My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 10: Salvation Ice asks for a subscription!


Looking at the wreckage in front of him, there was a little surprise in the corner of the long door.

It was because the red-haired boy had discovered in his perception that the deep ominous bones were surrounded by some amazing supernatural powers.

Obviously, the owner of the skeleton is a very powerful deity. Judging from the quality of Shenwei, it is no worse than the moon and night after promotion by the evil door.

Of course, the other party is nowhere to go.

The gap between the two is almost equal to zero!


"Why does this existence fall?"

Such a question emerged in his mind, and the long door subconsciously walked to the fallen bone, and all the surroundings were included in his own eyes.

Soon, the long door stood in front of the skeleton, a flash of light flashed in his purple eyes.

Invisible power spread out, eroding this ominous bone.

Practicing is originally a matter of idealism. The more powerful, the more able to show this. A thought of the strongest can evolve the spiritual world, and a drop of blood can stain the red ocean.

Even if there is only one bone left, it can also tell countless wonderful things.

After reaching such a deep state, the red-haired boy can get enough information from the wreckage of a strong man, and even a little debris.


There was a roar in my mind, and Nagato instantly received a lot of intermittent information.

The mind turned, and in less than a moment, Nagato digested the message.

From the information, Nagato knew that the skeletal body was a very powerful **** during his lifetime. In the last era, it belonged to the extreme sequence of the times. Except for a few master gods, not many gods can compare with it.

At the end of the last era, Shen Qi took the lead in opening up the Devil Realm as an example for the gods.

And this guy also learns Shen Qi to open up the world alone, but he seems to look at himself a little, although the outside world has been opened up, but he also died of exhaustion.

"In other words, did other gods and gods choose to develop jointly after seeing this guy's ending."

Such thoughts flashed inadvertently in the head. The long door subconsciously glanced at the word "hate" engraved on the ground in front of the bones, and a hint of sarcasm appeared in the corner of his mouth.

It was also obvious that the skeletal predecessor in front of him was a self-controlling guy.

In the information in his mind, Nagato saw many deeds about Shenqi. Through these clues, Nagato clearly felt the gap between this bone precursor and Shenqi.

"The weak are not qualified to hate!"

Speaking such words softly, the figure of the red-haired boy slowly disappeared into place. After receiving the information, Nagato had lost interest in the bones.

Outside the dilapidated temple, crimson flames spread all over the world.

The sky, the earth, and even the air are filled with immense karma, only the temple surroundings are spared. appeared abruptly in the ripples in the space outside the temple, the figure of the long door slowly emerged from it, looking at the endless flames spreading across his field of vision, a little appeared on the face of the red-haired boy Surprised.

"I haven't felt it in the hall yet, it is actually a space where karma is burning."

Speaking softly, the face of the long door could not help but showed a little surprise, nothing else, but the red-haired boy suddenly remembered it, and the dead guy was also a creator.

As a creator, Nagato knows well the end of their existence in this industry: Either Dao everything, achieve the world he opened up, or deify the industry fire, and burn the world!

Like the legendary Pangu, the first path is taken, and the dead **** is the second.


"Since the industry fire has been ignited, why does this space still exist?"

Such doubts flashed in his head, and Nagato did not stand silly and think in place, but stepped straight out and walked into the burning karma.


Yehuo, who was unable to get close to the Nagato because of the temple, moved when the red-haired boy stepped in.

The endless flames were agitated, and countless flames rolled down like a surging wave, trying to burn this red-haired boy who broke into the industry fire without permission.

Faced with this situation, Nagato just sneered disdainfully and exhaled.

The gentle breathing turned into a terrible hurricane, preventing the attack of the industry fire.

Surrounded by a hurricane, the red-haired boy strolled leisurely in the sea of ​​fire transformed by the karma. That unhurried posture did not take the flame enough to burn the world at all.

In the face of the arrogant posture of Nagato, the huge flames seemed to be angered.

Endless karma fires emerged, constantly killing the hurricane around the red-haired boy, trying to break the Nagato's defense, but whenever the karma was about to succeed, Nagasaki always exhaled inadvertently, weakening the hurricane again strengthen.

The result is that the huge flames can't help the red-haired boy.

However, this kind of thing is completely normal. At this time, although the strength of the long door is limited, but after not knowing how many times the physical body is transformed, how terrible is it.

Even Nagato didn't even care about the karma around him, but in the eyes of the red-haired boy, it was only the last cry of the weak.

At this time, Nagato was very concerned about one thing: why does this alien world still exist?

According to the calculation of the time that the bones exist, this endless sea of ​​flames may have been burning for a long time, at least for thousands of years. If so, why does this space still exist.

"Shouldn't all of this be burned down by karma early on and return to the chaotic void?"

With such doubts, Nagato continued to advance, and the instincts in the underworld told the red-haired boy that at the end of his own path, I am afraid that he had the answer he wanted.

As the long gate continued to advance, the entire ocean of business fire roared continuously.

Various obstacles followed, and even at the end, Nagato also saw the creatures in the form of karma cremation. These flame creatures were strange and strange, and they became stronger and stronger as Nagato progressed.

Only these can't stop Nagato's advance. After half an hour, Nagato finally came to the end of the sea of ​​fire.

Then, Nagato was surprised because he saw an ice barrier facing the sky!

Like a patron saint, it blocked the fire attack.

The ice of salvation is nothing more than that! ..

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