My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 4: Great Britain first!

Yakumo understands that Nagato's travel at this time is definitely not accidental.

Although the time spent with each other is not long, but with the sage and insight of the monster sage, it is very easy to find a very remarkable feature of Nagato

That is, Nagato is a very purposeful man!

Under normal circumstances, Nagato will not do anything that is meaningless.

The most important thing is that, thanks to the traits of his realm monster, Yakumo Zi clearly feels that as time goes by, the plane's restrictions on extraordinary powers are increasing.

In the depths of that root, there seemed to be something terrifying about to wake up.

This feeling reminded the monster sage to think of the great disaster of the times when he came to this world.

"Presumably, the guy is aware of these movements too!"

In the gap between the realms, Yaoyun held a parasol and stopped slightly, "Under such circumstances, the guy who wants to come will not be too busy to walk around, but now, we can't explore it!"

Thinking of this, Ba Yunzi's face was a little unhappy, because she thought of the contract on her body.

After thinking a little, the monster sage will continue to move towards the depths of the gap. "Since this is the case, then we can't drag it. The thing in the Underworld is also fast. I hope it will be useful!"

"Find a solution to the contract on your body before you can concentrate on preparing for the catastrophe!"

As soon as the voice fell, the figure of Yakumo went further and further away, and soon disappeared into the depths of the boundary

"Huh? Is this Yunyun Purple?"

On the Big Sky Demon just traversing the atmosphere, the long door sitting leisurely on the throne of the ship seemed to feel something, but just waiting for him to lock what he felt, the other party disappeared without a trace.

"Cut, are you really careful enough ?!"

He whispered in his heart, but a smile appeared on the face of the red-haired boy, "but you can't escape, this is your destiny, my dear monster sage."

Nagato has a wonderful feeling. In the near future, Bayunzi will take the initiative to find his body.

This is a hunch from God-given intuition, which is also the result of the intersection of fate

"Master Lord!"

At this moment, behind the red-haired boy came a rabbit-eared girl in a work uniform, bowed towards him, "The control center asked me to ask for your instructions, the first stop on this trip That stop. "

"Europe, Great Britain!"

Hearing the girl ’s inquiry, Nagato gave an answer without thinking, "Two wild girls who run away from home are there. By the way, use subspace navigation."

Regarding the destination of this trip, Nagato has already drawn up a plan for the whole journey.

The first target is the two sisters Remilia and Fran Toro.

The two girls have been running away from home for a full hundred years. Before that, Saya was watching, but now Saya is obviously not available. The long gate can only take the horse himself and capture the two girls.

After all, there are some signs of plane robbery gradually appearing between heaven and earth, and Nagato can't worry about them walking around.


Hearing the order of the long gate, the maid with rabbit ears bowed and bowed, then retreated.

Soon, the order was conveyed, and the entire Demon Devil was fully operational. With the sound of hum, the invisible power spread out, and the Devil Devil stopped the downward trend.


Then the entire airship suddenly burst into a roar.

The vast spatial ripples rose from the air, and the huge hull merged into the ripples in an instant, making all the forces and organizations watching the Devil's Devil secretly on the ground in a daze.

At the same time, after the short darkness in the spaceship and other people, the vision suddenly turned into an endless flowing silver streamer.

Obviously, the Big Devil has entered a subspace channel different from the real world.

"Shoot !!!"

Galloping on the silver streamer, the Great Demon is moving at an amazing speed.

After about half a minute


In the crisp sound, as if the stones fell into the ripples of the lake, the figure of the Devil was quietly separated from the subspace and stopped above an unknown forest covered with winter snow.

Sudden gusts of wind swept through the forest, and huge shadows instantly covered the sky, alarming countless hibernating beasts and monsters.

This is a secluded virgin forest on the British Isles, a temporary residence of Remilia.

"Soon, this is it"

Feeling the confusion coming from below, the long door whispered softly, and diffused his perception. The red-haired boy did not plan to waste time, but was going to find Remi directly.

It was just beyond the expectation of the red-haired boy that he could not feel the existence of Remi and Furan in the forest.


The brows frowned slightly, and Nagato's perception spread again, completely covering the entire British Isles, but even so, the red-haired boy still had little gain.

"Ah, weird!"

Subconsciously speaking softly, the long door slowly rose from the throne, "Where did the two girls go, is there something here that can isolate my perception?"

As for the sisters Remilia who are in danger, Nagato has never had such an idea.

In addition to intuitive reasons, Nagato also made some moves on them.

Not to mention that the world is invincible, but at least it is more than self-preservation!

"So, go check it out!"

The thought flashed in his head, and Nagato immediately turned around, ready to give orders, but this turn turned the Nagato a little helpless, because Hong Meiling, who was supposed to be behind him, fell asleep again.

This time, the girl actually fell asleep while standing, and she slept silently, making it difficult to detect.

If it were n’t for turning around to face it, Nagato really did n’t find out


With a soft sneer, Nagato's right hand lifted up, and at the forehead of Hong Meiling, he flicked his fingers. With a bang, Hong Meiling turned into a shell and flew out.

After doing all this, Nagato looked at the other rabbit-eared girls with some surprise on his face, and said to the commander: "Command the control center to stop here temporarily, leaving enough guards, and the others and I disembark! "

"Yes !!!"

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