole world look at it!

Immediately, all the top forces on the ground were shocked.

In Kunlun Mountain, a holy place in the fairyland of Shenzhou, more than a dozen immortals who have practiced for more than a thousand years have stepped out of their retreat, looking at the sky, and frowning tightly.

In the western magic forest, the magic envoys who cast the magic tower have put down their experiments.

Several Buddhas who are meditating in Tianzhu Lingshan opened their empty eyes at the same time.

Big monsters all over the world have their eyes widened, looking up at the sky, they seem to sense something

In the land of unknown time, the monster sage, who has been silent for hundreds of years, awakened from the hibernation, feeling the message conveyed by the gap, and Ba Yunzi's eyes couldn't help but sharp:

"It's really majestic, Master Nagato, after a hundred years of silence, are you finally ready to start acting?" ..

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