My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 11: Devour! Goblin!

To be honest, Nagato was really surprised.

Don't look at the way the red-haired boy walks all the way to take Yehuo seriously, but in the eyes of endless chaos and immeasurable beings, Yehuo has never been anything to wait for.

As long as ordinary creatures are contaminated with a trace of industry fire, it will definitely be a dead end.

The strong can resist, but if it is not strong to a certain degree, it will eventually be the end of annihilation, and even the usual small world can't bear the endless burning of karma.

Such a flame ignited in the world that the world had just opened up. According to Nagato's original prediction, no one in the entire alien world could resist it.

Only now, in front of Nagato, there was an ice barrier that blocked the endless fire!

"Oh, it's really interesting!"

A little surprise had disappeared. Longmen's face was filled with a smile of expectation, and he was moving towards the barrier. "If you can do this, you should not be an ordinary creature."

In anticipation, the red-haired boy almost turned into a tornado and made rapid progress in the sea of ​​fire.


As if irritated by the action of the long gate, the entire sea of ​​fire was rioted, and a surging wave of flames appeared, trying to devour the red-haired boy.


Feeling the increasing pressure around him, Nagato could not help but snorted.

Although Nagato also understands that the sea of ​​industry in front of him may just have the most basic spiritual wisdom, and does not know how to measure the gap between the enemy and us, but he is also somewhat dissatisfied with such ‘unintelligent’ behavior.

Immediately, the red-haired boy opened his mouth again, but this time, instead of exhaling again, he sucked hard.


The dragon's power directly invaded the lungs of the long gate, turning it into the lungs of the dragon. The roar burst suddenly, and the horrible attraction erupted from the mouth of the long gate, swallowing everything around.

The tornado around him collapsed for the first time, and was completely swallowed by the red-haired boy.

Afterwards, the invading karma did not escape this ending.

In less than a moment, the Nagato was transformed into a terrifying flame-eaten glutton, frantically devouring the industry fire, and the huge sea of ​​fire, with the red-haired boy as the center, forming a huge vortex.


In the moment when the whirlpool was formed, there was a cry of sorrow in the depths of the sea of ​​fire.

Obviously, even without complete consciousness, in the face of the action of the long door, the vast sea of ​​karma can still instinctively feel the deadly crisis.

Immediately, the entire sea of ​​industry was completely boiled, madly rioted and raged.

The industry fire is raging, surging hundreds of times. The life of countless industry fires rushed out of the depths of the sea of ​​fire. It looks strange and strange, and the number is tens of thousands.

These karmic fire lives are accompanied by the tide of karmic fire.

The horrible killing almost condensed into a substantial existence, which made people look terrified.

However, these are useless!


The red-haired boy just kept his eyes cold and increased his inhalation. The horror attraction that was originally filled in the vortex has increased hundreds of times out of thin air. Whether it is karma or the existence of karma, they are all swallowed in.

The gap between Nagato and the entire industry is really too large, and there is no comparison at all.

In this way, in the wailing sound of the declining consciousness of the entire sea of ​​karma, the huge karma was constantly absorbed into the abdomen by the long door at a rate visible to the naked eye.

Under the stimulation of the sea of ​​fire, the authentic origin of the body increased the pace of unblocking slightly.

Under such circumstances, the internal organs of Nagato's body have deepened the degree of dragonization.

The deepening of the dragon's degree stimulated the long door to continue to devour the industry fire.

In this way, Nagato's move almost claimed to be reincarnation!

Under such reincarnation, the red-haired boy only spent less than half an hour, swallowing all the flames entrenched here, leaving only a lonely void.

Soon, nothingness, gradually began to form space and time, evolved the concept of everything

Almost in no time, the barren world took shape!


After a light cough, the long door subconsciously felt the situation in his body, and a wry smile appeared in the corner of his mouth. "This is good, the speed of seeking the path will be accelerated."

As soon as the words fell, Nagato felt an invisible force blessing himself.

The red-haired boy was not surprised, because he was very familiar with this force, that is, luck, merit, and origin, or the care of the whole world.

Nagato swallowed the karma, which is a great graciousness for the whole world, and it is completely normal to be favored.

Only this time, Nagato had a strange feeling inexplicably.

"Thank you, it's a good feeling after all!"

Nagato didn't know if his brain was broken, he would have such emotions, but soon the red-haired boy temporarily suppressed such thoughts.

Because the ice barrier not far from the long gate cracked a long crack, and the sound shook the sky!


Nagato's field of vision looked at the crack, and then he saw that an extremely light figure slowly flew out of the crack and floated towards the Nagato.

It was a girl with a green ponytail carrying a pair of translucent wings. The girl's wings seemed to have gold strokes, and a blue dress with white lace was worn on her body, which seemed very suitable.

Nagato stood quietly in place, looking at the approaching girl, not knowing what was thinking.

I do n’t know if Nagato ’s gaze was too aggressive. The girl ’s cheeks quickly turned red at a rate visible to the naked eye, but even so, she still slowly approached.

Soon, the girl flew to the front door, landed on the ground, and bowed to salute.

"The big goblin has seen an adult!"

"Thank you, Master, for helping us solve the problem of Yehuo!"

It seems that the etiquette is a little stiff because of shyness, but the girl's voice is full of sincerity, excitement, and a little sadness, "Also, please come with me, my lord, the queen wants to see you."

"Oh, I seem to remember something."

Hearing the girl ’s words, Nagato ’s eyes narrowed slightly and opened his mouth softly, “If that ’s the case, then go and see, Goblin? Say, is this really your name?”

"" ..

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